Tests & Quizzes Functional Design
Tests & Quizzes Functional Design
Faculty and staff at UC Davis have an opportunity to impact on the functional design of Sakai's Tests & Quizzes.
In order to participate in this design, we need to gather design requirements from faculty.
Question Pool Requirement Questions
- Do you use question pools in MyUCDavis or another system now?
- How would you organize your question pools?
- How important is it to have several levels of subpools?
- How many subpools levels would be adequate for organising your material?
- Do you need to share your question pools with others?
- If so, do you need to share with individuals, department-wide, or with some other shared access need?
- If other, can you describe who/how you would share?
- Do you typically use the same questions within a particular course or would you use them in multiple courses?
- If questions are for a particular course, are they your own questions or do the questions stay with the course handed from one instructor (or TA) to the next?
- When you 'copy' questions from one pool to another, do you expect to edit a copied question in each individual pool separately or do you expect that editing a 'copied' question will cause changes in all?
, multiple selections available,