SAM Install notes

SAM Install notes

  • ..in the README.txt in the module root, the third step, reads:

3. Edit build.properties, modify appserver.deployment.dir so it points
to the correct tomcat webapps location, e.g.

appserver.deployment.dir=/usr/local/tomcat/webapps (in Unix)
appserver.deployment.dir=c:\tomcat\webapps (in Windows)

... this file should go in the user's Home by default.... and these definitions can co-exist with others (like Sakai's) since they don't have namespace overlaps. So, you can add them to the existing build.properties file.

  • ... the samigo.xml file has a template url in it ('db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:yourserver.stanford.edu:1521:sid').... add a '@' before the server so that it reads similar to this: