UCD-specific 2.4.x Code Integration

UCD-specific 2.4.x Code Integration

UCD-specific v2.4.x Code Integration

Tests for UCD-specific code modifications implemented for Smartsite after the June 23rd upgrade to Sakai 2.4.x



Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date







UCD-specific code to retain a site's information even after deletion to ensure that courses removed in error may be restored.

Create a course (or use an existing course) and note the content and student activity in the course. In Worksite Setup, select the course and set through the deletion process. When complete, email James at jrenfro@ucdavis.edu and request that he restore your site. Verify that the course content is as it was and there was no loss of instructor or student data.


 Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS.  I used BIS oo2A A04-A06 FQ 2008.  The site was restored and all the data.


New list of default tools for course creation.

Compare the default selected tools for a new course with those listed in the referring jira SAK-1017. Test details listed in SAK-1089.

smartsite-test 9/24/07

Pass 9/24/07


Make CM provider aware of new "Open Campus" role. Smartsite roster and other tools will automatically include "Open Campus" or University Extension students.

The test will be coordinated with Brian Donnelly of Middleware and is currently scheduled Friday, around 10:00am, 9/21/07. Follow the steps listed in: Open Campus Test Plan.

smartsite-test 9/21/07

Pass 9/24/07
Pass 7/7/2008 by SMS.  Used ECN 101 B01-B04 Sq 2008 for Open Campus student Alvarenga, Alvaro (aalvarenga).


Review and test Mike's Stats queries for Smartsite statistics reporting to system admins.

(blue star) Vernon to work on test documentation with Sandra


 Not a priority for 2.5.x


Confirm the functionality of the Calculate Final Grades feature after Jon's code change to reset converted blanks to zeros back to blanks. Store test results for comparison with baseline results of SAK-956.

(blue star) Repeat Nancy's test

smartsite-test 8/30/07

Pass 8/30/07
7/8/2008 -- QA Pass by sms.  Verified that Calculate course grade feature must be invoked for a final grade to be calculated.  If not, GradeBook can send incorrect grades to Final Grade Submission.


Create a new course site manually using the "Still cannot find your course/section" link. This is a fix to stop the addition of a long URL string and underscores and also to add the course term to the course name. A sample is in the jira.

(blue star) Test steps are in the Jira. Make sure you are entering a course - not selecting a course, to test this fix.

smartsite-test 8/27/07

Pass 8/30/07
Fail 7/7/2008 by SMS.  Worksite Setup give a "Unexpected Error has Occurred" when trying to select the subject from the pulldown menu.
Provisional pass 7/7/2008 by VOC

Pass for SAK-929 specifics. Fail for UFOs. Unexpected Errors generated when attempting to create new course sites using ""African American & African Studies" or "Mathematics."


Confirm that you can access Resources content without error on both smartsite-test and smartsite.

(blue star) Verify that no errors occur when accessing your content or when editing content. Test against content created prior to August 6.


Pass 8/9/07
Pass 7/8/2008 by SMS.  I used an old site created in 2006.  I can still access word docs and jpg files.


Confirm that you can create a course for another faculty member or SU'd as a faculty member. List any issues or problems in course creation with this Jira. Save the SU'd course for an additional test of the Roster tool.

(green star) Any QA tester can complete the first part of the test; the second part requires SU capabilites.

smartsite-test 8/7/07

Pass 8/17/07 Note that 3 bug Jiras were created: SAK902, SAK-909, SAK-913
Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS confirmed that I can su to an IOR and create a course site.  Used tmmurphy Fall 2008 and various.  Confirmed that bugs 902, 909, and 913 are still fixed.


Confirm that with this fix an instructor can now see which sections a student is in on the Student Membership screen in Section Info.

(green star) Test on smartsite-test server. SU as an instructor into a multi-section course or create a multi-section course, if needed. Add the Section Info tool if it is not listed on the menu. In Section Info, access Student Memberships. Verify that you can see a section listed for each student and that you can sort by the Combined-Scheduled column. Report your results in the jira.


Pass 7/16/07
Pass 7/3/2008 by SMS.  IOR can see section info for all students except sakaistu1 per sak-780 and OP and WL students.  For OP and WL students not to have a section in Section Info is a long standing bug.

SAK-805 SAK-832

Bug test for Training Site Tool duplicates Support & Training link and gives wrong tools. Unclear if we're to test the bug or the asset, so both Jiras are listed here.

(blue star) Use xlogin URL to log in with login/password 'trainer1' to access the Trainer account on smartsite-test. Follow the steps in Test Plan - Site Creation Tool for Trainers#Acceptance Tests. Key issue to verify: the tools generated are correct.


Pass 7/11/07
 Not tested for 2.5.x upgrade.