SmartSite 2.5.x Upgrade

SmartSite 2.5.x Upgrade

QA Test Plan - Upgrade 2.4.x to 2.5.x 


  • Report the full results of QAQC tests in appropriate sub-story on SAK-1935 (add sub-story if needed):
  • Report failures, UFO's and documentation errors in the Reports section below.
  • If no failures, UFO's or documentation errors are found please indicate this in the report; ie, "No errors found (plp 7/3/08)", to indicate the status of our QA efforts to date.


  • QA FAILURES- Extraction of failures from testing (sorted by tool or functional area)
    details of failures, by tool.  for consolidation of all failings from assorted JIRAs.
  • QA UFOs - Extraction of unexplained functionality and oddities from testing (sorted by tool or functional area)
    details of odd results, etc, by tool.  for consolidation of all strange results from assorted JIRAs.  not failures, but unexpected...
  • QA DOCnFUTA- Extraction of QA documentation errors and oddities from testing (sorted by tool or functional area)
    details of documentation errors (page level, help, etc) by tool.  These results will be used to prioritize the documentation fixes and rewrites.

Test Materials

Jiras and References

  • Smartsite 2.5.x Related Jiras:
    • SAK-1935 - 2.5.x QA Tests and Reports
      lists tools and links to appropriate JIRA for general testing reports, passes and failures.
    • SAK-1420 - Upgrade SmartSite to 2.5
    • SAK-1832 - Apply local modifications of Gradebook for 2.5

Supplemental Legacy Tests and Results from Summer 2007

General v2.4.x Tests

General tests for initial discovery phase after the June 23rd upgrade to Sakai 2.4.x



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


Syllabus tool rejects link style attribute

(blue star) All QA testers can participate: Verify issue and investigate solutions.


Pass (w/note)/07-02-2008/VOC

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.

SU as cthaiss.
Access Syllabus tool for UWP 104A 002 WQ 2007.
Test editing UWP 104A 002: Writing in the Professions--Business and Technical

1) Editing the Syllabus no longer creates the "bad" HTML patterns and the Syllabus can be saved without modification.
2) If either of the HTML attribute patterns ' link="#0000ee"' or link="#993399"' are present within the source code, then the error messages: "The HTML attribute pattern ' link="#0000ee"' is not allowed" and/or "The HTML attribute pattern ' link="#993399"' is not allowed" still display as appropriate and the content cannot be saved.

1) Manually inserting either of the "bad" HTML patterns (link="#0000ee" and/or ink="#993399") in the source code generates at least one error message, as appropriate.
2) If error messages are generated, removing the "bad" HTML patterns allow saving the content in Syllabus.

1) If allowing the link attributes to be incorporated in the source code is desired or expected behavior, then result is Fail.
2) Since the link attributes are not needed and apparently no longer automatically generated in the Syllabus upon Editing, then result is Pass, since the Syllabus tool saves the content properly.

Overall, Pass, with note: The Syllabus tool still rejects link style attributes if manually inserted into the source code, but no longer automatically generates them within the source code upon Editing, thus edited content can be saved properly without error message generation.


Sakai Foundation Vendor Drop to bring us up to R41066

(blue star) All QA testers can participate: TBD - see Vendordropfeb72008.mod.doc for current list



Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD TEST SERVER SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-007] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server littlejohn


sak-11958 - Pass. 

sak-11821- Pass.
sak-10943 - NA. UCD system requires an e-mail address (or at least provided data in the form of a valid e-mail address) so this doesn't appear to be relevant.  Even Guests must provide an e-mail address in order to obtain approval for access.
sak-12543 - Pass.
sak-12421 - Pass.

sak-10738- Pass.

sak-11159- Pass.

sak-11216- Pass.

sak-11221- Pass.
sak-10333- Pass.
sak-10587- Pass.
sak-12234 - Pass.

sak-10306- Pass.
sak-11117- Pass.


Contact Us presents Category drop down on initial click of Contact Us button in smartsite

(blue star) All QA testers can participate: Data updated via JMS in smartsite-test as of now.

Please retest.



Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.

A) Base Case. - Pass.
B) Case 1. - Pass.
C) Case 2. - Pass.

Overall, Pass.


Cannot upload grade.csv files in Assignments if they have ^M in them instead of newlines.
Note: This was reported originally in SAK-1370.

