Preparing Departments

Preparing Departments

Preparing departments:

Communication objectives:

To introduce the new system to departments, it will be critical to cover three main points:

  • Identify departments/programs with existing e-learning practices, elearning-friendly cultures, etc. and present in those areas
  • Use pilot successes to illustrate benefits to faculty and departments
  • Develop departmental liaisons who can sell the vision to and train their own faculty. This includes working closely with TIF and TSP members in academic departments, as well as with the FMFP.

Communication tactics:

Seminars for administrators.

In many instances, department heads and deans, especially those who have been out of teaching for a while, are not cognizant of the real issues behind faculty adoption of technology and development of e-learning. This is a tough audience, but a critical one, and some consistent plan needs to be implemented to bring this group on board. A subset of CCFIT representatives (e.g., Senior Advisors, deans, chairs) could be helpful in addressing these issues. A basic goal is for faculty to perceive that adoption of the system is desired by their unit and is not at the peril of their own research.

Institutional buy-in.

Equally important will be the need to ensure the Chancellor, the Provost, and the Council of Deans and Vice Chancellors are apprised regularly of the objectives for the implementation of the new system and its progress. Buy-in and ongoing support from the campus senior administration will be critical to the success of this roll-out. All should be aware of the national and international interest in this area.