Food Truck iPad Setup Checklist

Food Truck iPad Setup Checklist


  1. Asset Tag the iPad using SHDS standard Asset Tag

  1. Put the new iPad in a protective case.

  2. Onboard iPad to Jamf MDM

a.   These will not need and AppleID

b.    Set to update automatically.

c.    Enable location services.


  1. Complete iPad setup wizard (Enables Supervision in Jamf)

a.  Use the standard unlock code: 1-3-5-7-9-0

  1. In Jamf:

a.  Rename to “SHDS-<Serial number> - FoodTruck iPad <next number>”

b.  Update the Asset Tag field with the Asset Tag number you assigned the device.

c.  Set the user to the General Manager of the location that the iPad will be used at. In this case it will be Richard J Sheasley.  Kerberos = “Sheasley”

d.  Add to Static Device Group “Dining 3rd Party Vendor (Food Truck) iPads” in Jamf (Jamix & Risk Limiter iPads)


This will add the iPad to the “3rd Party Vendor iPad – Dining” configuration profile in Jamf.  This configuration profile will remove most of the stock applications that are loaded on the iPad.  

e.  Label the iPad (case) with the assigned name and the assignment, label the charging brick with assigned name.


iPad Configuration:


  1. In Jamf Self Service, make sure Beyond Trust remote support is installed.

  2. For Beyond Trust screen sharing to work you need to allow “Screen Recording”.  Go to the iPad settings, Control Center and make “Screen Recording” and included control.  This allows you to see the iPad screen when connected via Bomgar. 

  3. When you assign the iPad to the “3rd Party Vendor iPad” configuration profile by added it to the correct static group in Jamf, the Odyssey app should automatically install (provided that you have an internet connection on the iPad). Click on the app to open.  


  1. Go to settings, and set the URL to the Odyssey URL:


 Use this QR code and copy the URL…


  1. You can test with your Odyssey credentials, but Rich or Ligia will set the credentials to the correct terminal in Odyssey when they issue the iPad to the Food Truck (there are 14 Web sales terminals setup in Odyssey for Food Truck sales.

  2. If not already there, move the Odyssey icon to the dock for easy access. Also you can move the app to first page along with the Beyond Trust app.

 7. If you have the MSR Swiper (iMag Pro) connect it the iPad and make sure it’s working.  You can try swiping a card. 







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