Bits and Bytes June 7 2006

Bits and Bytes June 7 2006


Surf's up with IET Summer Computing Services
Issue date: 6/7/06 Section: Science & Tech

Congratulations on making it through the year! For those preparing to leave campus or wondering which computing services will be available this summer, here's a little something for everyone.

Create your own website
Join the SmartSite summer pilot. SmartSite is a soon-to-be-released campus online collaboration system. It has a whole host of useful tools, including discussion boards, chat rooms, wikis and more that can help you organize clubs and study groups, as well as manage internships, research projects and dissertations.

By fall, some of your teachers might be using the same tools to organize classes. Perhaps you'll be able to show them the ropes. For information or an application, e-mail smartsite-info@ucdavis.edu. Spots may be limited; first come, first served.

Access MyUCDavis faster
To check grades, print transcripts, register for fall classes or just check the weather, visit MyUCDavis, which has made some big improvements. On May 19, the MyUCDavis team at IET completed a multi-phase server upgrade. Before, the portal generated its main page in 2.51 seconds on average. Now, the average is 1.08 - almost 60 percent faster.

Use IET Services on campus
Campus wireless will be available all summer. Check wireless.ucdavis.edu for coverage areas and access instructions. The computer rooms will almost all be open, although several are reserved for summer courses and advising. For details and hours, visit clm.ucdavis.edu/rooms and select "Computer Room Schedule 2006-2007."

The campus Computing Help Desk in 182 Shields will be open for tech support all summer. Contact the consultants by calling 754-HELP, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., or you can drop in from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Forward Geckomail
For those just graduating, e-mail can be forwarded to a new account. To continue receiving e-mail from your UC Davis account, sign up using the free e-mail-forwarding service and enter the external e-mail address you choose (e.g., user@yahoo.com). You won't be able to access Geckomail or send e-mail from your UC Davis e-mail address, but you will get messages at the forwarding address. Visit emailforwarding.ucdavis.edu.