Tag Creation
Tag Creation
Tag Creation Instructions
Preparing tag for test
Figure out what ucd and what foundation revisions are needed:
- UCD: Most recent revision from this page for 2-3-x.
- Foundation: Provided by programmers.
- Additional module revisions as needed (for example, dav): Provided by programmers.
Create heading above most recent entry. For example:
h4. (i) Created sakai_2-3-x-test-029 2007-04-18 : UCD=r1244 FND=r20974 dav=r22183
Check each jira for sakai.properties changes.
Plug the version numbers into the groovy script and execute: Sakai_2-3-x.groovy (in Eclipse):
revisions.put('FND', '20974') revisions.put('UCD', '1244') revisions.put('dav', '22183')
Perform an svn copy of the 2-3-x branch to the next tag with comment. For example:
svn copy https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/branches/sakai_2-3-x/ https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-3-x-test-029/ -m "Creating sakai_2-3-x-test-029 : UCD=r1244 FND=r20974 dav=r22183"
Check out the first few files of the new tag and then hit Ctl-C
svn co https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-3-x-test-029/
Edit externals
export SVN_EDITOR=vi (or setenv SVN_EDITOR vi) svn propedit svn:externals sakai_2-3-x-test-029
Delete everything in the file that opens and replace it with the output of the groovy script.
Commit the changes:
cd sakai_2-3-x-test-029 svn commit -m "Adding revisions to externals : UCD=r1244 FND=r20974 dav=r22183"
- Look at Tuesday Code Migration Meeting Notes for items in Testing Completed or Awaiting Migration to Smartsite. Move anything from Testing Completed to Awaiting Migration to Smartsite that has passed QA and will be migrated that weekend. Only move things that say Passed without any issues. Unclear issues must generally be discussed at the next Tuesday meeting.
- One the smartsite-test-2.3.x page, mark the tickets that are being rolled into prod. Marking is done with the
- Note the revision numbers for the tickets we are marking.
- Open Eclipse with the Groovy merge scripts. Right click the project with the scripts and select Team->Update to make sure they are up to date.
- Open SvnCreateMergeCommands.groovy and update START_REVISION and END_REVISION. The revision numbers were noted above from smartsite-test-2.3.x. Where n is the lowest affected revision number and m is the highest affected revision number, set START_REVISION = n-1 and EDN_REVISION = m. Make sure to remove from excludeModules list anything that we are updating.
- Execute the SvnCreateMergeCommands.groovy by right clicking the code and selecting Run As->Groovy.
- Check out current prod branch:
or, if you already have the working directory for sakai_2-3-x-prod:
svn co https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/branches/sakai_2-3-x-prod/
svn revert -R * svn update
- Run the merge command generated by groovy. Do one tickets worth of merges before committing. For example:
/usr/local/bin/svn merge -r 955:956 https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sam/branches/sakai_2-3-x sam (Sometimes there are more than one but never merge more than one JIRA's merges between commits. Take notes and be careful to know exactly which merge you are on in this case) svn commit -m "SAK-587 : Samigo: SAK-6990 - Addressing incorrect password issue with timed assessments, timer erroneously starts on failed authentication : /usr/local/bin/svn merge -r 955:956 https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sam/branches/sakai_2-3-x sam" sam
- Update Change Management of sakai_2-3-x-prod page.
Note that the revision number is the result of the commit of the JIRA.
h4. r1261 2007-05-04 * SAK-587 : Samigo: SAK-6990 - Addressing incorrect password issue with timed assessments, timer erroneously starts on failed authentication ** svn merge -r 955:956 https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sam/branches/sakai_2-3-x sam
If mistakes are made in the merging process, note all affected revisions on the Change Management of sakai_2-3-x-prod page. It's important to cross reference, and put it in both affected places in case something needs to be pulled out. - Create a prod tag:
svn copy https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/branches/sakai_2-3-x-prod/ https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-3-x-prod-007 -m "Creating sakai_2-3-x-prod-007 : UCD=r1261 FND=r20974"
- Start to checkout the prod tag:
svn co https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucd-sakai/sakai/tags/sakai_2-3-x-prod-007
- Run the externals command:
svn propedit svn:externals sakai_2-3-x-prod-007
- Delete everything in that file.
- Run the SvnExternal_2_3_x-prod.groovy with proper revision numbers. Copy everything that results and paste into the empty file from above.
- Commit
cd sakai_2-3-x-prod-007 svn commit -m "Adding revisions to externals: UCD=r1261 : FND=r20974"
, multiple selections available,