SmartSite Provider QA Test Plan

SmartSite Provider QA Test Plan


Testing date:


Scope of testing

This document is designed to guide Quality Assurance in the functionality testing of the provider mechanisms within SmartSite. The functionality of the provider mechanisms, as detailed by the given test cases in this plan, are driven by the functional requirements at :http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Providers.

Additionally, the level of involvement by QA, system administrators, and programmers will be detailed for each test case.

Purpose for this testing

The purpose of this test plan is to regression test the provider functionality, which in SmartSite includes:


  1. Support for WebDav authentication (via Kerberos)
  2. Provide user account information (e.g. first,last,email,type) from outside data source (e.g. feed from Mothra)


  1. Assign roles to users who log in to SmartSite that correspond to Sakai internal roles (e.g. Student, Instructor) when applicable. These roles need to be queried from an external data source (e.g. Banner mViews), so that authorization can be determined in real-time.
  2. Define the sites a user belongs to when they log into SmartSite.


  1. Retrieve dynamic rosters for courses, including updates within specific time interval. Roster updates from Banner need to be displayed in the SmartSite application within a pre-determined acceptable time period as defined by the user acceptance testing group.
  2. Display current instructor(s) course sites and display them as members in the course with appropriate role
  3. Display site membership changes in a course site, including instructor adds/removals/updates


Previously determined bugs have been fixed for this testing, they were identified as the following. They are also summarized in the table of Jiras referenced in this test plan.

  • Realms not refreshing frequent enough
  • Rosters not accurate with Banner
  • Drops not showing in SmartSite UI
  • Known (not fixed) issue #1 for Resources tool (e.g. using WebDav), is that when a file is uploaded to the system, metadata is written to the database before the file is stored on the file system. This is a feature of Sakai, which was detected during some resource discussion re:AFS file storage. For this reason, a resource may "seem" to be updated correctly, and listed in the resouce tool however the content cannot be seen. An http 404 error is thrown (No page can be found). This error is NOT fixed for this testing, just a known issue for Case 1a.
  • Known (not fixed) issue #2 is that whatever user that creates the sites when logged in is placed as a member in the site. Therefore, if ssbatchadmin created sites then the roster for such sites may appear off by 1.
  • Known (not fixed) issue #3 is that the instructor presented in the member list is not presented first. This is a default sorting behavior within SmartSite and will not be fixed.
  • Known (not fixed) issue #4 http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-202 is that the instructor presented in the member list may be still listed even if they have been "replaced"

JIRAs that explain features and past bugs fixed, to be tested in this plan

Summary of the Jiras related to this test plan, which have been fixed:
BATCH TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-184 (1000 row limit on associations (realms) for sakai internal query)
BATCH TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-185 (term abbreviation and term description do not match in site information tool)
PREVIOUS PROVIDER TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-197 Support and Training web link should be present, going to gateway site on sakai2
PREVIOUS PROVIDER TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-201 authz group refresh interfering with batching of courses, noticed in provider integration testing
PREVIOUS PROVIDER TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-124 (Banner rosters not in sync with SmartSite UI)
PREVIOUS PROVIDER TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-125 (drop student from Banner and not reflected in SmartSite UI)
PREVIOUS PROVIDER TESTING BUGS FIXED:http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-132 (realms not refreshing fast enough in the providers)

JIRAs that reference test scenarios, "QA Tests" described in this test plan

http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-155 When users log into Sakai, their user information is looked up externally in Mothra, LDAP, or some other central datasource for campus
http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-156 User logs into Sakai, and sees the tabs associated with their enrollment (roles) in courses from Banner, as well as sites internally defined in Sakai (e.g. projects)
http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-157 Course information must be pulled dynamically from Banner, within Sakai
http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-154 User is able to used WebDav in Sakai, with their Kerberos username and password


  • Hardware Setup



Server Type



bricker.ucdavis.edu with banner-test (external db), and sakai dev (internal db)


hanley.ucdavis.edu, sakai-dev

web server



population of data referenced

2006 Fall Quarter Banner Test data (external), and clean sakai internal database with exception of necessary login accounts and manual sites created)



Server Type



bricker.ucdavis.edu with banner-test (external db), and sakai test (internal db)


isaac.ucdavis.edu, sakai-test

web server



population of data referenced

2006 Fall Quarter Banner Test data (external), and clean sakai internal database with exception of necessary login accounts and manual sites created)

