March 15, 2006

March 15, 2006

VM Developers Meeting

Beau: Server status - Slowdown in receivership of new prod servers - will probably launch for Spring pilot on current production server

Chris: Spring launch - Need to drop current CERE users and rerun user feed after Scott fixes email bug;
Setup of course home page w/geckomail integrated as a web content tool. Redirects from student pages in (iWeb) to cere.vetmed.ucdavis.edu

Ray: Gradebook issue (per Monday's Team Lead meeting) - ability to export grades for import into MyUCDavis final grade submission. Ray created an export which meets the MyUCD Excel format; will talk w/Scott about replacing CERE version of export w/locally-built format. Ray spoke to Brian Donnelly about MyUCD import/export process.

Keith: Ilios (course curriculum management system from UCSF) - Created course forms for CAF data. Menu built for Ilios web pages w/rudimentary permissions; reorder offering, sessions, date/time, etc. for curriculum managers. Time to start showing Erin soon. (Ilios being converted from asp to cfm along with feature expansion; usees MS SQL Server) Will coordinate w/Chris and Ray on integration (Ray: tables-in progress)
Not anticipating a system to system link to Sakai by spring, so Chris will manage import/export for spring pilot courses.

CERE Implementation Meeting

Ray - Roles table has curriculum support role for tool exposure to key staff personnel

Rick: Update on Captivate videos - reviewing core list and creating first draft scripts; by end of week or Monday will have a few videos ready.

Chris/Jan - Discussed possiblity of using Captivate to record instructions for faculty on converting ppt to pdf's; faculty need to provide material to students prior to the lecture; workflow includes student labor as part of the process, however there is an issue with delivery of content to student (aide) when ppt file is too big. Asking faculty to move 100 MG ppt to pdf, e.g., requires training; puts onus on faculty to deliver materials; Captivate would be a way to train faculty.

Training needs/issues:

  • password protection of images;
  • creation of website & movies for training;
  • SourceForge PDFCreator on most new faculty machines, but requires multiple links to get to install for faculty w/older machines;
  • faculty training on image settings and copyright issues;
  • multiple needs i.e., both 6-per page printout + single slide Flash displays for lecture content;
  • need to identify exceptions which require special handling by CALF;
  • preparing faculty w/knowledge and tools to do ppt tp pdf process efficiently and smoothly;
  • Help web page w/downloadable tools for manipulation;
  • training students on how to view the files (in OneNote, etc.)

Followed by discussion of learning methods and content design, printing methods, student vs faculty needs.