Archive of Confluence Updates
Archive of Confluence Updates
Archive of Updates to the Sakai Communications Confluence Area
- Added "What can I DO with Sakai?" to "IT Times, Summer 2006" and filled in added information per KA's request about the personal uses of Sakai not directly related to teaching.
- Reminder of Tuesday's IT Times planning session (4/25) added to IT Times, Summer 2006
- reminder re: IT Times planning session (bring ideas and identify faculty who can help plan)
- Added "Public Sakai Mock-up" to archive/organize/prepare Public Sakai Site copy text for completion.
- Sandra added a comment to "Implementation Timeline Summary for Fall 2005 - Winter 2007" making a distinction between public and private timeline content.
- Sandra added a comment to "Communications," clarifying support strategies.
- Sandra added a comment to "Training and Support: Strategy and Tactics," clarifying several of the support related questions mentioned in the document.
- MG will incorporate Sandra's comments into the document next week.
- Renamed "Training Implementation and Events" to "Sakai Demos" on "Support and Training." http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Support+and+Training
- Added "Implementation Timeline Summary for April-December, 2006" from KA. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Implementation+Timeline
- Clarified "Podcasts" on "Public Sakai Site Needs and Responsibilities Matrix" to move focus to faculty pilot participants and ET Partners. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Site+Needs+and+Responsibilities+Matrix
- Added examples of things to add to the new implementation timeline uploaded by Kirk. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Implementation+Timeline
- Uploaded NOs Team Leads for February 13th http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Team+Leads+Meetings http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Converted "Spring Tactics at a Glance" from DOC to HTML http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Spring+Communications+Tactics+at+a+Glance
- Added SS to the entry "Implementation Timeline" on the "Public Web site Needs" page. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added to eleven (11) Sakai Training Coordination meeting notes to "Sakai Program Management" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added seven (8) FMFP meeting notes to "Sakai Program Management" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added one (1) X-Base meeting notes to "Sakai Program Management" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added eight (7) Faculty Support Group meeting notes to "Sakai Program Management" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added four (4) Team Leads meeting notes to "Sakai Program Management" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Program+Management
- Added "Welcome Week" to "Implementation Timeline" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Implementation+Timeline
- Added "Welcome Week" to "Tactics at a Glance" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Spring+Communications+Tactics+at+a+Glance
- Added "Training Implementation and Events" to "Support and Training" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Support+and+Training
- (NO) Added "Teaching and Technology Demonstration (PPT)" and attached PowerPoint Presentation to "Training Implementation and Events" http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Support+and+Training
- Added "Announcement of Sakai 2.1.2 Availability" to "Sakai Resources" on Front Page. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Communication+Team
- Added Pilot Student Quick Tips to "Training & Support" and Support and training. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Support+and+Training
- Added "Family Nurse Practitioners - Physician's Assistant Program" under "Planning and Analysis" as pilots and participants. Then built appropriate matrix. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7185
- Added "QB parsing/analysis tool" to "Feature Requests" with KA update on progress. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Feature+Requests
- Added discussion of "508 Compliance" to Teaching and Learning "Concerns," with mention of Rick Hill. http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concerns
- Added UC Davis Sakai-related Podcast link to Front Page under Resources. http://podcast.ucdavis.edu/podcastapp/myucd_search.php?series=sakai_hw
- Added UC TLtC News by Email to Communication Tactics http://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/UC+TLtC+News+by+Email
- Incorporated 4/7's FMFP notes into Confluence. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu/confluence
- Updated "Teaching and Learning: User Concerns" with FMFP feedback. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concerns
- Updated "Concrete Applications to Teaching with FMFP feedback. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concrete+Applications+to+Teaching
- Updated "Support and Training" with FMFP feedback. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concrete+Applications+to+Teaching
- Created and fleshed out "Concrete Tactics Organized by Audience" http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concrete+Tactics+Organized+by+Audience
- Requested broken link fixes for "Public Sakai Web Site FAQ" http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Sakai+Web+Site+FAQ
- Created "HyperText Spring 2006" page on confluence and proposed several sections that would cover the same information from IT Times, but from a student perspective instead. This information will be fleshed out by students at a later date. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Hyper+Text+Spring+2006
