


Tools to be tested for this update include:
#Site Info
#Tests and Quizzes (Samigo)
#Worksite Setup


  •  7-14-08  nw  no failures but a foible. see sak-2022.


  •  7-2-08  nw  sak-8589  - there are still problems downloading/uploading assignments/attachments/comments/etc.  the upload page has a number of checkboxes which don't reflect reality, as even if you check them the appropriate data is not being imported.  plus, in my testing, submissions had attachments which weren't downloaded.  I seem to remember this being the case as there were problems with the upload.  so if the function has been disabled the checkbox should be removed.  additionally, if there were submissions, I got an error window that said "there is already a file with the same name you specified. specify a different name...submission attachments" the same number of times as there were attachments.  I added comments to the feedback.txt file which were not uploaded.  and there's still the problem w/uploading grades.csv and the grades, status don't reflect the changes.  I couldn't figure out how to attach IOR feedback attachments from the downloaded files...but didn't spend forever trying to do it. you need to use Word or  HTML editor to add comments to the students' FCK submissions, but you lose images.  I think a plain text editor won't work well.  maybe faculty already know this?
    I think a lot of these problems are also in 2.4, so to me they haven't been corrected.  I'd also remove the non-functional checkboxes from the import page.
    7-28-08  nw note - the file w/same name error above happens when Vista default unzip program is used.  it makes files instead of folders for the submission attachments and IOR feedback attachments.  if I use 7-zip I get appropriate folders.


  •  TBT (To be tested)


  •  TBT (To be tested)


  •  The following error occurs when I try to submit final grades to Final Grade Submission:
    .-->myCourseList is empty, this is a problem: 200810-83385,83386,83387-1430915 by SMS 7/8/2008.  This was a data error for Final Grade Submission.  SmartSite's Gradebook's interface with Final Grade Submission passed 7/10/2008.
  •  7-11-08  nw  I CAN create GB items with the same name and point value.  see sak-2007 for sites where I did it and an example of how. as/test plan, you should get an error message if you try to create an item with the same name as an existing item.
  • 7-11-08  nw  from any page in GB, the ? does not open the help window with GB info. it's the technical support page. you can then access GB info from the left window. both browsers. maybe the help files have not yet been updates/migrated to -test??




  •  7-14-08 nw  no failures per-se, but foibles in common with 2.4.  see sak-2024.  and a couple of non-failing items.


  • TBT (To be tested)


  •  07-08-2008 VOC SAK-2069

QA re-testing of WebDAV on NG server results in Pass.

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:


SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-005] - Sakai 2.5.x-R48531 - Server mario.


1) Create WebDAV access on the NG server.

2) Test WebDAV IAW SAK-1097: QA Test for Resources-WebDAV issues reported by user.


1) Now able to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server.

2) Basic functionality verified, Pass, with notes.

Note # 1: Change of local file or folder names on SmartSite does not immediately change the corresponding names on Web DAV and vice-versa.  Use care when changing names and refresh as appropriate.

Note # 2: Automatic resetting folder permissions to the standard default settings would seem to be an appropriate security feature, in that excessive permissions might result when changing file names otherwise. Use caution when making folder changes after altering permissions and verify customized permission settings after other changes are made.



1) Be cautious about changing folder and file names, especially after permissions have been customized.

2) Verify customized permission settings after other changes are made. 

3) WebDAV appears to fully sync up with SmartSite only after signing out completely and then signing back into the WebDAV access via Network Places.

  •  07-03-2008 VOC SAK-2069

QA Testing of WebDAV on NG server results in Fail.

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

UCD NG SERVERSmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server Mario &

UCD TEST SERVERSmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-4-x-HEAD-test-041] - Sakai 2.4.x-R45460 - Server braddock.

QA TEST PLAN:Test WebDAV IAW SAK-1097: QA Test for Resources-WebDAV issues reported by user.


1) NG SERVER:Unable to create WebDAV access to site WLC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the NG server.  Error message reads: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid.  Please choose another."Tried recovery actions IAW WebDAV instructions on Upload-Download Multiple Resources page under Resources.Still unable to create the WebDAV access.Fail.

2) TEST SERVER:As a verification check of basic WebDAV functionality, tried creating WebDAV access to site WFC 120 001 FQ 2008 on the TEST server.WebDAV access successfully created for this site without any difficulties.Pass for TEST server, expect that NG server should function in the same way.

3) NG SERVER:Unable to create WebDAV access to site QAQC 100 001 WQ 2008 on the NG server.Error message reads: "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid.  Please choose another."Tried recovery actions IAW WebDAV instructions on Upload-Download Multiple Resources page under Resources.Still unable to create the WebDAV access.Fail.

