Public Sakai Web Site
Public Sakai Web Site
Public Sakai Site: Planning Framework
This section can be downloaded and printed: Sakai Public Web site at a Glance (doc)
Public Sakai Mock-Up (Please Contribute)
Target audiences:
- Primary audience: Faculty interested in using the system
- Secondary: Any member of the UC Davis community (and beyond) interested in learning more about the new Collaboration and Learning Environment
- Help faculty prepare for the roll-out:
- Help faculty determine if they are ready to teach using the new system
- Introduce tools available and potential uses in support of research and teaching
- Provide the ability to practice with course and project sites
- Provide access to portfolio of prototypes and resources
- Feature faculty case studies and testimonials (from pilots)
- Indicate where to get help and more information
- Familiarize the campus community with the project
- Outline the history of the system's development at UC Davis, including recent information about the campus move to Sakai and involvement in the Sakai Project.
- Explain the enhancement and development process (e.g., process driven by feedback from faculty, staff and students; suggestion-gathering and prioritization process; roles and membership of committees; etc.)
Provide access to background materials, articles and news - Post regular updates
- Enable visitors to interact with the system
- Introduce the look and feel of the new interface
- Feature demos, short online tutorials that demonstrate how some features work. Ex: find out how you can use the new assignments tool to post and accept assignments; use the announcements tool to send messages to students' email addresses; or post and respond to messages using the discussion tool.
- Provide venues for getting involved
- Orientation and training sessions
- Etc.
Public Sakai Site Structure
- News / Announcements / Updates
- Welcome!
- Purpose of site
- Short introductory description of Sakai, answering the question: "What is this and why should I care?"
- The basic plan for release as we see it.
- Pilot to Simultaneous to MyUCDavis Retirement
Recent discussion items from discussion board
Recent changes on wiki
- Sign up for mailing list to receive current updates and progress.
- The basic plan for release as we see it.
- Expanded description of Sakai
- Background of the Sakai project
- Objectives
- Reasons for change
- Collaborative nature
- Using the tools developed by other universities.
- UC Davis' contributions: Gradebook/Guiz Builder/ SCORM.
- Evolution:
- Unified strategy: Extendibility/Expandability
- Collaborative nature
- Reasons for change
- Pilot testimonials
- Podcasts
- Profile people in various ways from the pilot project. Get them to fill out questioners for profiles and record their voice for podcasts.
- Promotion with appropriate words:
- Simple, quick, private, secure, easy-to-use
- A Customizable PowerPoint presentation.
- Include a promotional, informational presentation for powerpoint that can be customized to fit the needs of other departments.
- Encourage certain department representatives to become champions of the Sakai project and give presentations.
- A letter from the provost expressing excitement and dedication to the project.
- Sakai in the news
- List of features
- Short description
- Expanded description
- Examples of application to real life classes.
- Short description
- Features comparison chart.
- Sakai
- MyUCDavis
- Feature demonstrations
- Real examples of tool functionality from the usage in the pilot project.
- Professor spotlights
- Highlight real life uses/success stories of the collaborative nature of Sakai tools.
- Professor spotlights
- List of the different kinds of sites users will be able to create.
Play with Sakai tools
- Link to a semi-moderated wiki sandbox
- Online discussion board
- General discussion
- Suggestions
- Support
- Wiki sandbox for those wanting to experiment with the collaborative nature of Sakai.
- Introduction to "wiki" with examples of ways the user can begin fiddling with these tools.
- Suggestion box to promote effective feedback.
- Growth thus far
- Focus on the success of the pilot program and the FMFP. Encourage people to join the pilot project by letting them know these people get to make suggestions / enhanvcements to the system by explaining their wants and needs.
- Where we are.
- What's in store for us in the near future
- Join the Pilot Project
- Schedule of meetings
- Acquire or become an ET Partner
- Suggestion box
- Attend workshops
- Department presentations
- Encourage college wide presentations with accurate and current information that can be readily copied of the TIMELINE page.
- Faculty Mentoring Faculty Program
- Oversight Committee
- IET/VetMed/School of Med
- The Least You Need to Know
- Do's and Don'ts list.
- Student Users Guide
- Faculty Users Guide
- Student Quick Reference Guide
- Faculty Quick Reference Guide
- FAQs based on our research that can be expanded by adding questions to as they go through the listserv system and wiki.
- IT Express
- Remedy - Resolution System. All users will eventually transfer here for support.
- Faculty Support Group
- Orientation and Classes
- Online event sign up form using the Sakai calendar tool.
- Contact Us
- Email and Telephone of related departments.
- Browser requirements
- Glossary of terms
- MyWorkspace
- Project Website
- Course Website
, multiple selections available,