(blue star) All QA testers can participate: Submitted to QA to identify work arounds for both Mac and PC platforms as well as a recommended way to edit the csv files on both platforms to minimize the risk.
-          OS Testing: Macintosh and Windows
-          Evaluate tools - example: "dos2unix"
-          Does Excel (Mac/PC) resolve this problem?
-          Does Wordpad or Notpad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac) resolve this problem?



See SAK-1782: "Cannot upload grade.csv files in assignments because of zero padded EIDs" for further information on debugging and further testing.


Smartsite user reported issues with WebDAV in Resources. QA will test to repeat and verify the issue and report to Kirk.

QA testers will repeat the actions specified by the user and verify the results.

smartsite-test 9/24/07

Results documented 10/1/07

Pass w/ note for MAC/07-09-2008/VOC

QA re-testing of WebDAV on MAC 10.4.11 & MAC 10.5.4 & NG server results in Pass w/ note.

Using MAC OS 10.4.11 Tiger w/ Firefox &
using MAC OS 10.5.4 Leopard w/ Firefox on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-007] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server mario.


1) Create WebDAV access on the NG server.

2) Test WebDAV IAW SAK-1097: QA Test for Resources-WebDAV issues reported by user.


1) Now able to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server:
Verified for MAC OS 10.4.11 Tiger, Pass.
Verified for MAC OS 10.5.4 Leopard, Pass.

2) Basic functionality, including specific problem w/ MAC 10.5, verified:
Verified for MAC OS 10.4.11 Tiger, Pass.
Verified for MAC OS 10.5.4 Leopard, Pass, w/ note. Verified a bug where the drag and drop process will put up a fleeting file name and then the file name will disappear. Workaround using command line in Terminal is available.


Pertinent instructions available under Resources --> Upload-Download Multiple Resources appear to be satisfactory for MAC 10.4, but additional note needed for MAC 10.5.

"Setting up WebDAV for Mac (OS 10.4 - 10.5)

Note: There must be at least one object (file, folder etc.) in the course or project resource area before you begin the setup procedure. This procedure needs to be done once for each site before you can use WebDAV to transfer files to and from any one site.

   1. From the Finder, select "Go" from the menu bar and then select "Connect to Server..."
   2. In the resulting dialog box, type in the path as shown above.
   3. Press the "+" button to save this path for future use.
   4. Click "Connect"
   5. Type in your user name and password and click "OK"
   6. You will now see a window on your Macintosh screen that represents the resources in your site. You can now drag and drop files into this window and delete files by dragging them to the Trash."


Due to a bug in MAC 10.5 where the drag and drop process will put up a fleeting file name and then the file name will disappear, a workaround using command line in Terminal is necessary.


1) Foundation Jira SAK-13841: Cannot Upload via WebDAV using Mac OS 10.5.3 & 10.5.4.
( http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/SAK-13841 )
2) Apple discussions: Topic : Error copying to mounted WebDAV volume.
( http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=7494871 )


Launch the Terminal application, which is in the Utilities folder.
command ==> description
ls ==> see a listing of all files and folders in present folder (home folder by default to start)
cd ==> move around folders within Terminal
mount ==> see all the file systems that the system has mounted.
cp ==> copy file
cp -R ==> copy folder and its contents

command ==> sample result
mount ==> http://idisk.mac.com/sample/ on /Volumes/sample (webdav, nodev, noexec, nosuid, mounted by sample)
Note: copy "/Volumes/sample" for later use in the command line.

cp filename.txt /Volumes/sample
Note: as an example, this should copy the file "filename.txt " onto "/Volumes/sample"

cp -R Documents /Volumes/sample/
Note: as an example, this should copy "Documents" and its contents onto "/Volumes/sample"

Pass for PC XP/07-08-2008/VOC

QA re-testing of WebDAV on NG server results in Pass.

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-005] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server mario.


1) Create WebDAV access on the NG server.

2) Test WebDAV IAW SAK-1097: QA Test for Resources-WebDAV issues reported by user.


1) Now able to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server.

2) Basic functionality verified, Pass, with notes.

Note # 1: Change of local file or folder names on SmartSite does not immediately change the corresponding names on Web DAV and vice-versa.  Use care when changing names and refresh as appropriate.

Note # 2: Automatic resetting folder permissions to the standard default settings would seem to be an appropriate security feature, in that excessive permissions might result when changing file names otherwise. Use caution when making folder changes after altering permissions and verify customized permission settings after other changes are made.


1) Be cautious about changing folder and file names, especially after permissions have been customized.
2) Verify customized permission settings after other changes are made. 
3) WebDAV appears to fully sync up with SmartSite only after signing out completely and then signing back into the WebDAV access via Network Places.


