Urgent or Emergency System Downtimes r
The following steps and responsibilities are for system downtime that are not part of our regularly scheduled maintenance time frames. These steps assume that the system is still up and functioning for most of the campus in it's normal capacity but that there is a critical function that is broken and must be fixed prior to the next maintenance period.<!-- /* Font Definitions
Notify IT Express that an immediate fix is necessary as a follow up for a reported bug.
Notify Operations and DC Operations Manager (as of 5/29/12 edit Quico Gonzalez) that an immediate fix is necessary as a follow up for a reported bug.
Notify Operations and DC Operations Manager (as of 5/29/12 edit Quico Gonzalez) that paging should be turned off during the timeframe of the actual fix so that they will not be paged when the programmers put the application servers in maintenance mode.
Email notifications should be send to iet-notify@ucdavis.edu
Conference calls, if necessary:
Once the time for the fix is determined (early mornings around 3am are best), inform the Data Center of the arrangements.
Send email to Technotices with a description of the problem downtime information
If the fix timeframe occurs during finals or other Registrar critical dates, phone the Registrar for a discussion of details and seek guidance.
Upon completion of the fix:Phone Operations to say that the system is back up and running.
Send email to the Release Management listproc, giving the results of the fix and notifying the recipients that the system is back up and running.
Send email to Technotices that the service has been restored.