Hardware Software Group meeeting January 25, 2006

Hardware Software Group meeeting January 25, 2006

January 25, 2006 Meeting Notes


Update on Testing Stubing (Kirk et al)
--Kirk agrees that the system is working well, per his qaqc testing.
--Problems still exist with WebDav, unrelated to the DC's set up of Stubing / Bricker
--Sandra reminded the group that we want a sign off on the DC set up of application and database servers for the Winter rollout
--Sandra asked for a formal hand-off process for future qaqc testing.
Action Item – Tom Arons and Chris will come up with a naming convention for the app and database servers (e.g., Sakai2_dev, Sakai2_test, etc) and purchase ssl certificates for them.

Update on set up of Isaac and Bricker Devel (Geeta, Brian, Chris)
--Not completed yet.
Action Item – Brian will give Geeta and Vijay his create scripts for the mviews.
--Geeta has created the Bricker Devel database
--Mviews will target Banner Dev for now.
--Sandra asked for a sign off on the External Database designs.
Action Item – Tom Arons will give a sign off on the designs.
Action Item – Sandra will ask the Reg Office for a Sakai account on Banner Dev, Test and Prod.
Action Item – Sandra will check with the Banner Sys Archs with regards to how they know of cross listed courses
Action Item – The team will continue to brainstorm re how to handle cross listed courses on Sakai and between Sakai and MyUCDavis.
Action Item – Kirk will investigate Sakai and see how it can handle cross listed courses; maybe using some function of Sakai sections.

Update on memory purchase (Sandra)
--Purchase Request has been created.
--Need to add a line about warranty.
--Need to change the vendors to contact.

Update on the RAC and possible use by Sakai (Patrick and Geeta)
--Patrick says the RAC is coming along well; first system (Mothra) is ready to go.
--We can safely assume now that Sakai has a future with the RAC.
--We can repurpose Bricker as an app server once we get into the RAC.
--We want to test the RAC with Course Management first before going with Course Management in RAC Course Management prod.

Batch runs using Banner Test; Bricker Devel (Scott Amerson)
Action Item – Tom Arons will read Scott's designs and sign off.
Action Item – Scott will be ready to have a test run with his batch and Realm provider sometime this month.

--Sandra will work with Dana re this.
Action Item – use the existing Course Management SLA.
--Kirk asked for monitoring of Stubing / Bricker Demo as though it were production.
Action Item – Geeta and Chris will provide monitoring of Sakai2 and give Kirk an alert when things are not optimal with this system.

Group Action Item – Listen to the full meeting recording at http://podcast.ucdavis.edu/podcastapp/myucd_search.php?series=sakai_hw