Detailed Instructions on Melete Bulk Export

Detailed Instructions on Melete Bulk Export

Melete Bulk Export from 2.1.x

Melete Bulk Export of Modules out of UC Davis Production 2.1.x Sakai

  1. Login to https://smartsite.ucdavis.edu:8443/portal as a user with administrative privileges
  2. Navigate to a site with the Modules tool
    • 'Message Center Test Course' is as good as any – you can get to it through Worksite Setup
  3. Click on Modules in the tools menu
  4. Click on Manage in the menu at the top of the tool screen
  5. Click on Export/Import on the screen that comes up
  6. Click on BULK EXPORT!!!
    • You should now be prompted to save or open a file called Monster.zip – save it to your local machine in a reasonable place
    • Downloading this file will probably take 16+ minutes. DO NOT click 'stop' in your browser. The connection should be held open.
      • (warning) You will see errors. Almost entirely IdUnusedExceptions – these are melete modules for sites that have been deleted, so we don't need to export them.
      • (warning) If for some reason the connection should time out (which it shouldn't)
        • You should be able to login to the production box and navigate to the directory /var/melete/
        • This directory should contain an approx 66Mb Monster.zip – download it to your local machine through sftp
        • (error) If the file is substantially smaller than 66Mbs, then it's possible that the operation did not complete correctly. The best option in that case would be to try downloading it again through Smartsite

Once you have Monster.zip on your local machine, if you want to triple-check, you could unpack it to verify that it contains approximately 150 zip files. These are named by site id. Since we're exporting and then importing to the same exact instance, this works. Don't get freaked out by the fact that these ids are generated. They're not going to change when we migrate the database.

Some additional testing in smartsite-test

  • Ideally, now that you have your Monster.zip, you will verify that everything worked by bulk importing it to the smartsite-test server. Thomas is going to bring this down and clear the Melete tables before the Upgrade, so it should be available

Bulk import to test environment (this is very similar to the above directions)

  1. Login to https://smartsite-test.ucdavis.edu:8443/portal
  2. Navigate to a site with the Modules tool
    • 'Message Center Test Course' is as good as any – you can get to it through 'Worksite Setup'
  3. Click on Modules in the tools menu
  4. Click on Manage in the menu at the top of tool screen
  5. Click on Export/Import on the screen that comes up
  6. 'Browse' to Monster.zip on your local file system.
  7. Click BULK IMPORT!!!
    • (warning) This may take quite a while – 10 minutes+
    • Don't worry too much about the time, as long as the browser is still thinking – again, DO NOT click 'stop', but if you do, don't worry. You can watch the import progress in the catalina.out log
    • (warning) You will see errors. There will be at least one stack trace – this is normal. A lot of the errors are old screwy courses and project sites – in the case of the site 'cbb72c7d-759c-4d4c-0036-dbc95d78d383', which is BIS 1B A01 SpSu06 there is a missing file in one section on prod that was throwing an error on import – I've 'touched' this file now, so it may work better

(warning) Acceptable errors also include the 'No site found, can't unpack' – these are mostly training sites that got created on prod after we made the dump to test.


(warning) In Melete 2.3 the old 'Module', 'Unit', 'Lecture', followed by a number will no longer appear when viewing the modules, either in 'View' or 'Author' mode. They removed this functionality in favor of greater flexibility for the user.

(warning) If you don't seem to be able to click on a given link in the View screen, verify that the End Date is not earlier than today! If it is, then the content is no longer accessible.

  • Here are some sites you might want to check to make sure everything looks okay
    • BIS 1B A01 SpSu06
    • UWP 102E 001 WQ 2007
    • LIN 023 009 WQ 2007
    • FAP 266B 001 WQ 2007
    • COW 102 100 W06 (These are all unviewable in 'View' because the date has passed)

Next steps!

There are also some Detailed Instructions on Melete Bulk Import, but you are going to have to wait until Production is migrated and back up before messing with those.