Aug 8, 2006

JIRA summary

Scott reassigned a bunch of JIRA's (from Kirk)  

There were new user stories introduced on Monday... need to flesh them out: custom (manually created) sites with providers

  • 'Define Roles for Sakai SAK-37'
    • need meeting with Techs, Business and clients (Andy Jones?) to define these
  • For bugs that are going to be deferred to the Foundation, put a note to that effect in our JIRA
  • make sure to sort jira reports by priority
  • jira filters
    • critical, blocker, etc
    • all sakai
    • release planning

outside input needed

  • communicate to others that the bugs thru remedy first
  • need periodic process meetings surrounding bug and feature routing reports
    • initial topic: prioritization

  1. what did you do yesterday?
  2. what are you going to do today?
  3. what are the impediments to what you are trying to get done today?
  • Scott Amerson
  1.   Talked with Jon about CM stuff and other stories
  2.   AFS
  3.   setting paths to find dynamic C libraries from within java, working with Brian
  • Thomas Amsler
  1.   Message Center
  2.   Message Center
  3.   Message Center
  • Brian Donnelly
  1.   CM website docs
  2.   CM docs and some CM code, maybe some webservices design for AFS
  3.   some way to handle resouces links page (has a plan: not really an impedement)
  • Jon Gorrono
  1.   Met some with Scott about stories he has, Lisa,
  2.   Samigo
  • Lisa Wilson
  1.   Yeah! Imported Question Pool record, woo hoo?
  2.   Samigo: import a full pool maybe
  3.   Will need prioritizing, knowlege about code migration (test) and to collab