Sprint Iteration Planning -- output from 11-27-2006 meeting

Sprint Iteration Planning -- output from 11-27-2006 meeting

1. Continue to work on 2.2 / 2.3 (James, Thomas) (https://confluence.ucdavis.edu:8443/confluence/x/XVI) http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/2.2.0/release-notes.html http://source.sakaiproject.org/release/2.3.0/release-notes.html
Providers are working same as under 2.1
Still to bring in Melete, FCK
– Finish analysis on what changes are required in our environment to upgrade
– Identify tasks for the upgrade
– Melete upgrade or changes for 2.2/2,3 compatability Small upgrade work to do; need to test import/export across versions
– New Story: Make a more recent version of Melete in our 2.1 system to try and assist the Melete migration
– Skins (+upgrade Simon and Kirk to 2.3) https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/reference/tags/sakai_2-2-0/docs/architecture/sakai_skin.doc
– WebDav not yet tested
– FCK (w or w/o spellcheck) working with Spellcheck
– Message Center or other tools upgrade?
– Make estimates for the tasks required to upgrade
– Begin making programming changes if time allows.
– Perform database migration from 2.1.2 to 2.2/2.3 via conversion scripts. Additionally run separate scripts to migrate Melete data Batch provisioning
– Testing of all the above - begin in this iteration but probably really important towards end of January (Pat Kava)
– Make 2.2 / 2.3 decision
– Make sure White list/black list programming still works against 2.2 / 2.3
– Fix dropping of students - if this is still a problem
– Refactor training site tool. Also integrate this with Kevin's application process.
– New tools in 2.3: link tool from Rutgers...allows other programmers in PHP or whatever to interface to Sakai.
– Training Site tool - 10-15 hours to migrate to 2.2 / 2.3
– Need Brian to help us look at right ID to use...student id vs employee id, vs UUID: Mothra ID
– Need to refactor Gradebook code (for final grade submission) for 2.2 / 2.3
– Analysis task for someone to see how the 3 id's are used in the system now: EID, ID and Display ID. EID is set automatically now by an incrementer. ID is set by our provider to kerberos ID
– Investigate CM issues in this iteration as a group effort. Note: in 2.4 only the new CM stuff is in Trunk. Josh is going through all the tools and modifying the API's ...Approach is to see how we would re-write what we have done now using the API's - 4 ways now to get data into CM.

2. RAC migration (Jon and Brian)
– Confirm which of our databases will be in the RAC: Integration, Pre Prod, Prod, Test. Start with just one? - Could we get bricker/dev here easily?
– Test RAC implementations with Data Center.
– Migrate databases as designed.
– Get help from Mothra folks if needed then schedule it to test. Goal to put current production db on the RAC, test it with 2.1 then release it to 2.3 as the database to upgrade

3. Identify various programming changes (bugs, nonstandard coding, enhancements) for the course batch create task. (Thomas) Are there any Jira's on this yet?

4. Migrate website builder from MyUCDavis to Sakai. (Lisa)

5. Evaluate programming effort on SCORM (Jon)
– What programming effort is still required to complete it.
– Can James complete this programming.
– Include some work on this just for Jon...leave moving work to James for next round. Jon to write some stories.

6. Estimate AFS implementation, differentiated. (Brian)
Goal to get Brian active on this during this iteration. Look at what Ian Boston did with JackRabbit. JSR-170. Could avoid some work? Means could make headway with SCORM tool. Allows other tools to use content service via JSR-170. Adds a pathing and handler capability. Might be that helping Ian might get us better off.

7. Fix bugs as they appear in Jira as trouble tickets. (All)
? This is secondary to the above categories of work.

8. Investigate Gradebook issues raised by Vet Med (P/NP , S/U) that also apply to SmartSite.

9. Recruitment
Do pre-interview questions (Sandra+Kirk)

10. Samigo
– import/export? (SAK-208/242 complete?)
– Check with Pat's progress (Sandra)
– General QTI investigation
– Content Packaging -needed for media import/export (Lisa). Big users like Tor
– See Chuck's future outline

11. New 2.3 Samigo feature review-and preparation for trainer (analysis task)

12. Samigo Use Case Scenarios and Focus Group (Lisa with Kirk)

13. Investigate email virus problem (Kirk and Sandra to clarify with Chris Callahan)

14. Continue to configure 6 Sakai environments: in particular do the work to bring cluster servers to the production environment

15. Finish materialized views for SOM (Brian Only)

16. Make confluence pick up all the Jira migration issues to make a Roadmap. Can Jira make roadmaps? (Emily) Requires proper assigning to an iteration or version. Meanwhile also create a 2.3 confluence page.

17. Story: Need to look at Tom Arons disk copy of AFS data (great gobs of AFS as per Sandra)

18. Story: Jon to refactor his gradebook work into 2.2/2.3

19. Selenium. Could we find a specific test for Emily and Pat to do. Look at what the foundation has...and try that

20. Verify that Vet Med is going to take it from here on Gradebook issues for this quarter. (Sandra) Only solution at present is to grade regular grades normally via scale and over-ride others (S/U, P/NP) in Gradebook Jon to finish.

21. Story: Spring 2.0 possibility. Would have to be this sprint? Thomas raised the issues on dev list...generated a huge discussion. Foundation has been pushing back because they have so much to do. Jon's soapbox: Foundation making bad decisions on stuff like this....same happened with CM when Ray threatened to branch.: Chuck told him he had to work with others and commit to it etc. Jon thinks this sounds similar with respect to Spring 2.0

Right now Chuck makes decisions on what can be done and if he thinks someone can do it then he okays it. Others think there should be more freedom and encouragement to innovate.

Work would be to start confluence page to organize the work and to declare that we want to take a lead. Issue of what is a core developer in Sakai. Some of it is actually giving resource to the foundation.

22. Do analysis on how to transition from kerberos id to mothra id (spike)