April 12, 2006

April 12, 2006

VetMed Developers Meeting 4/12/06

Beau - H/W: No performance issues reported for spring pilot; hardware being shipped in from Reno.

Chris - Eval and Demo: Reviewed current version of evaluation program with Jan; identified critical parts needed for evaluation success. Will report back to evaluation creators after 1 or 2 days to consider if all needs are met.
Jan demoed CERE for Dean's council. She noticed a syllabus page problem - Iframe didn't render faculty images from photo database. Chris tracked down problem with photo database which required several reboots. Team may need to consider upgrading the photo db server. Per Beau - Need to review various photo storage locations to possibly standardize references and usage.

Ray - In review he noticed unresolved jira items; now is a good time to review any remaining bugs as projects are wrapping up and before new projects taken on.

Keith - Ilios session swap/AJAX functionality in development; Ray - test db should be good. Any code or db update issues?
Chris - May want to get updated version of MESH data and build system to update and re-tag changed references, like a library tool.

Phil - Working on Spring this week; getting comfortable w/environment. Reviewing sakai code base.

Rick - Finalized approach to Captivate videos; meeting with Nancy & Chris S. again re: status of movies (common/shared materials between IET and VM). Going forward with rest of movie list. Got a mic device to help with recording clear audio without popping; mic screen available to use as well.
One of the pilot users has been pressed for time, so CALF team creating pdf files for her for a quick turn-around to students; probably do a Captivate on PDF creator next to help faculty deal with quick turnaround of lecture notes.

Rick/Dave - When is the official production h/w available date? Team needs to determine dates for migration plan for course content for Fall. The main issue are rich sites requiring CALF management, trying to figure out how these rich sites will be integrated into CERE. Some RIA's may require project sites, i.e., non-course but required content like pre-test qualification sites will need locations in CERE. Team agreed on deadline for course creation needed by CALF - July 1.

Chris - We may need to modify import feed to generate courses without enrollment yet, e.g., all VMD courses (based not just on enrollment.) We may also need to customize for core courses without enrollment, but exclude 199/299-type courses unless students are enrolled;

Team agreed that course generation on production is needed in time for faculty training, so that faculty can try things out with their own courses during this time.

CERE Implementation Meeting
No meeting today.