Deploying ucd-gateway to test

Deploying ucd-gateway to test

General Information

This documents the general merge process of the UCD gateway's test branch.


  1. Make sure https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/ucd-gateway/branches/sakai_2-4-x-test is checked out and that the shell used is in the working directory.
  2. Look in JIRA for Com Bugs and Com Assets in the Ready to Migrate to Smartsite Test
  3. For each JIRA in this list:
    1. Identify JIRA
    2. Identify ucd-gateway trunk commit rev #
  4. In SVN revision ascending order
    1. Run command:
       svn merge -c <rev> https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/ucd-gateway/trunk . 
    2. Resolve any conflicts, hopefully is either Updated or merGed. Do not continue if conflicts exist. If conflict can't be found, check for commit with wrong JIRA, ordered commits, etc.
    3. Run command:
       svn commit -m "<JIRA ID> - merge: svn merge -c <rev> https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/ucd-gateway/trunk ." 
    4. Once committed, update JIRA with a comment with the previous commands(and execution results)
    5. Move JIRA to next step in workflow(migrated)
    6. Assign JIRA to QA/QC.

The ucd-gateway is updated periodically. See this page for details.