September 26th, 2006
September 26th, 2006
- what did you do yesterday?
- what are you going to do today?
- what are the impediments to what you are atrying to get done today?
- are there any new tasks to add to the sprint backlog
- have you learned anything or decided anything new of relevance to the team members (have you gone to a meeting we weren't invited to)?
Support Meeting Notes:
- Kirk went over course request and creation process.
- Pat asked about instructor change updates (getting rid of old instructors).
- Issue with the emails that go out to faculty when their sites are up, don't want to keep sending email to faculty that already have used Sakai. Looking for a dynamic maintainers list.
- Andy's FMFP meetings will be beginning on the 11th.
- Need to set up a query account for Sandra to the External DB for generation of email lists. Brian will most likely need to make a view.
- Kirk says the goal is 2.2 or 2.3 for Winter Quarter.
- Doing the host name rollover is becoming a priority, including fixing the Support Channel, including the skin changes. Many questions about the state of the skin changes. Noted about tool ordering that it can't be done right now.
- Beverly indicated that changing the ordering of tools is a big problems for training.
- Kirk reviewed the iteration process and that stories must be created in order for them to be entered into iterations.
- Beverly asked about the state of James' tool to create sites on request for TA orientation next week. Talked about using worksites and have everyone join a communal space.
- Andy referred issues about TAs not being able to access resources tools.
XP Notes:
- Scott
- Investigated Authz checkbox issue and webdav issues.
- Desktop cleanup. Investigating exceptions and logging.
- no
- no
- no
- Jon
- James
- Transitioning from import entities to archive entities for site transition, (wiki problems are the driver.)
- Continuing work.
- no
- no
- no
- Lisa
- Migrated Tor's publishers files, (problems overcome.) Saved files to confluence.
- Parsing WebCT textfiles from SOM.
- no
- Review import code.
- Content migration meeting. Outcome confirmed project leads and use of common cartridge and combination with archiving tool. Lydia was not aware of the meeting.
- Thomas
- Brian
- Worked on pl/sql procedure. MyUCDavis hijinks.
- Support meeting all morning. Finish up pl/sql procedure if I can find time outside of meetings.
- too many meetings
- no
- see meeting notes above
, multiple selections available,