Known Issues Page Content

Known Issues Page Content

SmartSite Known Issues Page

Documentation page for Collecting Current Issues SAK-1444
as/Corey, I'll record observations directly in this page, in this color.  I also corrected some spelling/typos, NOT colorcoded(smile)  nancy w

Topics & Tools

Operating System


Current Workaround

Date Discovered

Fix expected



Users off campus cannot access SmartSite if their Internet provider or firewall blocks port 8443.

Edit the URL by removing the "8" from "8443" or open this port in the firewall.


No estimate



Assignment draft sharing is not available.

- workaround might be for IOR to open assignment for VERY short time (so hopefully students wouldn't access it, title could include the word "draft") to allow access for TA/editor, whatever, and then close or remove it to stop student access?


No estimate



The system will not upload multiple responses from the same student.

- default is one submission. currently there is no "allow multiple submissions" option when creating an assignment.  the IOR can allow additional submissions but it's on a one-by-one basis in each student's record....select grade (whether or not there has been a submission) for the assignment, select the student and check the allow resubmission box.  cumbersome if you want to allow multiple submissions for a large class.


No estimate



When using Firefox, the Chat tool will not display a large chat sessions (Firefox hangs in a loop)

- still true.  PC/firefox works, mac/safari works.  mac/leopard/firefox loads large chat ok and mouse scroll button can scroll up/down ok but when you reach the end of the chat window, browser hangs.  same w/outer frame scroll bar.  want to also verify on mac/OSX/firefox but -test server died.  I'm ASSUMING that since it doesn't work on leopard - newer and better than OSX - that it also doesn't work on OSX.


No estimate

Customizing Tabs


As users participate in more and more sites they will find that not all their active sites can be displayed on the gold tab bar at the top of the SmartSite screen.

Be sure to look at the drop down list at the right of this bar labeled "More" to access any sites that appear to be "missing." Change the order of tabs by going to MyWorkspace->Preferences->Customizing Tabs.
correct as far as it goes. I think the ability to add/remove sites from the tab list should also be mentioned...for folks who REALLY have a lot of sites...like me...and don't want an endlessly long list.  sites infrequently used but still needed could be added or removed from dropdown on a quarterly basis, for example.   also mention ability to re-order the sites in the dropdown..below.


No estimate

Finding Sites


As users participate in more and more sites they will find that not all their active sites can be displayed on the gold tab bar at the top of the SmartSite screen. Students, if you are unable to find a course site, please confirm with your instructor that they will be using SmartSite. Not all instructors create sites for their courses.

Be sure to look at the drop down list at the right of this bar labeled "More" to access any sites that appear to be "missing." Change the order of tabs by going to MyWorkspace->Preferences->Customizing Tabs.
see comment above.


No estimate

FCK Editor (Rich Text Editor)


Rich text editor (FCK Editor) does not work with Safari.

Use Firefox until the June 2008 system upgrade.


June 2008



The "Calculate Course Grade" process is irreversible in that once the button is clicked those assignments that were not submitted yet will have their points set to 0 and this will affect the overall course grade and the class average.

correct.  it might also be noted that grades added after calculate course grade will still update all applicable fields.  if grades or assignments are added AFTER calculate...the un-graded submissions will be null until graded or calculate is run again.  this was an area of confusion in some of our testing...if this is unclear, ask me(smile)


June 2008



Students see category grades without a decimal place (please add the specific page mentioned by Lisa where this happens)

- I can't verify this??  tried changing grades for student to precipitate decimals in category and it always shows for IOR and student as whole number%.  checked assorted GB settings and still can't do it.  course grade shows as 2 decimal places, balance as 1 (which is what I entered) for IOR and student view.  


No estimate



The Enter Grades as Letter Grades option in Gradebook is not available.

Use points or percentages to determine course grades.

August 2007

June 2008



One must use alpha-numeric characters for file and folder names

- is this still true?  I just created files and folders with a check mark, copyright symbol, music note and foreign language characters as names and it worked.  but I'm testing on the smartsite-test server.  maybe production is different?
2-7-08 - no...I just created folders on production w/characters above.  it worked there, too.


No estimate


Windows Vista

WedDav is not functional in Windows Vista.

Download a patch from Microsoft to enable the WebDav function.
Description of the Software update for Web Folders:
Download: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=17C36612-632E-4C04-9382-987622ED1D64&displaylang=en


No estimate

Site Duplication and Importing


Forums do not get copied in site duplicates, site imports or archives

-past testing on-test server experience, this is correct. 


No estimate

Site Duplication and Importing


Schedule redirects and content are not duplicated or imported



No estimate

Site Duplication and Importing


Module content is not duplicated or imported (though it can be exported/imported separately as a work around)



No estimate

Site Duplication and Importing


The Duplicate Site function in Site Info correctly copies information as per above. However it also copies the source site's enrollment and roster assignments which may not be desirable. 

Please look closely at the information displayed in Site Info after performing a duplicate and contact ITExpress to request a change for any Roster/Participant assignments that you cannot change yourself. You may find it easier to use the "import from site" function during or after making a clean new site instead.
as/recent testing on smartsite-test, participants/rosters do NOT import when duplicating a site.  past testing has assignments coming in as drafts.  verified both are still true today.


No estimate

Test & Quizzes


How to I allow a student to retake a quiz?

Click on Scores for a quiz. Then Click on Submission status. For any student listed that cannot already re-take the quiz (e.g. she/he hasn't submitted yet already, there aren't already remaining takes allowed to that student.) then the Allow Retake link will appear on the Submission Status page. Clicking this will make the quiz re-appear for the student.
the instructions above bear no resemblance to reality for me, on -test or production server?!?!  in MY reality, in settings for the test, you select the number of submissions allowed.  once the test is published this is unalterable.  nowhere can I find anything that allows an IOR to allow a test re-submission by a student.  in the instructions listed above, I have no allow retake option on the submission status page??  the re-submit that I'm aware of is in assignments, on a student-by-student basis (see 3rd topic above).
as/Kirk, I'll change his instructions above to better resemble reality - after I work on the problem some more to make sure my instructions will work reliably.  I'm waiting for a response from him for a question, then I'll update....
my instructions would be, pending approval from Kirk -
THIS HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE THE TEST IS PUBLISHED!  once the test is published, the settings/submissions parameters cannot be altered, so no re-takes will be allowed.
create the test as usual.  in settings, to allow the potential for re-takes for students... in submissions, define the number of attempts allowed.  then you must select late submissions will be allowed and tagged as late during grading (even if no due date is defined).  publish the exam to allow student access.  once a student has taken the exam the allowed number of times, to allow the student to re-take it, the IOR should go into tests & quizzes, select scores for the desired quiz and click on submission status.  for any students who cannot re-take the quiz (status is no submission or the student has reached the maximum tries allowed), an allow retake link will appear.  clicking on this link will make the quiz re-appear to the student, after the IOR accepts the allow retake? question.


No estimate