Aug 9, 2006
XP Schedule Changes and Updates
- Welcome new programmer, James Renfro!
- We'll meet every day (except Thursdays) @ 2pm everyday
- Each Friday meeting we'll decide on the next person to take notes for a week will be
- Same person who does notes on XP's is the same person who brings up/monitors JIRAs for the week.(brings to the meetings)
- what did you do yesterday?
- what are you going to do today?
- what are the impediments to what you are trying to get done today?
- Scott Amerson
- Â runtime native libraries referenced for afs, static classes to get Tokens created, etc
- Â rebuild afs, jvm configurations and LD_LIBRARY_PATH references, see what Eclipse is doing
- Â jvm settings
- Thomas Amsler
- Â Message Center, jProfiler load testing before/after changes monitoring (memory load, 17 million + objects created, 120 messages).. caching, API changes to MsgCenter
- Â GC modifications, java.library.path settings
- Â jvm, library path
- Brian Donnelly
- Â work with Scott on AFS, export on course website stuff, mViews on RAC (version control of scripts possibly)
- Â work more on mViews issues
- Â gcj problems (similar to Scott). Eclipse references etc/config for Ubuntu, which is incorrect.
- Jon Gorrono
- Â went through JIRAs, SCORM questions
- Â Samigo performance evaluations (JSF, nested pool allowance), some AFS
- Â none
- James Renfro
- Â Drove up from LA
- Â System setup
- Â figuring out what's needed to get Sakai running, system up, etc.
- Lisa Wilson (absent)