  1. Note: The application does not need to be stopped for these tests to occur


  • All UCDavis Providers (UserDirectoryProvider, GroupProvider, and CourseManagementProvider) will be enabled to allow user accounts to be looked up automatically via kerberos name
  • Distributed authentication using AFS should be enabled (SAK-143)
  • Sakai-test (Sakai-dev for integration testing) database will be a either a clean copy or a copy of existing production data, so sakai-test will have to be backed up prior to testing,
    Pradhu or Geeta will be contacted to schedule this.
  • We will be referencing sakai-test (banner test external, mViews..) for populating course data


  • Testers (QA,students etc)*
  • Admins and SmartSite Programmers
    • Any of the following persons that may be available:
      ***Application admins (Programmers available, including Thomas, Lisa W., James, Brian, Jon G., Scott)
      ***Database/system admins (Geeta Rayala, Chris Callahan)
      ***Banner admins (e.g. Libby Bullock)

*All of the above users will have access to the admin realm in Sakai, in addition to:



Unit Test Results

The JUnit tests results that have been previously run on sakai-dev (isaac) are at:
In summary, all unit tests passed!!

Integration Test Results


This SmartSite Provider QA Test Plan will be coordinated by Pat Kava, with assistance from the programming group (e.g. Scott Amerson), and will document the results of QA testing. It is assumed that all bugs have been documented by the programming group as issues before handing off to QA.

Steps involved in the test process will be varied depending on the given test performed (as described below in the Test Cases section).

*NOTE: The order of the test cases will be as follows.

Preliminary Case (0a): Accessing server
Preliminary Case (0b): Login access via DistAuth
Preliminary Case (0c): Login outside of DistAuth (e.g. internal account)
Preliminary Case (0d): Accessing admin functionality

Case 1: User Directory Provider
1a) Web Dav authentication
1b) User directory lookup functionality

Case 2: Group Provider
2a) Roles in courses verified by tabs
2b) Realm refresh via browser refresh button

Case 3: Course Management Provider
3a) Rosters from Banner viewed by instructor and administrator role in site
3b) Adds/drops of students from Banner seen in SmartSite UI
3c) Roster details accurate (e.g. kname, role, etc)
3d) Instructor changes for a course seen in participants list for a site


Key for Test Case Scenarios

Description = description of the test performed
Category of Testing = the described testing is at what level?
Prerequisite Steps = actions needed before performing any of the given tests


Case 0 #Access,Login Test Cases

Case 0a

Setup Test Case Scenario 0a, Accessing test server

Description = Test the capability of the user to access the test server

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps

Test Scenario 0a

  1. go to http://sakai-test.ucdavis.edu in your browser

Test Cleanup

Test Results 0a

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Access to SmartSite,

Pat Kava





Case 0b

Setup Test Case Scenario 0b, Logging into test server via SecureWeb (DistAuth)

Description = Test the capability of the user to log into the test server using their valid kerberos name

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
User has valid kerberos name
If not, go to http://computingaccounts.ucdavis.edu to set one up

Test Scenario 0b

  1. go to http://sakai-test.ucdavis.edu in your browser
  2. user will click on login link on rhs

Test Cleanup

Test Results 0b

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Login to SmartSite, (DistAuth)

Pat Kava


logged in, user in "Users Present"

logged in, name in "Users Present"


Case 0c

Setup Test Case Scenario 0c, Logging into test server via SmartSite's internal accounts

Description = Test the capability of the user to log into the test server using a valid SmartSite account

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
User has valid account name, password known

Test Scenario 0c

  1. go to http://sakai-test.ucdavis.edu/portal/xlogin in your browser
  2. user will enter username and password given
  3. User will use admin account name
  4. User will use QAAdmin account name
  5. User will use sakaistudent1, etc.??

Test Cleanup

Test Results 0c

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Login to SmartSite, SmartSite account

Pat Kava


logged in, user in "Users Present"

logged in, name in "Users Present"


Case 0d

Setup Test Case Scenario 0d, Logging into test server via SmartSite's internal admin account, seeing necessary tools

Description = Test the capability of the user to log into the test server using a valid SmartSite admin account and see SU Tool, and other admin functionality

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
User has valid admin account name, password known

Test Scenario 0d

  1. go to http://sakai-test.ucdavis.edu/portal/xlogin in your browser
  2. user will enter username and password given
  3. User will use admin account name
  4. View site information for a given site (e.g. see Sites link in Admin workspace)
  5. User will logout of admin account
  6. User will use QAadmin account name
  7. Become a user using SU Tool
  8. Logout of using SU Tool

