SmartSite Database Upgrade Process from Caje to Hammer
SmartSite Database Upgrade Process from Caje to Hammer
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- channel: #ucdsakai
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Steps for DBA's
Maintenance Window
- Date: May 13, 2008
- Time: 05:00 to 07:00
Upgrade Process
- (05:00 Joncarlo) Prevent any client access to SmartSite via iptables and redirect clients to a maintenance/outage page
- We need to allow access from dedicated IPs:
- PORT 8443:
- (thomas)
- (thomas)
- (zoidberg: vpn, terminal server)
- (kirk)
- (james)
- (sandra)
- (jon)
- (mike)
- (DC)
- (DC)
- (DC)
- PORT 9000:
- IPs :
- PORT 8443:
- We need to allow access from dedicated IPs:
- (05:01 Thomas) Stopping sakai on smartsite production nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6)
- (05:05 Prabhu)
- Prabhu's DB Migration Tasks
- Backup Caje Sakai internal DB
- Restore Caje Sakai internal DB on Hammer Sakai internal DB
- Change LDAP entry for ldap://oraldap1.ucdavis.edu:389/sakai and ldap://oraldap2.ucdavis.edu:389/sakai to return the connect string for hammer instead of caje
- local.properties JDBC connect string:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://oraldap1.ucdavis.edu:389/sakai,cn=OracleContext,dc=ucdavis,dc=edu ldap://oraldap2.ucdavis.edu:389/sakai,cn=OracleContext,dc=ucdavis,dc=edu
- (05:45 Thomas) Startup sakai on smartsite production nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6)
- ldap service name change in local.properties: '/sakai'
- (06:00 Kirk, Sandra, ...) Start testing/verifying SmartSite
- Monitor catalina.out for errors on all application nodes during this step
- (06:30 Kirk, Sandra, ...) Decide if we go into production using Hammer
- (07:00 DC Operations) Adjust iptables on all nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6) to allow public access
Fallback Procedure (If needed)
- (06:30 Thomas)
- If we decide to go back to caje, stop sakai on smartsite production nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6)
- Revert LDAP connection string so that it points at caje
- Startup sakai on smartsite production nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6)
- (07:00 DC Operations) Adjust iptables on all nodes (sakaiprod1, ..., sakaiprod6) to allow public access
, multiple selections available,