Message Center has been failing load testing at significantly low loads. UC Davis will be investigating both the causes of this perofmance loss and seeking to resolve it.
SVN Revision Numbers
- r962 BugFix : SAK-238 : After creating a draft topic, and then revising it to a non-draft, regular topic, no 'Compose Message' button displays
- r947 BugFix: SAK-229 : story SAK-112 : Get error message if try to move a message from your Deleted box to any other
- r796 BugFix: UCD SAK-128 and SAKAI SAK-5945 : MsgCntr 'unread only' topic view render s blank rows for read messages
- r758 Merging r754 from sakai-core-2-1-x ( svn merge -r 753:754 https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/branches/sakai-core-2-1-x .)
- r752 Minor adjustment to cache service removing not needed sections in project.xml files
- r747 DiscussionTopicBean added hasMessages and markAllMessagesAsSelected
- r708 minor API changes in Message and Topic adding hasAttachments and hasMessages. Handle MessageForumsMessageManagerImpl.saveMessage for private messages.
- r703 adding caching for next and previous topic. Added removeAll API to cache service
- r700 addin topic and permissionLevel cache
- r689 adding caching on forum, message, and topic access level
- r693 use msgcntr specific ehcache configration file mc-ehcache.xml instead the global one
- r698 adding sakai cache service and use it in msgcntr
- r693 Use msgcntr specific ehcache configration file mc-ehcache.xml instead the global one.
- r689 Adding caching on forum, message, and topic access level.
Jul. 19, 2006:
- Conference call with Jarrod from IU, Jon, Beau, Thomas
- Took msgcntr v2.1.2 branch snapshot and imported it into our subversion instance
- Snapshot from https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/msgcntr/branches/sakai_2-1-2 @ r10832
- UCD snapshot location: https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/branches/msgcntr-2-1-2
- Applied http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/secure/attachment/12440/msgcntr-SAK-5111-2-1-x.diff to our msgcntr copy
Source Code
- Main Source: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/msgcntr/branches/sakai_2-1-2/
- UCD Snapshot: https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/branches/msgcntr-2-1-2
Discovery of potential problem areas:
, multiple selections available,