QA SUMMARY:Unable to create WebDAV access to sites in the NG server, Fail.

  •  These errors have been fixed per Vernon's retesting 7/8/2008.  See sak-2069


  •  7-14-08 nw  preliminary testing showed no obvious failures.  but complete testing not done yet.


  • TBT (To be tested)


  • 7-14-08 nw preliminary testing showed no obvious failures. but complete testing not done yet.

Site Info

  • SAK-2075: "Page Order tool does not re-order tools as it should." - Revisions in progress, to be retested. 
  • Page Order Helper Tool (partial) failure

07-03-2008 VOC SAK-2050

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-003] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.

The Delete, Renaming (Editing), Show/Hide, and Add page(s) to your site tools all work, but the page re-ordering function does not.
QA fail.



  • TBT (To be tested)



Tests and Quizzes (Samigo)

All issues basically resolved  except the confusing export feature
  • Test and Quizzes suffers a major failure when trying to import quizzes and assessment pools.
  •  7-2-08  nw  sak-3943  IOR is supposed to be able to change feedback settings after an assessment is published.  I have to fail this on the -ng server because it doesn't work.  however it DOES work on our 2.4 -test server and on the indiana 2.5 server.  so the initial problem has been corrected but the -ng server does not reflect the change.
  • 7-3-08  nw  sak-5419 re:export assessment w/attachments in QTI v1.2 and content packaging (=zip) and import assessment.  never mind the attachments, I couldn't get import to work!  exported assessment w/images, sounds, RTE text.  seemed to work as I did get an .xml file or a zipped folder.  import failed at every attempt, in firefox and ie7, on different sites, multiple attempts.   got unexpected error/bug report page every time.
  • 7-3-08  nw  sak-6993  attempting to import XML compliant assessment into question pool from QP page fails as above.  there is a new feature that allows an assessment to be copied into a pool from the specific assessment page, which works.  but as the JIRA said import that's what I tried.   sak-8642 also refers to importing into a question pool (specifically using a text saved in Word using save as xml).  didn't check as obviously import into t&q is having a problem(smile)
  • 7-7-08 nw our sak-2064   tested import on Indiana 2.5 server.  I CAN import an assessment (xml format ONLY) on this server.  BUT if there are links to images, etc they appear to function correctly in IOR view but NOT for student taking the assessment.    the links would have to be updated after importing the assessment for the test to function correctly.  verified that I still get an error message on -ng server when attempting to import assessment.  I do.
  • 7-8-08  nw tadaaaaaaaaaaaa.  our sak-2064 (see sak-6993 and -5419 above) today I CAN export and import an assessment (ok...it's a short and simple one) as an assessment AND as a question pool from the question pool page.  so it appears Thomas got this problem fixed.  note that I only exported as QTI-xml format.  import does not support content packaging (=zip), even though it is an export option.
  • 7-8-08  nw  tadaaaaaaaaaaa.  our sak-2067 (see -3943 above) now the IOR CAN change feedback settings after an assessment has been published.


  • TBT (To be tested)

Worksite Setup

  • SAK-2074: "Worksite set up gets an "unexpected error has occurred" when trying to create a new site for which the sections do not appear." - Revisions in progress, to be retested.
  • SAK-2006: "Site Info Tests" - UFO reported here as well.      
  • SAK-929 UFO
    Create a course site via: "Worksite Setup -> New course website -> Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above... "  -> Select
    Attempting to use "African American & African Studies" causes an Unexpected Error.
    Attempting to use "Mathematics" causes an Unexpected Error.
     07-07-08 VOC SAK-929 UFO

Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox on:

SmartSite@UCDavis - [sakai_2-5-x-test-004] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario.


Create a course site via: "Worksite Setup -> New course website --> Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above... -> Still cannot find your course/section?" and verify the course title composition. It should be of the format: Subject Course - Section Term (e.g. MPG 201A - 2 FQ 2007).


1) kzinti34 as IOR.
Created QAQC 007 007 SSS 2008.

2) SU as bcxjones as IOR.
Created BCX 007 007 SSS 2008.


"Worksite Setup -> New course website -> Add a course(s) and/or section(s) not listed above... " ->Select

1) Note: Attempting to use "African American & African Studies" causes an Unexpected Error. For both kzinti34 as IOR and SU as bcxjones as IOR.

2) Note: Attempting to use "Mathematics" causes an Unexpected Error. For both kzinti34 as IOR and SU as bcxjones as IOR.


Pass for SAK-929 specifics.

Fail for UFOs. Unexpected Errors generated when attempting to create new course sites using ""African American & African Studies" or "Mathematics."