Building Sakai with externals

Building Sakai with externals

Setting up Sakai to build with external repositories (directories)

Sakai src
svn client
Linux OS
EDITOR environment variable set (e.g. vi)

Jon Gorrono showed me a way to build Sakai, and include externals in the build so that one can use maven and Eclipse to include external repositories.

1. Assume sakai-src is located in /my/sakai/sakai-src. in the sakai-src folder, issue the command(s):
svn propedit svn:externals .

This will edit the root directory to add exernal repositories. Once you are in vi, you can add lines like the following (tab separated items in the line):
ucd-form-based-distauth https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/somesakairepo

This file takes the form of:
module name repository name

2. create a .externals file in sakai-src. This is for Eclipse. Add the same repositories and name like above.

3. svn update from your sakai-src directory. You should see your sourceode downloaded.

4. If you don't see changes occur, svn cleanup from the sakai-src directory may help.

5. Importing projects into Eclipse, you should see that your externals source is present.