Lenel OnGuard RabbitMQ Info
The Lenel OnGuard server uses RabbitMQ as a third part Message Queuing service. The service is installed as part of the OnGuard installation, but it can be re-installed if necessary. Below is info pertaining to RabbitMQ and how to access the Management Console on the hosting server SH-StanleyProdA.
The important services on StanleyProdA related to RabbitMQ are:
LS DataConduit Message Queue Server (should be started has local Stanley user)
LS-Message Broker service
The VHOST Message Queue is found here:
There is a PRTG sensor setup that is monitoring the RMQ message queue, just in case it spins out of control.
RabbitMQ Console:
To access the RabbitMQ console, you open a web browser on the localhost, and use this URL: http://localhost:15672/ Login as the admin user. OnGuard uses the “LenelRabbit” user which is configured in the OG System Admin application.
RabbitMQ documentation can be found here:
If you want to run RabbitMQ commands from the command line like rabbitmqcntl, you need to copy the .erlang.cookie from the rabbitmq directory (C:\ProgramData\Lnl\RabbitMQ) into your user profile home directory. Once that’s done you can open up and admin command prompt and execute rabbitmqctl from this directory: C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.8.18\sbin.
If you want to change the RabbitMQ Password in OnGuard:
Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.
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