Test Cleanup

Test Results 0d
For scenario 0d, the following actions:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Login to SmartSite, SmartSite admin account

Pat Kava


logged in, user in "Users Present"

logged in, name in "Users Present"


Login to SmartSite, SmartSite admin account

Pat Kava


see admin workspace

see admin workspace


Login to SmartSite, SmartSite admin account

Pat Kava


see Sites link

Sites link accessable


Logout of SmartSite, using logout link

Pat Kava


logout happens

logout happens


Login to SmartSite, using QAadmin account

Pat Kava


logged in, user in "Users Present"

logged in, name in "Users Present"


See SU page link

Pat Kava


SU page/tool available

SU page/tool accessable


SU as some instructor using SU Tool

Pat Kava


SU by "View User Info" first, then "Become User"

SU happens correctly, become user


Logout of SmartSite, using logout link

Pat Kava

SU'd person

logout happens

logout happens


Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


SmartSite admin account tools available

Pat Kava


administrative tools available

administrative tools work


All Results for Case 0

Results for Setup Provider Tests


Case 1 #UserDirectorProvider Test Cases

WebDav Testing, Case 1a

Description = Test the capability of the UserDirectoryProvider to provide Kerberos authentication for WebDav

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps

  1. One file must be uploaded via the Resources tool prior to using WebDav

Test Scenario 1a, WebDav

  1. Log in as any user having access to any site
  2. Follow WebDav instructions based on instructions in Resource area
  3. * Use "Manage Multiple Resources" link in Resources tool to access WebDav
  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines

Test Cleanup

Test Results, Case 1a WebDav

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


WebDav authentication

Pat Kava


authentication happens, file uploaded available for viewing, etc.

authentication occurs, file access available for upload/download


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-154

User Lookup Testing, Case 1b

Description = Test the capability of the UserDirectoryProvider to provide information about an externally provided user via the SU Tool

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps

  1. SU tool available to tester

Test Scenario 1b, User lookup functionality

  1. Log in as any user having administrative access (access to admin realm)
  2. Use a given kerberos name available via test data (e.g. instructor)
  3. Enter kerberos name, and click "View User Info"
  4. Verify user information from whois.ucdavis.edu and/or email.ucdavis.edu
  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 1b, User Lookup functionality

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


User information verification

Pat Kava


look up user with valid kerberos name

User's name, email address and "registered" type are valid


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-155


Case 2 #GroupProvider Test Cases

Case 2a, Group Provider Tabs test

Description = Test the capability of the GroupProvider to provide tabs for a user based on their enrollment/membership in sites

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps

  1. Site user is a member of must be already created prior to test (via Batch)
  2. User must be a member of the sites in order to see the tab
  3. If user is an externally provided one, then they must be in either the external database (Banner) or already in the internal SmartSite database

Test Scenario 2a, Tabs

  1. Log in as in Case 0d, but become the user and don't log out
  2. Log in instructor for a given site site (see test data in CourseManagementProvider test section)
  3. View tabs presented for sites available, and only those that you are a member of and have been created will appear
  4. Stay logged in for case 2b

-Additional step for programmers (Case 2ai), verify that data presented in tabs matches server log data-

  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 2a, Tab functionality

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Site tab check

Pat Kava


site tabs xxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx seen

all sites seen that have been created prior to logging in


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-156

Case 2b, Realms refresh test

Description = Test the capability of the AuthxGroups to be updated more frequently than default OOTB

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps

  1. Site user is a member of must be already created prior to test (via Batch)
  2. User must be a member of the sites in order to see the tab
  3. If user is an externally provided one, then they must be in either the external database (Banner) or already in the internal SmartSite database

Test Scenario 2b, Realms refreshing

  1. Staying as user from Case 2a, record the site tab that is highlighted
  2. Brian Donnelly or Scott Amerson will add a user to this given site, through the external db (by adding a user this way, the 15 minute refresh doesn't have to occur to see the end results)
  3. Scott will notify Pat Kava of what user has been added to the course externally
  4. Pat will verify that by hitting the browser refresh after 5 minutes elapsed since update, that the user added appears as a member in the site

-Additional step for programmers (Case 2bi), verify that authz refresh is happening via the log output, and at what intervals-

  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 2b, Realm refresh functionality

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Authz check

Pat Kava


user xxxxx seen in roster?

