Installing Sakai 1.5.0 on Windows -- short version
Installing Sakai 1.5.0 on Windows -- short version
Common Instructions
- Download the Sakai Source
- http://cvs.sakaiproject.org/release/1.5.0/src/sakai-src.zip
- Unzip to directory of choice (assume c:\sakai-dev)
- Download and install Java J2SE SDK version 1.4.2 or later
- http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html
- Right Click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables
- Add the system variable JAVA_HOME and set it to c:\j2sdk1.4.2_06 (the default install dir for the SDK)
- Download and install Tomcat version 5.0.28 or greater (Stay within the 5.0 series, as 5.5 requires a different version of the Java SDK)
- http://jakarta.apache.org/site/binindex.cgi
- Assume c:\Tomcat
- Rename the c:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT directory to \ROOT2
- Download and install Maven
- http://maven.apache.org/
- Create a file named build.properties in the Windows Home directory (c:\Documents and Settings\userid) and include the following: (NOTE that the slashes in the tomcat directory are forward slashes and that the entry requires a trailing slash)
maven.repo.remote = http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/,http://cvs.sakaiproject.org/maven/ maven.tomcat.home = c:/Tomcat/
- Add the maven /bin directory to the system variables path
- Right Click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables
- Select the System variable Path and add C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Maven 1.0.1\bin to the end. Separate entries with a semi-colon.
- Log off of the computer and log back on to reset system and environment variables.
- If updating from an older version, clean out the environment
- From the command line, navigate to the Sakai source directory
maven clean_env
- From the command line, navigate to the Sakai source directory
- Build Sakai
maven maven reg maven conf_db maven tomcat_context_windows
- Copy all files and folders from c:\sakai-dev\reference\src\usr_local_sakai\ to c:\usr\local\sakai
Don't delete all the files before copying – some files are placed here by maven in the previous step which are not included in the copy set.
HSQLDB Datasource
- Modify sakai.properties in usr/local/sakai as necessary
- Start Tomcat
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/portal
- Default username/password is 'admin/admin'
MySQL Datasource
- Download and install MySQL ver 4.1 or better
- If a firewall is installed, allow port 3306 access (MySQL uses port 3306 to connect).
- Create sakai database (from within mysql) Replace 'sakaiuser' and 'sakaipassword' with your desired username/password
mysql> create database sakai default character set utf8; mysql> grant all on sakai.* to sakaiuser@'localhost' identified by 'sakaipassword'; mysql> grant all on sakai.* to sakaiuser@'' identified by 'sakaipassword';
- Add the MySQL /bin directory to the system variables path
- Right Click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Environment Variables
- Select the System variable Path and add C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin to the end. Separate entries with a semi-colon.
- Log off of the computer and log back on to reset system and environment variables.
- Add the MySQL /bin directory to the system variables path
- Import the default table information into the Sakai database (from the command line)
- Navigate to the sakai-dev\reference\src\sql\legacy\mysql directory
mysql -u sakaiuser -p sakai < all.sql
- Navigate to the sakai-dev\reference\src\sql\legacy\mysql directory
- Download and install the JDBC connector
- http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/3.0.html
- Download the zip file
- From the zip file, copy only the mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar (mysql-connector JAR) file to the tomcat/common/lib directory
- Comment out the HSQLDB lines in sakai.properties file in usr\local\sakai
- Uncomment the MySQL lines in sakai.properties in usr\local\sakai
- Start (or Restart) Tomcat
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/portal
- Default username/password is 'admin/admin'
Adding the Help Tool
- Download the help tool from CVS
- From the root of the help tool, run
maven maven reg
Adding the Syllabus Tool
- Download the syllabus tool from CVS
- From the root of the syllabus tool, uncomment the appropriate line of ./tool/src/webapp/WEB-INF/components.xml which correlates to the target database:
<prop key="hibernate.dialect">net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>
- From the root of the help tool, run
maven maven reg
Using the file system for content hosting
Glen Golden has documented the changes necessary over in sakai-user
, multiple selections available,