Meeting Agenda (09-22-10)

Meeting Agenda (09-22-10)


Web address: https://www.callinfo.com/prt?host=readytalk&an=8667401260&ac=7546199
Audio dial-in: 866-740-1260, access code 7546199



  1. KR-716 (Review preliminary deployment plan in most recent "comment" w/in ticket) - Emerson
    1. Reviewed plan and moving to SR2.
    2. Emerson: Break down ticket into sub-tasks
  2. Discuss how to control email generated from workflow - Emerson
    1. How to control email notifications on test instances?
    2. Could utilize something like mailinator to direct all emails to these Inboxes
      1. Make one 'Inbox' per configured instance and separate out central Rice app vs. Rice apps
      2. Group: Proceed with this approach on QA instances.
    3. Mary: Create Jira ticket to configure for work on email patch as part of SR1c
  3. UC Wide User Provisioning - David Walker
    1. User Provisioning High-Level Design on UCLA wiki

Past Action Items:

  1. Jonathan: Determine feasibility of using weekly A&FS backup. Can pieces of it be restored out of that backup for refresh.
  2. Jonathan: Build DB refresh documentation page on the /wiki/spaces/UCDK/pages/119111973 https://confluence.ucdavis.edu/confluence/display/UCDK/Database+Operations
  3. Safa: Schedule a KC demo and invite this group

New Action Items:

  1. Emerson: Break down KR-716 ticket into sub-tasks
  2. Mary: Create Jira ticket to configure for work on email patch as part of SR1c

Real-time list of Blocker & Critical tickets for next production release

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

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