Meeting Agenda (09-22-10)
Meeting Agenda (09-22-10)
Web address: https://www.callinfo.com/prt?host=readytalk&an=8667401260&ac=7546199
Audio dial-in: 866-740-1260, access code 7546199
- KR-716 (Review preliminary deployment plan in most recent "comment" w/in ticket) - Emerson
- Reviewed plan and moving to SR2.
- Emerson: Break down ticket into sub-tasks
- Discuss how to control email generated from workflow - Emerson
- How to control email notifications on test instances?
- Could utilize something like mailinator to direct all emails to these Inboxes
- Make one 'Inbox' per configured instance and separate out central Rice app vs. Rice apps
- Group: Proceed with this approach on QA instances.
- Mary: Create Jira ticket to configure for work on email patch as part of SR1c
- UC Wide User Provisioning - David Walker
- User Provisioning High-Level Design on UCLA wiki
Past Action Items:
- Jonathan: Determine feasibility of using weekly A&FS backup. Can pieces of it be restored out of that backup for refresh.
- Jonathan: Build DB refresh documentation page on the /wiki/spaces/UCDK/pages/119111973 https://confluence.ucdavis.edu/confluence/display/UCDK/Database+Operations
- Safa: Schedule a KC demo and invite this group
New Action Items:
- Emerson: Break down KR-716 ticket into sub-tasks
- Mary: Create Jira ticket to configure for work on email patch as part of SR1c
Real-time list of Blocker & Critical tickets for next production release
, multiple selections available,