MyUCDavis Demographics Data

MyUCDavis Demographics Data

MyUCDavis Demographics Data

  • Course Management Usage Profile (doc)
    • Contains aggregate data for all courses that had content between terms 200410 and mid-200510. Some instructor data is missing likely because the instructor left the university or changed a loginid along the way. Most columns are self explanatory except the "web_sr_date" column which indicates usage of the selective release tool to release a page on the website based on a date.
  • Course Management Usage Proxies (doc)
    • Contains a list of all proxies assigned per section between terms 200410 and mid-200510. It also contains the permissions the proxies were given. Under "Gradebook" a "G" means just grade permission, a "D" means just design permission, and an "A" means both design and grade permission.

Data We May Need

  • The number of unique faculty users of course management software (CMS) for the last two years.
  • The Number of courses with multiple sections that used CMS in the most recent years.
  • The number of courses without multiple sections that used CMS in the most recent years.
  • The percent of faculty using GradeBook/QuizBuilder
  • The number of unique proxies in the most recent years
  • A spreadsheet with single course titles not separated by sections (the section information added up), the name of the teacher, the term, and login.