Sakai 2.1.x Multi-CRN Site Support
Sakai 2.1.x Multi-CRN Site Support
Sakai 2.1.x Multi-CRN Site Support
- The external database must provide a representation of groups of crns.
- The external database must map crn groups to a fake crn.
- Fake crns must inhabit a namespace that will not conflict with Banner crns.
- All sakai-specific views must provide usable records referencing fake crns.
- The roster view for fake crns must provide the enrollment from all grouped crns.
- The instructor view for fake crns must provide the set of all assigned instructors.
- The course batching mechanism and course providers must retrieve the fake crns and their accompanying data.
In order to provide a multi-crn strategy, a new table must be created to record groupings of "real" crns under one "fake" crn. This table will then need to be added to the query logic of all views that are affected.
New Table:
term_code char(6)
group_crn char(5)
member_crn char(5)
Affected Views:
- ucdsakai_course_instructor
- ucdsakai_roster
, multiple selections available,