QA Testing of WebDAV on NG server results in Fail.

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD NG SERVERSmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server Mario &

UCD TEST SERVERSmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-4-x-HEAD-test-041] - Sakai 2.4.x-R45460 - Server braddock.

QA TEST PLAN:Test WebDAV IAW SAK-1097: QA Test for Resources-WebDAV issues reported by user.


1) NG SERVER:Unable to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server.  Error message reads: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid.  Please choose another."Tried recovery actions IAW WebDAV instructions on Upload-Download Multiple Resources page under Resources.Still unable to create the WebDAV access.Fail.

2) TEST SERVER:As a verification check of basic WebDAV functionality, tried creating WebDAV access to site WFC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the TEST server.WebDAV access successfully created for this site without any difficulties.Pass for TEST server, expect that NG server should function in the same way.

3) NG SERVER:Unable to create WebDAV access to site QAQC 100 001 WQ 2008 on the NG server.Error message reads: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid.  Please choose another."Tried recovery actions IAW WebDAV instructions on Upload-Download Multiple Resources page under Resources.Still unable to create the WebDAV access.Fail.

QA SUMMARY:Unable to create WebDAV access to sites in the NG server, Fail.

From MW: DAV is not setup properly on NG server  More specifically, kerberos login will not work at the moment.  I've requested this be fixed, once it is, we'll have to restart the server to fix it.  Hopefully this will be done soon..


This asset documents changes to the sakai database which affect current tools. Primary: Gradebook, Samigo, Assignment, Roster (we use now the UCB roster tool), MesssageCenter (Messages & Forums); and Secondary: Chat, Podcasts

(blue star) A test plan will be assigned here to cover additional tools not tested separately in other Jiras. Will be considered a pass if the following Jiras all pass: SAK-858, SAK-870, SAK-876, SAK-926, etc.

Included in other tests

Pass 8/17/07


Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.

Test basic Gradebook functionality (Previously, simply clicking on the Gradebook tool generated an Unexpected Error in most cases).

Tested basic Gradebook functionality by opening the tool on multiple course sites, both as myself as IOR and student and SUing as other IORs and students. No errors, unexpected or otherwise, Pass.


Retest Resources with a new test document to verify whether the upcoming 2.4.x patch fixes the email notification bug or introduces any new bugs.

(blue star) All QA testers can participate. Follow the directions given in General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x#Resources

sakai-test 7/25/07 smartsite-test 8/1/07

Pass 8/13/07


Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.

No problems noted, basic functionality verified, Pass.


This test plan includes a series of general tasks to determine if there are any obvious issues with the integration of Gradebook, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Message Center in this release.

(blue star) All QA testers can participate. Follow the directions given in General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x#Gradebook-Assignments-Samigo-MC Integration

sakai-test 7/24/07 smartsite-test 8/1/07

Pass 8/6/07


Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD TEST SERVER SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-008] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server littlejohn


Verified general functionality.  Safari not tested and not recommended for use with SmartSite.  General integration between Gradebook, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes and Forums is satisfactory. No major bugs; minor issues as previously noted only.

Overall, Pass.


General UI post-upgrade testing. This is a sub-task of SAK-806: QA Test Plan for SmartSite 2.4.x post-upgrade testing assigned to the QA group.

(blue star) All QA testers can participate. General test directions are in the Jira.

smartsite.ucdavis.edu 6/25/07

Closed 7/18/07


Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD TEST SERVER SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-008] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server littlejohn


Verified general functionality.  Safari not tested and not recommended for use with SmartSite.  Some links on SUPPORT & TRAINING page still experience jittering if the tip of the mouse arrow is placed "just so" - as in right on the line underneath the link.  Minor error that is more of a nuisance than a major problem.

Overall, Pass.


Verify general functionality and specific functions. This is a sub-task of SAK-806: QA Test Plan for SmartSite 2.4.x post-upgrade testing assigned to the QA group.

(blue star) All QA testers can participate. General test directions are in the Jira.

smartsite.ucdavis.edu 6/25/07

Closed 7/18/07


Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD TEST SERVER SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-008] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server littlejohn


Verified general functionality.  Safari not tested and not recommended for use with SmartSite.  Strange lines still crop up in Firefox from time to time, but are transient in nature and affect appearance only.

Overall, Pass.

Sakai v2.4.x patches for Smartsite

Listed here are Foundation patches made to Smartsite after the June 23rd upgrade to Sakai 2.4.x



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date







Bug fix for issue where student joined and cannot unjoin courses. This makes new course sites unjoinable on creation.

