How is the campus using SmartSite?
How is the campus using SmartSite?
- Goal: Facilitate the creation of SmartSites
- How many course sites are created per quarter? (Establish baseline from Fall 2006, set dates for updating stat; CO; due ASAP)
- How many project sites are created per quarter? (Establish baseline from Fall 2006, set dates for updating stat; CO; due ASAP)
- What is the number of course and project sites by audience (faculty, staff, undergraduates, graduate students) per quarter?
- Goal: Increase the use of basic site tools? (Proposed questions)
- Draft: How many sites have resources larger than
- How many sites have an email archive with 10 or more messages?
- How many course sites submitted final grades using Gradebook per quarter?
- How many course sites have at least one "Test and Quiz?"
- Draft: How many sites have resources larger than
- Goal: Facilitate the creation of SmartSites
, multiple selections available,