September 11, 2006
September 11, 2006
- what did you do yesterday?
- what are you going to do today?
- what are the impediments to what you are trying to get done today?
*Notetaker= Lisa Wilson
- Thomas Amsler
- Modeled simple afs setup.
Worked on issues with sakai prod content to afs migration.
Encountered migration failure due to cache limit. Increased cache limit to resolve.
Will require additional tuning. - Preparing test plan for moving resourses
Workflow w/Jon and Emily for code migration
Code review of AuthZ Refresh proc - none
- Modeled simple afs setup.
- Scott Amerson
- Jira workflow w/Jon for batching
Preparing QA test plan. - Completion and send off of test plan
Working on provider QA test plan - none
- Jira workflow w/Jon for batching
- Brian Donnelly
- CAS and gradebook
- Demoed gradebook to VetMed for buy-off. Well received.
- none
- James Renfro
- Exception handling on admin training site
- Creating role for user (other than admin role) who can add sites.-
- Finding documenation on roles for site creation tool
- Jon Goronno
- Finished with main gradebook development
- Work on test plan
Clean up code and work on Gradebook extraction - none
- Lisa Wilson
- Sent import question pool code to Lydia last week for review.
- Added check to ensure question pool name is unique
Added deletePool() code back in for exceptions
Still need to work on delete code function for item exceptions
Got volunteered for the Tuesday 9am Sakai Training/Support Coordination meeting this week - Learning how to merge svn code
General discussion/suggestions:
Review using Subversion on Thursday
Process for reviewing jira bugs from IT Express, workflow