Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review
Vernon was primary on this test plan.
A. I'd like you to review the Foundation information (links below) regarding accessibility testing - specifically the Firefox Accessibility extensions. The information you can gather to provide to the team (probably next week in a mini-training session) are the following:
Sakai 2.4 Accessibility Review
Add other links as needed.
1. How do we install and use Firefox Accessibility Extension and/or WAVE 3.5? Can we do this on Vista, XP or Mac OSX?
a) Mozilla/Firefox Accessibility Extension
Works with: Firefox: 1.5 - 2.0.0.*
b) WAVE 3.5
2. How do we participate in the Foundation test process? Which tool would you suggest that I volunteer the team for and how do you suggest we proceed?
"Prospective testers: Please go to the signup list below and indicate the tool you plan to review by putting your name or initials in the appropriate space. Please note that the following twenty tools are high priority, because of significant changes in 2.4, or because they have not been tested recently: Announcements, Calendar Summary, Chat, Forum, Gradebook, Resources, Section Info, Site Info, Syllabus, Tests & Quizzes, Wiki, Worksite Setup, and the following provisional tools: Link, Mail, Page Order Helper, Polls, Roster, Search, SU and User Membership. They are marked with a star . Note that we will be testing 2.5 versions of the Gradebook and Roster tools on a different server.
You can add your name to the table by choosing the "Edit" tab above, clicking on the "Rich Text" tab that appears, scrolling down to the tool you're interested in, and adding your name.
Go to the following pages to find: protocols, templates, and the 2.3 reviews. The amount of time to review a tool will vary by the number of pages it contains; in my experience it takes about half an hour on average to review a page using the combined protocol. Put comments on the comments page and put your reviews as attachments there.
Contact one of the three QA people listed below with questions. Thank you in advance for your help!"