Monday, June 25,2006

Monday, June 25,2006


PSL, 286 Chiles, 10am


Tom Arons (Middleware)
Brian Donnelly (Middleware)
Charlie Turner (Mediaworks)
Beau Patrette (VM)
Chris Brandt (VM)
Thomas Amsler (Mediaworks)
Emily Stumpf (Middleware)
Scott Amerson (Middleware)
Jon Gorrono (Mediaworks)


  • Code migration to campus pilot
    Thomas and Emily gave an update about migrating Pilot to Test (for testing). Applications and databases are being backed up.
  • Samigo
    Thomas gave updates on the testing of Samigo (e.g. 61 concurrent users, 400+ submissions). No deadlocks, but some errors related to file upload. We are not using file upload as a feature.
  • Gradebook update
    Jon and Brian gave updates on the status of the gradebook patches, and MyUCDavis gradebook changes. MyUCDavis is ready for testing gradebook export, and Sakai changes have been applied to a patch to accept the gradebook format. Sakai mods are currently on Scott's machine, which he will check with Brian about getting remote access to his system for possible demos (to VM).
  • Possible change of developer meeting agenda/format
    The group discussed changes to the format of the developer meetings. More code and problem solving, and less discussion about higher level issues.