(green star) Follow the brief test in the jira to test this bug fix. Requires SU access.

smartsite-test 9/24/07

Pass 9/28/07
Pass 7/1/2008 by SMS


QA Test Plan for Site Info as part of the Smartsite 2.4.x HEAD upgrade.

Includes bug fix testing for Foundation Jiras listed under Site Info and Site Management. There is a(n extremely) rough draft of a Site Info which is probably not useful for this test run - so, try accessing each function in Site Info (Edit Tools, Add Participants, Manage Groups, etc.) When those tests are completed, verify against the list of fixes SIte Info and Site Management for 2.4.x HEAD upgrade.

smartsite-test 9/19/07

Pass 9/28/07
Pass 7/1/2008 by SMS. Tools with data still have their data when removed and then added back.
When duplicating a site, there is not the same amount of space for all the characters  as were in the site being duplicated.
This is same behaviour as indicated in this sak-1067 in 2007.  


Test the fix for gradebook error generated on sites which used letter grade entries. This will verify that other courses which used letter grade entry will be functional.

Access gradebook for sites previously known to generate errors upon saving grades and verify that the grades can be saved successfully now.

smartsite-test 9/20/07

Pass 9/21/07
7/1/2008 by SMS.
Does not apply since we no longer use letter grading.


Test Chat to confirm tool functionality with the HEAD upgrade.

Create and respond to a message as a basic test. Check a couple of large volume sites using the QA 2.4.1 Test Plan for Chat

smartsite-test 9/18/07

Pass 9/21/07
Pass 7/2/2008 by SMS.  I SU'd as Roger McDonald to NUT 105 001 SQ 2007.


Test Section Info to establish baseline of current functionality and check Foundation fix.

Run through the beta standard test plan found at: QAQC SmartSite Test Plans. After completing this test, review the list of issues fixed in the HEAD upgrade for the 1 fix to test against. Report any issues with the test to Nancy as this is our first run of this test.

smartsite-test 9/13/07

Pass 9/24/07
Cautious Pass 7/1/2008 by SMS but not a 2.5.x issue.
For the student membership view, the pull down shows sections that don't exist in our environment.  However, the issue was there in 2.4.x.


Regression test and test bug fixes for Tests & Quizzes. Some fixes are for Vernon's last name (apostrophes!)

Run through the standard test plan at QAQC SmartSite Test Plans and then review the "fixes" on the HEAD list.

smartsite-test 9/13/07

Pass 9/28/07
Pass 7/8/2008  imports an exported pool 7/1/2008 by sms


Due to course management changes, Site Info did not show any students in our early release of HEAD.

(green star) Verify that students are displayed in Site Info. Simple test steps in the Jira.

smartsite-test 9/12/07

Pass 9/18/07
Pass 7/2/2008 by sms.


Test bug fix in HEAD release for Syllabus.

(green star) Test described in the Jira.

smartsite-test 9/11/07

Pass 9/24/07
Pass 7/2/2008 by SMS


Test bug fixes in HEAD release for Messages and Forums.

(green star) Run through both the Messages and Forums tests at QAQC SmartSite Test Plans

smartsite-test 9/18/07

Pass 9/24/07


Test bug fixes in HEAD release for Gradebook.

(green star) Run through the standard QA_Gradebook.xls test from QAQC SmartSite Test Plans AND the simple Gradebook-Assignments-Samigo-MC Integration test (not including Resources.)

smartsite-test 9/11/07

Pass 9/24/07


Test bug fixes in HEAD release for Assignments.

(green star) Run through the Assignments test plan at QAQC SmartSite Test Plans

smartsite-test 9/10/07

Pass 9/18/07


Test bug fixes in HEAD release for Resources and WebDAV.

(green star) Run through the Resources test plan at QAQC SmartSite Test Plans

smartsite-test 9/10/07

Pass 9/14/07


Our upgrade to 2.4 course management includes pre-selected of tools when an instructor creates a new site. Two of the tools are not in alphabetical order when the course is created with default settings. This fixes the display order on the menu.

(green star) Test plan is to repeat steps 1-3 of CM Tests#Test for Tools options and to verify that when the pre-selected tools are left as the default, they appear in alphabetical order when a course is created.


Pass 7/16/07 Note: Section Info tool is pre-selected now
Pass 7/2/2008 by SMS.

