How to Install Door Access Software
There is a folder in \\vulcan\master\Door Access Software with all the software for the Door Access team. Here are the instructions for each software:
Install Drivers
Copy Software folder to C:\ and create shortcut in desktop.
Install Drivers
Install Software
Install Software (Run KWTrueTouchINstall.exe and default options)
Open software. Click on Configure and KeyWatcher Server
Set the marked settings, click Add and close the window
Select the new server:
Lenel OnGuard 8.0:
IMPORTANT: If the Lenel installation is in a new computer that never had Lenel installed. Please follow the following instructions before starting to install anything:
Reserve the current DHCP address of that computer in Infoblox and set it as static.
Ask SysAdmin to add that IP address to alias in the firewall called “Lenel software installed”
After you get a confirmation that this is done, you can continue with the installation.
Pre-Requirement (Install NET Framework 3.5):
There is an issue installing this feature in 22H2, you need to follow the next steps:
Mount ISO located in \\vulcan\master\ISOs\Microsoft\Windows 10 ED\22H2
Open CMD as administrator and run dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:e:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess (if the ISO got mounted in a different letter than E:, change the cmd)
Dismount ISO
Lenel Software:
Mount ISO Onguard 8.0 and run setup.exe
Install all the necessary requirements
Accept Terms and Next
Choose Standard
Choose Client System
Use default settings and click Next (cancel the 2 following windows)
Set marked settings and click Next
Click Install
After the installation you will be prompted to Setup Assistant
In the Security Utility section, Apply settings.
NOTE: The Configuration Editor section should auto detect the user/password correctly but sometimes it fails. If this happens, uncheck the Windows app configuration box and type manually the password (basisBABY@)
In the LS Message Broker Service section, click Proceed
Click Close
Best WiQ Interface Portal Config Tool
Pre-Requirement (Install NET Framework 3.5 if not installed previously with Lenel):
There is an issue installing this feature in 22H2, you need to follow the next steps:
Mount ISO located in \\vulcan\master\ISOs\Microsoft\Windows 10 ED\22H2
Open CMD as administrator and run dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:e:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess (if the ISO got mounted in a different letter than E:, change the cmd)
Dismount ISO
WiQ Software:
Run as Administrator Setup.exe (IMPORTANT)
Accept Terms
Set the marked settings (password:basisBABY@)
Select Complete and Install
Before installing Wi-Q, Bonjour Print Services needs to be installed.
In the Bonjour Print Services windows, accept terms.
In the Installation Options windows, uncheck Create shortcut and Install.
Click Finish
After Bonjour Print Services is installed, Wi-Q installation will continue.
Click Finish
Run as Administrator the Config Tool shortcut in the desktop (IMPORTANT)
Type a new password. Normally for a fresh install we set: Stanley*1
After setting up the password, you will get an error prompt about Connection error. Click OK.
In the Connection String field, copy this:
Data Source=CHARON;Initial Catalog=AccessControl;Integrated Security=False;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;User ID=LENEL; password=basisBABY@
Click Test to verify everything works and Click OK.
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