Course Management User Stories - Use Cases

Course Management User Stories - Use Cases

(IOR = Instructor of Record)
(CMA = CourseManagementAdministration)
(CMS = CourseManagementService)

assumptions or prereq's

Roles for instructors of different ilks

  • InstructorOfRecord
  • Instructor
  • TA
    ///need to look at whether only IOR can grade, if so then, other roles may need to be qualified more WRT grading

		Calendar startCal = Calendar.getInstance();
		Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance();
		startCal.set(2006, 8, 1);
		endCal.set(2006, 12, 1);
		String deptOrSchoolEid  = "Mythical Dept/School EID"; /// can we use college codes for courseset id's?
		String category = "L&S"; 
		String noParent = null;
		String courseSetTitle = "Inhumanities";
		String description = "This Department has a lot of courses in varying SUBJ codes";

		String academicSessionEid = "200710";
		String academicSessionTitle = "Fall QTR 2007";
		String academicSessionDesc = "Fall Quarter 2007";
		String canonicalCourseEid = "ENG 121";
		String canonicalCourseTitle = "ENG 121";
		String canonicalCourseDescr = "What more can be said?";

		cmAdmin.createCourseSet(deptOrSchoolEid, courseSetTitle, description, category, noParent);
		cmAdmin.createAcademicSession(academicSessionEid, academicSessionTitle, academicSessionDesc,startCal.getTime(), endCal.getTime());
		cmAdmin.createCanonicalCourse(canonicalCourseEid, canonicalCourseTitle, canonicalCourseDescr);
		cmAdmin.addCanonicalCourseToCourseSet(deptOrSchoolEid, canonicalCourseEid);

/// query for enrollment sets
		foreach enrollmentSet in enrollmentSets { 

			cmAdmin.createCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "English For The Toothless", "Finally a class for the tooth challenged.", 
		    academicSessionEid, "ENG 121", new Date("Sept. 26, 2007), new Date("Dec. 21, 2007"));
		    cmAdmin.createEnrollmentSet("20071021213", "Fall QTR 2007 Roster", "Fall QTR 2007 Enrollments", "L&S undergrads", "3", 
		                    "ENG 121 200710", null /* IORs to be added later */);

		  ///may need to make more unique ID's here, depending on impl details
		    cmAdmin.createSection("ENG 121 200710 001", String title, String description,
					"Lecture", null, "ENG 121 200710",

		  Vector officialGraderEids = new Vector();
		  List instructors = provider.etUserswithroles(new String[] {"InstructorOfRecord","Instructor", "TA"});
		  foreach instructor  in instructors {
		   role = provider?.getRoleInAuthzGroup(insructor);
		   Membership member =  new MemberShipCmImpl(instructor, role, CMA.getCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "active"}

		  cmAdmin.addOrUpdateSectionMembership(member.getUserId(), member.getRole(), "ENG 121 200710 001", member.getSTatus() );

		  cmAdmin.newSectionMeeting("ENG 121 200710 001", "Klieber 100000B", "7D839D00SA0S", "Meets next to the horse barn")

		 /// by convention UCD might adopt the strat of using an time object ID in the time string

		} // end foreach enrollmentSet in ...

1. Unique Course

Example: ENG 121 001 Smit

One course with one section for a term


CMA.createCanonicalCourse("ENG 121", "ENG 121", "What more can be said?");
CMA.addCanonicalCourseToCourseSet(deptOrSchool, "ENG 121");// can or should do both or not?

foreach enrollmentSet in enrollmentSets { 

  CMA.createCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "English For The Toothless", "Finally a class for the tooth challenged.", 
   + "200710", "ENG 121", new Date("Sept. 26, 2007), new Date("Dec. 21, 2007"));
  CMA.createEnrollmentSet("20071021213", "Fall QTR 2007 Roster", "Fall QTR 2007 Enrollments", "L&S undergrads", "3", 
                    "ENG 121 200710", null /* IORs to be added later */);

  ///may need to make more unique ID's here, depending on impl details
  CMA.createSection("ENG 121 200710 001", String title, String description,
			"Lecture", null, "ENG 121 200710",

  Vector officialGraderEids = new Vector();
  List instructors = provider.etUserswithroles(new String[] {"InstructorOfRecord","Instructor", "TA"});
  foreach instructor  in instructors {
   role = provider?.getRoleInAuthzGroup(insructor);
   Membership member =  new MemberShipCmImpl(instructor, role, CMA.getCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "active"}

  CMA.addOrUpdateSectionMembership(member.getUserId(), member.getRole(), "ENG 121 200710 001", member.getSTatus() );

  CMA.newSectionMeeting("ENG 121 200710 001", "Klieber 100000B", "7D839D00SA0S", "Meets next to the horse barn")

 /// by convention UCD might adopt the strat of using an time object ID in the time string

} // end foreach enrollmentSet in ...

2. Mutliple Sections with single IOR per section

ENG 299 001 Andrews

3. Multiple Sections with a IOR

ENG 220 001 SMITH 21214
ENG 220 002 SMITH 21215

4. Multiple sections with single IOR and with Ad Hoc grouping


Eng 240 001 Andrews
Eng 240 002 Andrews

Site 1

Eng 240 003 Andrews
Eng 240 004 Andrews

Site 2

5. Single Section with more than one IOR

Example: Eng 111 001 Andrews - Primary (p)
Smith - Secondary (s)

6. Mutiple Section with Mutiple IOR

  • a - one primary
  • b - mixed primary

Example: a
Eng 112 001 Andrews (p)
Smith (s)
002 Andrews (p)
Smith (s)

Example: b
Eng 112 001 Andrews (p)
Smith (s)
002 Smith (p)
Andrews (s)

7. Mutiple sections with mutliple IOR's and ad hoc grouping

To Do

  • a - one primary
  • b - mixed primary

Eng 212 001 Andrews (p)
            002 Andrews (p)

Site 1

Eng 212 003 Smith (p)

Site 2

8. Mutiple Sections Mixed IOR

To Do

  • a - one primary
  • b - multiple primary

Eng 212


Smith (p)





Eng 212


Smith (p)





9. Cross-listed – Single IOR

Eng 210 001 Andrews
Cse 210 001 Andrews

10. Cross-listed – Mutiple IOR

To Do

  • a - one primary
  • b - multiple primary

BIO 282 001

SALK (p)

200610 31621




VMD 161 001


200610 71818




11. Cross-listed – Multiple IOR and ad hoc grouping

BIO 282 001 SALK (p)
            002 SALK (p)

Site 1

VMD 162 001 CURIE (p)

Site 2

12. Cross-listed – Mixed IOR

BIO 284 001 SALK (p)

VMD 291 001 SALK (p)