Group CRN Creation Process
Group CRN Creation Process
Process for creating grouped crns for 2.1.x
- Select, Insert, Update, Delete rights on the COURSE_GROUPS table in the Sakai External Database.
- Determine the next group crn to use. You can find the current highest crn number by executing the following statement:
select max(group_crn) from course_groups;
- Create insert statements with the new group crn number and the crns to group. Inserts should be in the following form
insert into COURSE_GROUPS("TERM_CODE","GROUP_CRN","MEMBER_CRN") values ('char[6]','char[5]','char[5]');
insert into COURSE_GROUPS("TERM_CODE","GROUP_CRN","MEMBER_CRN") values ('200101','G9999','12345');
insert into COURSE_GROUPS("TERM_CODE","GROUP_CRN","MEMBER_CRN") values ('200101','G9999','23456'); - After executing the statements, be sure to commit the changes
, multiple selections available,