User Profiles

User Profiles

List of upcoming user profiles for the homepage

1. Current Page Production Page

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?"
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

2. 3rd week August

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?" or another question if appropriate answer.
    o Battisti
    o Clarke
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

3. 1st week September

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?" or another question if appropriate/better answer.
    o Cross
    o Hirtz
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o Battisti
    o Clarke
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

4. 3rd week September

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?" or another question if appropriate/better answer.
    o Davis
    o Magliano
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o Cross
    o Hirtz
    o Battisti
    o Clarke
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

4. `1st week October

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?" or another question if appropriate/better answer.
    o Huntzinger
    o Ostertag
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o Davis
    o Magliano
    o Cross
    o Hirtz
    o Battisti
    o Clarke
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

5. 3rd week October

  • For the front page, short profile, answering "what advice do you have for new users?" or another question if appropriate/better answer.
    o Lange
    o TBA
  • Rollover User Profiles Page:
    o Huntzinger
    o Ostertag
    o Davis
    o Magliano
    o Cross
    o Hirtz
    o Battisti
    o Clarke
    o De Korsak
    o Froh
    o Holoman
    o Keen
    o Shackel
    o McDonald
    o Kiskis

Process for rotating user profiles:

  •  LeeJay will create a Past Profiles page with 5 older profiles.
  • SmartSite's homepage will have two new profiles (starting with those featured in the recent IT Times) every two weeks.
  • Profiles recently featured on the homepage will be added to the Past Profiles page.