Short Testimonials Podcasts and Transcripts
Campus administration:
Provost Hinshaw:
Why Sakai is important for UC Davis, what she likes about it
Peter Yellowlees:
How Sakai fits in the larger vision for e-learning at UC Davis, why he made the decision to pursue Sakai for UC Davis; why the partnership with Vet Med, SOM, etc.
Caroline Bledsoe:
Why CCFIT has endorsed and strongly recommended campus adoption of Sakai
Personal experience with the system
Jan Ilkiw:
Vet Med's perspective, importance for the school, how are they using it; response from faculty and students
Dan Cotton
School of Medicine's perspective, importance for the school, how are they using it; response from faculty and students
Joe Kiskis:
Emphasize relevance to the WASC recommendations
Personal experience with the system
Faculty Pilot Participants:
Ask each to comment on their experience with the system
Ann Orel:
Why Sakai was considered superior to other options the CCFIT CMS group looked at; extent to which recommendations from the group have been met (or will be)
Personal experience with the system
ET Partner students:
Ask each to comment on their experience helping faculty during the pilot; why they feel students will love it, how students can help champion this system and why
Davis Honors Challenge students
Ask each of the students who worked on the DHC project to comment on their experience with the system, why they feel students will love it, how students can help champion this system and why
ASUCD perspective
CCFIT reps, Rob XYZ (participated in student focus group)
Graduate student perspective
CCFIT GSA reps, Babak