UCD-specific User-Interface Test Plans

Test Plans for post-upgrade of Smartsite 2.4.x, summer 2007, to correct text content or other display issues



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


Odd mouseover behavior detected on Support & Training page. Previously reported by QA. Will need to be retested when the fix is applied.

(blue star) Review the Jira and repeat the mouseover action, especially in the browsers listed. Verify the fix and that no new errors are detected on the screen.


7/2/2008 by SMS.  Not a pass but not a priority all now.


Test the migration process for exporting links from a faculty course site and adding them to Smartsite Resources.

(star) Requires SU capabilities on the test system for MyUCDavis. Run through the QA Test Plan for Content Migration from MyUCDavis.

bumbus.ucdavis.edu to smartsite-test 10/2/07

 7/3/2008 by SMS.  Pass for migrating a file.

UCD-specific v2.4.x Code Integration

Tests for UCD-specific code modifications implemented for Smartsite after the June 23rd upgrade to Sakai 2.4.x



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date







UCD-specific code to retain a site's information even after deletion to ensure that courses removed in error may be restored.

Create a course (or use an existing course) and note the content and student activity in the course. In Worksite Setup, select the course and set through the deletion process. When complete, email James at jrenfro@ucdavis.edu and request that he restore your site. Verify that the course content is as it was and there was no loss of instructor or student data.


 Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS.  I used BIS oo2A A04-A06 FQ 2008.  The site was restored and all the data.


New list of default tools for course creation.

Compare the default selected tools for a new course with those listed in the referring jira SAK-1017. Test details listed in SAK-1089.

smartsite-test 9/24/07

Pass 9/24/07


Make CM provider aware of new "Open Campus" role. Smartsite roster and other tools will automatically include "Open Campus" or University Extension students.

The test will be coordinated with Brian Donnelly of Middleware and is currently scheduled Friday, around 10:00am, 9/21/07. Follow the steps listed in: Open Campus Test Plan.

smartsite-test 9/21/07

Pass 9/24/07
Pass 7/7/2008 by SMS.  Used ECN 101 B01-B04 Sq 2008 for Open Campus student Alvarenga, Alvaro (aalvarenga).


Review and test Mike's Stats queries for Smartsite statistics reporting to system admins.

(blue star) Vernon to work on test documentation with Sandra


 Not a priority for 2.5.x


Confirm the functionality of the Calculate Final Grades feature after Jon's code change to reset converted blanks to zeros back to blanks. Store test results for comparison with baseline results of SAK-956.

(blue star) Repeat Nancy's test

smartsite-test 8/30/07

Pass 8/30/07
7/8/2008 -- QA Pass by sms.  Verified that Calculate course grade feature must be invoked for a final grade to be calculated.  If not, GradeBook can send incorrect grades to Final Grade Submission.


Create a new course site manually using the "Still cannot find your course/section" link. This is a fix to stop the addition of a long URL string and underscores and also to add the course term to the course name. A sample is in the jira.

(blue star) Test steps are in the Jira. Make sure you are entering a course - not selecting a course, to test this fix.

smartsite-test 8/27/07

Pass 8/30/07
Fail 7/7/2008 by SMS.  Worksite Setup give a "Unexpected Error has Occurred" when trying to select the subject from the pulldown menu.
Provisional pass 7/7/2008 by VOC

Pass for SAK-929 specifics. Fail for UFOs. Unexpected Errors generated when attempting to create new course sites using ""African American & African Studies" or "Mathematics."


Confirm that you can access Resources content without error on both smartsite-test and smartsite.

(blue star) Verify that no errors occur when accessing your content or when editing content. Test against content created prior to August 6.


Pass 8/9/07
Pass 7/8/2008 by SMS.  I used an old site created in 2006.  I can still access word docs and jpg files.


Confirm that you can create a course for another faculty member or SU'd as a faculty member. List any issues or problems in course creation with this Jira. Save the SU'd course for an additional test of the Roster tool.

(green star) Any QA tester can complete the first part of the test; the second part requires SU capabilites.

smartsite-test 8/7/07

Pass 8/17/07 Note that 3 bug Jiras were created: SAK902, SAK-909, SAK-913
Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS confirmed that I can su to an IOR and create a course site.  Used tmmurphy Fall 2008 and various.  Confirmed that bugs 902, 909, and 913 are still fixed.


Confirm that with this fix an instructor can now see which sections a student is in on the Student Membership screen in Section Info.