- Created "HyperText Spring 2006 Insert" page on confluence to store ideas for a flier that can be inserted inside of HyperText. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/HyperText+Spring+2006+Insert
- (KA) Updated Comparative Overview of Tools chart. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Comparative+Overview+of+Tools
- (KA) Revised Schedule on "General Key Messages: Fall 2006 Implementation a.k.a Roll-out: Communication Strategy and Goals" to reflect extension of pilot and the limited (soft) roll-out. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/General+Key+Messages
- (KA) Revised "10 reasons to use the new collaboration and learning system" to include: CM improvements, automatic rosters/section support timeframe, and collaboration between IT Express, Mediaworks, and TRC. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/10+reasons+to+use+the+new+collaboration+and+learning+system
- (KA) Revised "Frequently Asked Questions" for clarity and correctness. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=UCDSAKAI&title=Public+Sakai+Web+Site+FAQ
- (MG) Created, 'Sakai Pilot Usage Statistics by Quarter' page on confluence, requesting the number of classes, faculty participants, and students for each quarter. http://webby.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Sakai+Usage+Statistics+by+Quarter
- Added "Comparative Overview of Tools" page to "Communications" under the subhead "Tactics." - Please edit, review, revise, and send me new versions of files that accomplish this same goal. We need to group all are matrices together. (Bb) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Comparative+Overview+of+Tools
- Altered header of "General Key Messages" to reflect sensitivity to the phrase "Roll-Out" and added minor formatting changes. (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/General+Key+Messages
- Updated "Spring Tactics at a Glance" to reflect that IT Times is a "Special Edition" (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/download/attachments/4801/Tactics_at_a_Glance.doc?version=1
- On "10 Reasons to Use Sakai," crossed-out "7. Integrated with major campus systems and databases" temporarily until that statement can be validated. (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/10+reasons+to+use+the+new+collaboration+and+learning+system
- On "10 Reasons to Use Sakai," clarified that maintenance and tech-support will not be servicing Sakai 24/7 and that 24/7 accessibility means 24/7 access to Sakai tools and worksites. (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/10+reasons+to+use+the+new+collaboration+and+learning+system
- On "10 Reasons to Use Sakai," took efforts to eliminate references or negative comparisons to MyUCDavis, instead focusing on the benefits of Sakai. (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/10+reasons+to+use+the+new+collaboration+and+learning+system
- Updated copy text on front page of Sakai Public Web site (SS) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Sakai+Web+Site
- Began fleshing out the public Site's frequently asked Questions FAQ and then selected several questions for extended information / clarification by team members. (MG) http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Sakai+Web+Site+FAQ
- Created "Concrete Tactics Organized by Audience" section on Confluence and began development. Will continue on Monday. http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Concrete+Tactics+Organized+by+Audience
- Added a link for "Sakai-related List-servs" to the "Communications" page and updated list-serv information for sakai-com@ucdavis.edu and sakai@ucdavis.edu. Please send additional information to flesh out the other list-servs. (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6662).
- Added the "Announcements and UCD Informational Documents" page to the "Communications" page. (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Communications).
- Added a link to SIGUCCS Communication Awards to the "Communications" page under the "Communication Strategies & Goals" heading. (http://www.siguccs.org/Conference/Fall2006/awards.html).
- Added the PowerPoint presentation "Collaborative eScience: Evolving Approaches" to the "Research and Collaboration" page (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Research+and+Collaboration).
- Added the Public Site Needs and Responsibilities Matrix to the "Public Sakai Web Site" page. Then developed a confluence-matrix for further editing. (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Sakai+Web+Site)
- Developed editable confluence-style version of the Public Site Needs Matrix that includes full descriptions of the items with more detail than the original matrix. (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Public+Site+Needs+and+Responsibilities+Matrix)
- Added section on Public Sakai Site Needs for team updates and included Chris Sarason's most recent update. (http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6789).
- Added "Public Sakai FAQ Questions" section to Public Sakai Web Site." - This page should be ready to begin fleshing out for eventual release alongside the public site. Please send your comments/requests/additions/subtractions/etc.
- 3/28/06 - A basic outline of possible topic-areas has been started for the special Sakai-edition of the IT Times. This draft outline is located at: http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/IT+Times+Spring+2006
- 3/28/06 - A draft of ITX's 3 Tier Remedy Support Plan has been uploaded and is available for review at: http://mediaworks.ucdavis.edu:8080/confluence/display/UCDSAKAI/Support+and+Training
- 3/28/06 - In response to requests, the name of the communications confluence section has been changed to: "Communications, Training, Support, and Change Management"