CBORD GET Online Ordering, Background, Simphony Integration Setup

CBORD GET Online Ordering, Background, Simphony Integration Setup

GET Ordering Background

GET is CBORD’s online ordering application.  It can be used to send orders to a standalone printer, or it can integrate with Simphony to send orders to an order device defined in Simphony EMC.  In our environment, the GET Printing Service is installed locally on one of our POS systems.  That POS is SH-POS-030 (aka Segundo DC POS 1).  There is also a backup printing service installed on SH-POS-031, that is disabled (in the case that SH-POS-030 has an issue it can be enabled).  There are printers defined locally on the POS that hosts the GET Print Service.  Those are used for “GET direct printing”, which currently we are not utilizing, however we did utilize it during the Pandemic, and it’s possible we may use it again.  There is a specific printer that is used for GET direct printing (installed/hosted on SH-POS-030) and as well as GET/Simphony printing (defined in Simphony EMC). Integration is needed when the order needs to be sent to a KDS and/or other Simphony order device (sticker printer). 

Currently we are using GET/Simphony integration at Silo Peet’s and soon we’ll be accepting orders at Scrub’s Cafe and ARC Peet’s.  Currently GET only accepts Aggie Cash as payment, however we are looking activate Credit cards if we can get the ISO to sign off on the credit card handler (USAePay) PCI attestation.    

The GET expert at CBORD is Valerie Krause, VMA@CBORD.com  You can reach out to her with issues, however, it’s recommended to open a CBROD ticket. They can escalate to her if needed.

The GET Admin Site is: https://admin.get.cbord.com/GETAdmin/login 

The GET user login site is: https://get.cbord.com/ucdavisshds/full/prelogin.php   *Note you’ll need an Odyssey Patron account linked to your Employee ID to login.

There is also a GET app that can be downloaded on a mobile device.


GET Simphony Integration Setup

**Note some of this setup needs to be completed by a CBORD GET representative, but there are some setups that can be done by us in advance.  You’ll want to reach out to our CBORD REP Mike Gilbert (MJG@CBORD.com) if a integration is requested by Dining, so he can have a GET rep reach out to schedule a setup call. 

  1. Check Licensing:

At the Enterprise level of Simphony, under the “Setup” tab, Select Enterprise Parameters.  Under the License configuration tab you’ll see “Transaction Services License Count”.   A license is required for each GET/Simphony integration setup.  So each revenue center (RVC) that is configured for Get Ordering to be sent to a KDS or Simphony printer will need a license.  We currently have 3 purchased licenses, Silo Coffee, Scrubs, and Spokes. 

If you purchase another license, the count can be increased.  If more licenses are used than purchased we could be subject to auditing by Oracle, and subject to fees, maybe penalties.


2. Create a workstation:

The next step is creating a Workstation under the Property (ie “Retail 1) that the target Revenue Center (aka RVC) belongs to (ie Coffee Silo).  Select the Property, and under the setup tab, Hardware/Interfaces column, select Workstations.   Create a new Workstation record by selecting the insert button (Green plus icon).  Give the Workstation a unique position number.  The ‘Record Name’ will be set equal to the POS in the revenue center that will be hosting the GET routing service.  Make sure that the POS you choose is not a CAPs POS, and ideally not a Interface POS if possible.  Try to choose a basic POS in the RVC if possible.

Once the record is created, double click the record in table view, which will toggle to form view.  Under the General Tab: Set the ‘Workstation Type’ to ‘3-POSAPI Client’.  Make sure ‘Enable Simphony Transaction Services (Gen1) Location API’ is checked.  Set the Address/Host Name to the IP address of the target hosting POS.  The GET CBORD rep will need to know the Revenue Center ID and the Workstation ID.


  • Under the “Transactions’ tab, the ‘Default Order Type’ should be set to ‘1-Student’. 

  • If the KDS or printer that will be used for GET has already been defined, you can enable that device under the ‘Order Devices’ tab.  Otherwise, you’ll need to come back and do that once you’ve defined the order device. (See later instructions).


  • Make sure the correct RVC is selected under the ‘Revenue Centers’ tab.

  • Once you’re finished with all the Workstation setup, save the record.


3. Create a GET Cashier under the RVC

  • Next you will need to define a cashier under the RVC.  Select the target RVC beneath the Property, and under the ‘Configuration’ tab select ‘Cashiers’. 


  • Add a cashier and call it “GET_<RVC Name Here>, and save the record.


