Implementation Plan April 13, 2010
Implementation Plan April 13, 2010
[Note, the fallback release is April 17, 2010]
• Kirk Alexander
• Sandra Stewart
• UC Davis programming team
• rSmart programming team
• server: irc.freenode.net
• channel: #ucdsakai
During Maintenance Window
Pre Implementation tasks
- (rSmart team) check out Gradebook 2 tag 1.2.0-rc3
- (rSmart team) apply the following patches (to "gradebook" and "gradebook2" modules, respectively):
- https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/gradebook2/tags/1.2.0-rc3/sakai/2-6-x/gradebook-upgrade-1.1.x-to-1.2.x.patch
- https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/gradebook2/tags/1.2.0-rc3/sakai/2-6-x/gradebook2.patch
> cd gradebook > patch -p0 < ../gradebook2/sakai/2-6-x/gradebook-upgrade-1.1.x-to-1.2.x.patch > cd ../gradebook2 > patch -p0 < sakai/2-6-x/gradebook2.patch
- (rSmart team) If you're starting from a database run the following database script (doesn't include commit statement) – if you're using the same database you used for 1.2.0-b1, then skip this step.
- (rSmart team) add the maven environment property -Dsakai2.6 to your mvn alias
- (rSmart team) ensure that the open session in view filter tags are placed in the web.xml file for GB2
- (rSmart team) ensure that the servlet being wrapped is the "sakai.gradebook2.dispatcher" servlet THIS HAS CHANGED
- (March 16, UCDavis team) attach code for duplicate sections fix patch (sak-3144) to RSN: 3986-8306816 ticket.
- (March 16, rSmart team) build patch for RSN: 3986-8306816 on smartsite-test.rsmart.com.
- (March 22, rSmart team) build, subversion tag 1.2.0-RC3 on smartsite-test.rsmart.com
- (March 29, rSmart team) build Final Release Candidate, subversion tag 1.2.0-RC3 on smartsite-test.rsmart.com
note:we may have several gradebook release candidates prior to the production release on April 13.
During the Implementation rollout
- (5:00am to 5:05 am, rSmart) Place SmartSite into maintenance mode.
- (5:05am to 5:20am, rSmart) rSmart will
- Check out Final Release from our subversion for Gradebook 2, tag 1.2.0-RCn.
- Build Final Release Candidate on smartsite-prod.
- Retrieve attachment from RSN: 3986-8306816 ticket and apply to SmartSite prod.
- (5:21am to 5:25am, rSmart) rSmart will bring up one node, still in maintenance mode, for QA verification.
Content and Function Verification Testing
- (5:21am to 6:00am, UCDavis) QA will verify that the system has been successfully upgraded by doing the following:
- QA test plan tbd
- tba
- (6:01am – 6:15am, rSmart and UCDavis) Team will decide go or roll back.
Vote on our readiness to bring the system back up
- (6:16am – 6:17am rSmart and UCDavis) Team to vote on readiness to bring the system back up assuming we’re going forward. See rollback section for retreating.
Release the system to public
- (6:35am – 6:45am, rSmart) bring up all application servers.
- (6:46 am – 6:47am, rSmart) will release application to public by reapplying normal mode.
- (6:48 am – 6:50am, UCDavis) QA/PM will send email notification to our SmartSite community to say the system is back up.
- (6:50 am – 6:52am, UCDavis) Project or Program Manager will change the MOTD.
- (6:32 am – 7:00 am) To be determined by rSmart.
- (List the first step in rolling back)
- list other steps
- (6:41 am – 6:50am, UCDavis) QA will log in and verify that the fix has been removed by doing the following:
- to be determined
- to be determined
- (6:51 am – 6:55 am, rSmart) will bring up the application
- (6:56 am – 6:57am, rSmart) will release application to public
- (6:58 am – 7:00am, UCDavis) QA/PM will send email notification to our SmartSite community to say the system is back up
- (6:58 am – 7:00am, UCDavis) Project or Program Manager will change the MOTD.
, multiple selections available,