Overall Testing Results
Stat |
Chat Active |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Duration |
28m 40s |
1h 15m 59s |
1h 16m 5s |
1h 16m 28s |
1d 2h 0m 2s |
Transactions - Count |
429 |
880 |
844 |
895 |
104,686 |
Transactions - Per Second |
0.10 |
0.20 |
0.19 |
0.29 |
1.12 |
Transactions - Per Minute |
5.72 |
11.73 |
11.25 |
11.95 |
67.11 |
Transactions - Per Hour |
343 |
704 |
675 |
716 |
4,026 |
Requests Sent - Count |
52,948 |
121,742 |
116,565 |
122,378 |
13,512,161 |
Requests Sent - Per Second |
11.77 |
27.05 |
25.90 |
27.20 |
144.36 |
Requests Sent - Per Minute |
705.97 |
1,623.23 |
1,554.20 |
1,631.71 |
8,661.64 |
Requests Sent - Per Hour |
42,358 |
97,394 |
93,252 |
97,902 |
519,699 |
Overall Response Time - Page Time[s] - Average |
14.907 |
19.539 |
20.296 |
19.342 |
0.495 |
Overall Response Time - Page Time[s] - Min |
0.020 |
0.017 |
0.018 |
0.017 |
0.004 |
Overall Response Time - Page Time[s] - Max |
588.675 |
743.740 |
670.437 |
1,177.782 |
28.995 |
Overall Response Time - Page Time[s] - Count |
7,924 |
18,365 |
17,601 |
18,443 |
1,870,220 |
Overall Response Time - Page Time[s] - StdDev |
56.253 |
62.717 |
64.826 |
62.745 |
0.714 |
Note: Tests with chat on will perform much slower than ones with chat off. The performance skew will get larger, the longer the test is run.