4. Create a GET User under Enterprise Users

  • Next you need to setup an Enterprise User under Employee Maintenance for GET to use.  Go to the Enterprise level (root) level by clicking ‘University of California Davis’.  Under the ‘Configuration’ tab, select Employee Maintenance beneath the Personnel column. 

  • Add an employee with a unique number with Last Name set to GET_<RVC_NAME> and first name set to GET. 


  • Once created, double click the new user to enter form view. 

  • Under the Employee Record section, select roles, and add a role.  Set the Zone/Location to Enterprise, and Role to ‘100-Cashier’ (just needs to be set to something). 


  • Next select “Property Summary”.  Add a Property for the user, selecting the appropriate Property (ie Retail 1).  Set Employee Class to be ‘100-Clerk Class’, set the ‘Revenue Center” to the target RVC (ie 103 – Coffee Silo).  The Employee class doesn’t really matter, but just needs to be set to something.


5. GET Printer and Order device Setup

  • GET will need to know what device(s) that it’s going to be sending orders to in Simphony.  However, when we originally setup GET w/o Simphony integration, GET was configured to print to a Bixolon printer defined in GET Admin for each RVC and installed on a POS that served as a GET standalone print server (Segundo DC SH-POS-030).  However w/ GET/Simphony integration we need to essentially bypass that printer, since we are going to be printing to a device defined in Simphony (ie KDS or Epson TM-90 sticker printer).  Since it’s likely that you won’t be using the default GET Printer, you will need to login to the GET Admin site and disable it.  The website for GET Admin is:

  • If you don’t have a login, reach out to somebody in Dining Services how does, so they can create an admin login for you. 

  • To disable the printer, go to Institutions → Merchants and select ‘Edit’ for the defined merchant that you need to update.  Next go to the Notification tab and under ‘Direct Printing’ uncheck the Active printer: 

  • If you’re setting up a new printer (ie sticker printer), you’ll need to define that at the appropriate Property level it is under.  Click on the Property you want, go to the Setup tab, and select Printers, under Hardware/Interfaces.  Add the printer, assign it to the Workstation Defined for GET (POSAPI Client).  The type for the Epson TM-L90 is “Ethernet Roll Printer”.  Define the IP address you have assigned to the printer and set the Port to 9100.

  • Once the Printer is defined, you’ll need to define it as an order device for the target Revenue Center.  Click on the RVC you are working on, and under Hardware/Interfaces, click ‘Order Devices’.  There are 32 available Order devices per RVC for configuration.  Choose an available one and assign it an Order Device Header.  For a printer, leave the Primary Device set to ‘0-Printer’, set the ‘Device Number’ to your desired printer (that was setup under the Property level).  You can setup a backup device (ie a receipt printer in the area of the GET Printer).  In order to set the Order Device Redirect, you must save your changes, close the Order Device tab, and then re-open it.  Then you will be able to set the Order Device Redirect to the Order Device Header that you defined previously.

  • To enable the Order Device, go to the Workstations for the Property you are working on, and Select the Workstation designated as the ‘3-POSAPI Client’ Type and double click to enter form view.  Got to the ‘Order Devices’ tab,  and check the boxes for the devices you want the GET orders to go to.  It may be both a KDS and a defined TM-L90 Sticker printer. 



6. Check items for correct Print Class setup

  • This setup is generally done by Dining personnel (like Mary or Ligia), but the way it works is that Menu Items are created in EMC under Menu Item Maintenance generally at the Enterprise level, and assigned to a Menu Item Class.  If you view the Menu Item Classes, you can see that they are all assigned to different Print Classes.  Print Classes are where the Order Devices are assigned, by number.  As mentioned earlier these settings are generally set at the Enterprise level in our environment, but of course can been overridden at the Property or RVC levels (but generally are not).  Order devices themselves are defined at the RVC level.


7. Get Admin RVC Setup

8. Testing & Logs

  • Using the GET app on a mobile device, you can place an order and form an open Revenue Center.  You’ll need an Aggie Cash account setup (speak with Ligia Lucha about that).  Once the order is placed, it should create a CHIT on the KDS, and print to the sticker printer if all is setup correctly.  If not, you’ll need to check the GET logs on the POS that the GET service is installed on, SH-POS-030 (Segundo DC POS 1).  You can attach to the register via the Windows admin share (\\sh-pos-030\C$), but you may need to enable the admin share first (there is a script on SCCM to do so).  The “MICROS_SIMPHONY_2.log” is the important one. 


  • You may also need to check the eGateway Logs on the POSAPI POS.

  • \\sh-pos-004\C$\Micros\Simphony\WebServer\wwwroot\EGateway\EGatewayLog  

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