How to sync Zoom Calendar with Outlook calendar

How to sync Zoom Calendar with Outlook calendar

This article show how to sync a Zoom calendar created by IT Campus with a current Outlook calendar so the users can see the daily meetings from the tablet in the conference rooms and start the Zoom meeting directly from the tablet.



  1. First, we need to update the Outlook calendar resource settings using Windows Powershell

    1. Start a Windows PowerShell using the “Run as different user”

    2. Enter your Admin AD3 credentials.

    3. Type Connect-ExchangeOnline

    4. Pick your Admin AD3 account


    5. Type Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity CalendarResource -AddOrganizerToSubject $false -OrganizerInfo $true -DeleteComments $false -DeleteSubject $false -RemovePrivateProperty $false. Notes: Replace the text CalendarResource with the email address of a calendar resource.

    6. Close Windows Powershell.

  2. Connect to Office On-Prem Admin Web (https://owa.ucdavis.edu/ecp/) with your Admin AD3 credentials

    1. Go to Mailboxes and find the Outlook Calendar

    2. Click in “More options”

    3. Edit the Custom Attributes and add value Zoom-Room in the custom attribute number 4.

  3. Once you completed the previous steps, we need to request IT Campus to add this Outlook calendar to Zoom via the following link request form: Zoom Room Calendar Add Request for OU Object

  4. Once the request is completed, go to the Zoom web console (https://ucdavis.zoom.us/location) login with your AD3 credentials.

  5. Click on group SHDS: Student Housing and click “Edit” in the Zoom room that you want to sync


  6. In the Room Profile tab (the one by default), scroll down until the section “Calendar”. Choose zoom@ucdavis.edu and type the email address of the Outlook calendar.


  7. With the last step, the Zoom Room is synced with the Outlook Calendar and you can close the Zoom web console.

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