Deploying a SmartSite Test Release

Deploying a SmartSite Test Release


This has been updated for 2-5-x

Once a test tag has been made /wiki/spaces/UCDSAKAI/pages/120456414, it should be deployed.

As of this writing, smartsite-test has the following nodes:

  • sakaitest1 (headnode)
  • sakaitest2
  • sakaitestmail1

Setup of deployment

  • Start the deployment by building the test tag as follows on the headnode:
  1. ~/config-staging/tomcatclean.sh
  2. cd ~/src
  3. svn co https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-5-x-test-XYZ
  4. cd sakai_2-5-x-test-XYZ
  5. patches/scripts/apply-patches.pl apply
  6. mvn clean install sakai:deploy -P with-jsmath
  • Next step is to deploy the tag in the staging area
  1. cd $HOME/config-staging
  2. Delete any old tag directories
  3. svn export https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai-properties/tags/sakai-2-5-x-test-XYZ/sakai.properties
  4. If there are changes to either the toolOrder.xml or the jameskiller_whitelist.dat, run the respective command:
    svn export https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai-properties/tags/sakai_2-5-x-test-XYZ/toolOrder.xml 
    svn export https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai-properties/tags/sakai_2-5-x-test-XYZ/jameskiller_whitelist.dat 


  • Stop all nodes in the cluster by ~/bin/stop.sh and make sure all tomcat processes are dead (eg ps -ef | grep java| grep sakai)
  • On each node do(starting with the head node):
  1. cd $HOME
  2. ./config-staging/setup-sakai-node.sh
  3. cd $CATALINA_HOME/logs
  4. ~/bin/start.sh ; tail -f catalina.out
  5. Once sakai is fully up, test login and continue with the next node
  6. If we were in maintenance mode, then once all nodes are up, on each node exit out of the sakai user and run
    sudo /ucd/local/sbin/set_status.sh normal

After Deployment

  • Make sure all JIRAs associated with the tag have a fix rev of the tag, and that they are all in proper state.
  • Update MOTD under Administration Workspace to include new tag