(green star) Test on smartsite-test server. SU as an instructor into a multi-section course or create a multi-section course, if needed. Add the Section Info tool if it is not listed on the menu. In Section Info, access Student Memberships. Verify that you can see a section listed for each student and that you can sort by the Combined-Scheduled column. Report your results in the jira.


Pass 7/16/07
Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS.  IOR can see section info for all students except sakaistu1 per sak-780 and OP and WL students.  For OP and WL students not to have a section in Section Info is a long standing bug.

SAK-805 SAK-832

Bug test for Training Site Tool duplicates Support & Training link and gives wrong tools. Unclear if we're to test the bug or the asset, so both Jiras are listed here.

(blue star) Use xlogin URL to log in with login/password 'trainer1' to access the Trainer account on smartsite-test. Follow the steps in Test Plan - Site Creation Tool for Trainers#Acceptance Tests. Key issue to verify: the tools generated are correct.


Pass 7/11/07
 Not tested for 2.5.x upgrade.

Sakai v2.4.x Enhancements

These tests include the following:

  • new features or enhancements we did not have time to test prior to June 23rd upgrade
  • new features added post-upgrade, such as Assignments 2.4.x



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


Confirm the existing functionality of the Calculate Final Grades feature. Store test results as a baseline of functionality to compare to results after implementing SAK-955.

(blue star) this is it and it's different than the one on the JIRA SAK-956 site.nw

smartsite-test 8/28/07

Results documented 10/1/07
7/12/2008 QA pass by sms.  This QA Pass is ONLY for the SmartSite GradeBook interface with Final Grade Submission.  The QA pass DOES NOT cover all the test plan referenced by Nancy's "this is it".


Confirm the new stealthed Roster tool is functional. Because the tool is stealthed, admin access is required to provide the tool to any course.

(blue star) All QA testers can perform some of the test. Testers with SU capability can perform the test against a copy of a live course. Follow the test plan at: QA_roster.xls

smartsite-test 8/17/07

Failed 8/17/07
Roster is no longer stealthed 7/8/2008, SMS


Confirm Chat is functional - specifically for courses with large Chat message volume.

(green star) Requires QA tester with SU capabilities. Follow the test plan at QA 2.4.1 Test Plan for Chat.

smartsite-test 8/14/07

Failed on Mac OSX/FF 1.5 and on 8/15/07
Passed 7/8/2008 on XP using a MUS 10 chat.  by SMS Also passed using Mac OS X, version10.4.11.


Gradebook 2.4.1 testing for categories and weighting.

Run through the GB 2.5 weighted categories and percentages test and document any issues or oddities with this new feature.

smartsite-test 8/14/07

Pass 8/17/07 Issues noted in report
Passed 7/8/2008 by Nancy Wilkison.  The primary oddity was the label on the percentage grading called relative weighting which turned out to be points.


Standard Gradebook functionality testing.

(blue star) Nancy's current draft of a standard Gradebook test: QA_gradebook.xls.

smartsite-test 8/14/07

Pass 8/17/07 Issues noted in report


Nancy discovered an issue on production with the "Show this item" radio button in Resources. Once selected and populated with a date range, the date ranges cannot be unchecked/removed except by selecting the other radio button, and then reselecting "Show this item".

(blue star) Verify that this workaround is eliminated in 2.4.1 and that unchecking the date range boxes and saving will remove the date range.


Pass 8/10/07


Test new features in Assignments to verify and become familiar with latest upgrade enhancements.

(blue star) Run through the test steps in QA_assignments.xls

sakai-test 7/31/07 smartsite-test 8/1/07

Pass 8/10/07 Issues noted in report


Verification that using WebDAV on a Mac no longer generates alerts or error messages.

(star) Brian - specifically check to see if the Mac gives you any alerts or error messages when you upload files via WebDAV. Check SAK-464 for graphics and more details about this problem. We want to verify if the problem has been resolved with the 2.4.x upgrade.


Pass 7/11/07
Pass 7/8/2008 per VOC:


1) Now able to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server.

2) Basic functionality verified, Pass.


Tests & Quizzes section bug.

(green star) Retest the course listed in the bug on smartsite-test or find another course with sections on the test server. Determine whether this bug still occurs.


Not Reproducible 7/10/07


Tests & Quizzes bug. SAK-86: Mac OSX, Safari: No edit tools for questions created in T&Q*.

(blue star) Create an assessment using Mac OSX-Safari and compare the screens and functionality when using Firefox on a Mac. Brian to repeat testing on Safari 3.


7/9/07 Failed
 Safari no longer supported 7/8/2008.  SMS