user xxxx seen in SmartSite, site yyyyy roster after 5 minutes


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-132


Case 3 #CourseManagementProvider Test Cases

Possible Test Data

Possible data set to use for CourseManagementProvider Tests, carried over from Batch Testing

CRN Type

Term code - crn


instructor kname

Course info


CRN with no enrollment



fzduts (Dennis Dutschke)

ITA 198 S01 Dir Group Study

Summer Special Session 2006

CRN with large enrollment number


84 (all valid knames)

ewlarsen (Eric Larsen)

LDA, 190 , 001, ProSeminar

Winter Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment


14 (all valid knames)

calymos (Calvin Lymos)

AAS, 154, 001, University Gospel Choir

Winter Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment



ltcmwc (Mark Connelly)

MSC 141 002 Army Mngmt Systems

Spring Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment


10 (all valid knames)

eschang (Ernest Chang)

NPB 141P 001 Res In Physio Adapt

Spring Quarter 2006

Additional data set to use for CourseManagementProvider Tests, using Fall Quarter 2006 data

CRN Type

Term code - crn


instructor kname

Course info


CRN with enrollment



jordi, (Donald Palmer)

ARE,200A,001,Microeconomic Theory

Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment, no inst





Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment, no inst





Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment




GEL,025,001,Geology National Parks

Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment





Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment, no inst





Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment



palmer, (Joaquim Silvestre)

MGP,223,001,Power and Influence

Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment



hemantb, (Hemant Bhargava)

MGP,207,001,Mgmt Info Systems

Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment, no inst, no enrollment




ECS,298,017,Group Study

Fall Quarter 2006

CRN with enrollment, no inst, no enrollment




SAS,097T,000,Tutoring Sci & Society

Fall Quarter 2006

Case 3a, Roster View Tests

Case 3a, Roster View Test

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, the roster from a site administrator perspective

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
Current roster given to QA for respective courses to be tested

Case 3a, Roster view, admin or instructor

Test Scenario, Case 3a

  1. SU as instructor as given by Case 0d, and for this case use kerberos name palmer.
    Data Used

    CRN Type

    Term code - crn


    instructor kname

    Course info


    CRN with enrollment



    palmer, (Joaquim Silvestre)

    MGP,223,001,Power and Influence

    Fall Quarter 2006

    roster to be given
  2. Verify roster is same as given
  3. Do same as above for the admin user. Note, if the admin user is not a member of the site, then you will not see a tab. You will need to go to "WorkSite Setup" and click "Revise" to see roster information.

Case 3b, Roster Update Tests

Case 3b, Roster Update Tests (student add(1), student drop(2))

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, students added to a Banner roster within an alotted time period

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
*Current roster given or available to QA for respective courses to be tested
*Courses with test CRN's are created either by batch list or full batch mode

Case 3b(1), Roster add

Test Scenario 3b(1), Roster Add

  1. Coordinator will talk to Libby about adding:
    student pidm (2204701), kerberos name kdas to CRN (2006-10-)28142
    student pidm (163004),kerberos name larivers to CRN (2006-10-)28142
    student pidm (163004),kerberos name larivers to CRN (2006-10-)26423
  2. Record times when updates start, and when they are finished
  3. Wait until external db refresh happens, based on recorded time(s)
  4. Coordinator will advise testers when update has occured
  5. Log in as instructor for one of these courses, and click Site Info to view updated roster adds above

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, students dropped from a Banner roster within an alotted time period

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
Current roster given to QA for respective courses to be tested

Case 3b(2), Roster drop

Test Scenario 3b(2), Roster Delete

  1. Coordinator will talk to Libby about adding:
    student pidm (1107630), kerberos name dclu dropped from CRN (2006-10-)13185
    student pidm (2218507), kerberos name djf27 dropped from CRN (2006-10-)32457
  2. Record times when updates start, and when they are finished
  3. Wait until external db refresh happens, based on recorded time(s)
  4. Coordinator will advise testers when update has occured
  5. Log in as instructor for one of these courses, and click Site Info to view updated roster deletes above
  6. Log in as kerberos names above, see if any 2006 Fall tabs show up
  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines if there are additional updates from list of available sites above.

