Gradebook Collab

Gradebook Collab

UC Davis Gradebook Project


  File Modified

File gradebook_ucd_changes_2-1-x.patch all changes to gradebook from vendor branch creation of 2-1-x to r1018 of mware sakai-core-2-1-x-test

Oct 18, 2006 by Jon Gorrono (Unlicensed)

File gradebook_ucd_changes_2-1-x.log log of commits btwn r665 and r1018 mware sakai-core-2-1-x-test

Oct 18, 2006 by Jon Gorrono (Unlicensed)

File gradebook_ucd_changes_2.3-port.patch 2-1-x changes ported as-is to 2.3

Feb 02, 2007 by Jon Gorrono (Unlicensed)

The 2.3 port patch uses the same code structure as the 2-1-x code: just a port. But, it should be refactored to take the new ConfigurationService, community input, etc into account

gradebook_ucd_changes_2-1-x.patch contains Smartsite-specific changes to grading scales that may not apply ro CERE or others instances. After applying the patch (from sakai-src-root-dir) using

patch -p0 < gradebook_ucd_changes_2-1-x.patch

... revert the grading scale changes using

 svn revert -r gradebook/component-data 


Most of the settings in gradebook/tool/src/bundle/org/sakaiproject/tool/gradebook/bundle/GradeDownloadConfig.properties and the adjacent Messages.properties files should work for CERE:
export_course_grade_gradebookid_column_name=Site Id
export_course_grade_siteprovider_column_name=Provider Id
export_course_grade_sitetitle_column_name=Site Title





... except of course the last one will be changed from ips.ucdavis.edu to my.ucdavis.edu for production.

Worth noting that in Messages.properties there is a filename template property:

... the first one is an example of adding two course meta-data separated by a dash

The uncommented one is the one we are using and results in a file name like course_grade-2006-10-89911.csv where 2006-10-89911 is the provider id for the course. This is what final grade submission uses to id the course after looking for the pattern in the filename.

... unfortunately, this is also the download filename... so if you wanted to change that to make it more friendly-looking, it might break the 'enterprise submission' ... 

  1. Phase One
    1. Course Grade Download Phase 1
    2. Course Management Final Grade Import
  2. Phase Two
    1. Course Grade Download Phase 2
  3. Phase Three
    1. Course Grade Download Phase 3

Sakai Gradebook Modifications Specification

Porting UCD Gradebook changes to 2.3

Test Plans

Meeting Minutes


Sakai Gradebook Documentation

Ray / Owen Suggestions

Online Documentation

Sakai Foundation Gradebook Requirements

REQ-2: Configurable Grade Export
REQ-76: Numerical Final Grades
SAK-1471: Two different export options in Gradebook - UNCLEAR
SAK-2927: Allow configuration control over what fields are exported to csv for final grade

UCDavis JIRA issues
