April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006

Developer's Meeting

Scott - Evaluations status: basic framework in place; trying out facelets. Once ready for demo, show to other organizations on campus who may have interest in using evaluations for their departments.

General discussion: Scheduling needs of high importance; other schools also needs this function.

Rick - From last Content Development meeting: The content team at MW plans to use multiple voices in Help Captivate movies for diversity. The team will use Rick's movies for some content and supplemental movies with other voices. Kirk volunteered server location for joint hosting of Captivate movies. VM will not generate movies beyond their core tools or VM specific tools.

Beau: All hardware have operating systems now; full network setup pending. Today, he will customize specific machines for their roles.
Reviewed jirs issue and found Email issue still pending: Sakai-based service vs. CERE - need email messages customized to generate text that is clear to clients about who the email is coming from (i.e., official CERE notifications.) Registered name as cere@ucdavis.edu; may require filter to eliminate ssl warning; need to redirect hostname to cere@vetmed.ucdavis.edu.

Client WebDav issue: Some content did not get moved over during the client's attempt to move content. Client will try again and CALF to report back.
Beau requests os info on any webdav failures. Noted that there may be some issues with Win 2000/Office 2000. WebDav testing results to be reported to Beau, so he can note to Sakai collab jira.

Visual bug for multipe divs with the same name: J.Gardiner working on div line issue to resolve

CERE Implementation Meeting

Jan - Images, Course content and copyright issues: In Resources, discussed adding a disclaimer with required signing for distribution, copyright notification for all resources uploaded. Brief, succinct disclamer released on a per site basis. Chris suggested set up of a required assignment for every site to cover all course content, including non-web materials.

Syllubus discussion: proposal of use of standard format template. Past formatting issues with Word style formatting, especially when merging.
Need to get an estimate of what core and then elective courses have syllubi in digital or hard-copy format. Chris will coordinate w/Rick and Dave.