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 3b(1),3b(2), Roster update functionality

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Roster add check

Pat Kava


roster added with Student xxxxx

Roster added with Student kerb name


Roster drop check

Pat Kava


roster changed with Student xxxxx removed

Roster changed accordingly with kerb name xxxx removed


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-124

Case 3c, Roster Accuracy Tests

Case 3c, Roster Accuracy Tests

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, members in a Roster (site member) list

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
*Current roster given or available to QA for respective courses to be tested
*Courses with test CRN's are created either by batch list or full batch mode

Case 3c, Roster accuracy check

Test Scenario 3c, Roster accuracy

  1. Find Fall Quarter CRN available from the list above, one with roster
  2. Log in as instructor for one of these courses, see roster appears
  3. Verify roster with that of MyUCDavis website
  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines if there are additional updates from list of available sites above.

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 3c Roster check

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result

Expected Result

Expected Result

Expected Result


Roster check

Pat Kava

instructor x

site has accurate number of members

site has accurate instructor kerb name, user name

site has accurate students kerb name, user name

Format correct for member list

Member list formatted correctly


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-124

Case 3d, Instructor Change Tests

Case 3d, Instructor Change Tests (instructor add(1), instructor remove(2), instructor change from staff(3))

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, instructors added to a Banner course within an alotted time period

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
*Current roster given or available to QA for respective courses to be tested
*Courses with test CRN's are created either by batch list or full batch mode

Case 3d(1), Instructor add

Test Scenario 3d(1), Instructor Add

  1. Coordinator will talk to Libby about adding:
    instructor uid (612026), kerberos name jordi to CRN (2006-10-)10013 (mfharris is previous instructor)
    instructor uid (610902),kerberos name palmer to CRN (2006-10-)10033 (oluwa is previous instructor)
  2. Record times when updates start, and when they are finished
  3. Wait until external db refresh happens, based on recorded time(s)
  4. Coordinator will advise testers when update has occured
  5. Log in as the respective instructor for one of these courses, and click Site Info to view updated member list (instructor) above
  6. Record other instructor represented in course, given by [] above

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, instructors removed from a Banner course within an alotted time period

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
Current roster given to QA for respective courses to be tested

Case 3d(2), Instructor remove

Test Scenario 3d(2), Instructor Delete

  1. Coordinator will talk to Libby about removing:
    kerberos name mfharris (148041) from CRN 10025 (mfharris was only instructor, now should be Staff)
    kerberos name fzturner (610916) from CRN 10024 (fzturner was only instructor, now should be Staff)
  1. Record times when updates start, and when they are finished
  2. Wait until external db refresh happens, based on recorded time(s)
  3. Coordinator will advise testers when update has occured
  4. Log in as instructor for one of these courses, see if site tabs for CRNs appear
  5. Log in as admin, see if instructors appear for courses

Description = Test the capability of the CourseMangementProvider to accurately reflect within the SmartSite UI, staff removed from a Banner course, and replaced with another instructor within an alotted time period

Category of Testing = functionality,regression

Prerequisite Steps
Current instructors given to QA for respective courses to be tested

Case 3d(3), Instructor added in place of staff

Test Scenario 3d(3), Instructor added, Staff Removed

  1. Coordinator will talk to Libby about adding:
    kerberos name mfharris (148041) to CRN 10037 (mfharris should be only instructor, replacing Staff)
  1. Record times when updates start, and when they are finished
  2. Wait until external db refresh happens, based on recorded time(s)
  3. Coordinator will advise testers when update has occured
  4. Log in as instructor mfharris for one of these courses, see if site tabs for CRNs appear
  5. Log in as admin, see if instructor appears for course
  • Data to Be Used:
    QA determines if there are additional updates from list of available sites above.

Test Cleanup

Test Results Case 3d(1),3d(2),3d(3) Instructor update functionality

Would yield an example Summary Test Result of:



User Acting As


Expected Result


Instructor add check

Pat Kava


CRN xxxx added with instructor xxxxx

Instructor added to list


Instructor remove check

Pat Kava


CRN changed with instructor xxxxx removed

Member list changed with kerb name xxxx removed


Instructor change staff to instructor check

Pat Kava


changed staff for course 2006-10-10037 to instructor kerb name mfharris

Member list changed with kerb name xxxx removed


results: Recorded in Jira http://jira.ucdavis.edu:8080/jira/browse/SAK-202

Recording Results

The test results will be recorded in Jira by QA testers. They can be of table form or text form.

Feedback Mechanism

The above results will be analyzed by the QA team, SmartSite programming team, and SmartSite management to determine the quality of code. Results of this test should be discussed as near to the Monday and/or Code Migration meetings when available.