WORKLOAD REPOSITORY report for DB Name DB Id Instance Inst Num Release RAC Host ------------ ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------ SAKAI 530514751 sakai 1 NO caje Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Curs/Sess --------- ------------------- -------- --------- Begin Snap: 3271 08-Oct-07 23:19:07 1,046 35.3 End Snap: 3272 08-Oct-07 23:21:47 1,038 35.6 Elapsed: 2.67 (mins) DB Time: 0.37 (mins) Cache Sizes ~~~~~~~~~~~ Begin End ---------- ---------- Buffer Cache: 720M 720M Std Block Size: 8K Shared Pool Size: 736M 736M Log Buffer: 15,148K Load Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction --------------- --------------- Redo size: 7,764.32 5,768.39 Logical reads: 7,955.93 5,910.74 Block changes: 30.42 22.60 Physical reads: 45.30 33.66 Physical writes: 0.93 0.69 User calls: 586.91 436.03 Parses: 12.77 9.49 Hard parses: 0.19 0.14 Sorts: 7.15 5.31 Logons: 0.04 0.03 Executes: 174.31 129.50 Transactions: 1.35 % Blocks changed per Read: 0.38 Recursive Call %: 14.47 Rollback per transaction %: 0.93 Rows per Sort: 36.55 Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00 Buffer Hit %: 99.73 In-memory Sort %: 100.00 Library Hit %: 99.65 Soft Parse %: 98.49 Execute to Parse %: 92.67 Latch Hit %: 100.00 Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 78.95 % Non-Parse CPU: 99.11 Shared Pool Statistics Begin End ------ ------ Memory Usage %: 89.62 89.88 % SQL with executions>1: 97.30 97.05 % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 95.08 95.69 Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ---------- CPU time 17 75.0 log file parallel write 224 4 19 19.3 System I/O log file sync 211 4 20 18.8 Commit SQL*Net more data from client 13,987 2 0 11.0 Network control file parallel write 53 1 21 4.9 System I/O ------------------------------------------------------------- Time Model Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total time in database user-calls (DB Time): 22.4s -> Statistics including the word "background" measure background process time, and so do not contribute to the DB time statistic -> Ordered by % or DB time desc, Statistic name Statistic Name Time (s) % of DB Time ------------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------ DB CPU 16.8 75.0 sql execute elapsed time 16.2 72.3 parse time elapsed 0.5 2.2 hard parse elapsed time 0.4 1.8 PL/SQL execution elapsed time 0.1 .6 repeated bind elapsed time 0.1 .6 PL/SQL compilation elapsed time 0.0 .1 connection management call elapsed time 0.0 .1 sequence load elapsed time 0.0 .0 DB time 22.4 N/A background elapsed time 6.9 N/A background cpu time 0.4 N/A ------------------------------------------------------------- Wait Class DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> s - second -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc Avg %Time Total Wait wait Waits Wait Class Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn -------------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------- ------- --------- System I/O 1,069 .0 5 5 4.9 Commit 211 .0 4 20 1.0 Network 139,829 .0 3 0 647.4 User I/O 6,600 .0 1 0 30.6 Other 3 .0 0 6 0.0 Concurrency 5 .0 0 2 0.0 Application 2 .0 0 0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Wait Events DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> s - second -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last) Avg %Time Total Wait wait Waits Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn ---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------- log file parallel write 224 .0 4 19 1.0 log file sync 211 .0 4 20 1.0 SQL*Net more data from clien 13,987 .0 2 0 64.8 control file parallel write 53 .0 1 21 0.2 db file sequential read 4,572 .0 1 0 21.2 SQL*Net more data to client 33,456 .0 0 0 154.9 SQL*Net message to client 92,386 .0 0 0 427.7 db file scattered read 106 .0 0 1 0.5 latch free 2 .0 0 9 0.0 control file sequential read 792 .0 0 0 3.7 direct path read 1,896 .0 0 0 8.8 latch: cache buffers chains 1 .0 0 10 0.0 latch: library cache 4 .0 0 1 0.0 db file parallel read 19 .0 0 0 0.1 SQL*Net break/reset to clien 2 .0 0 0 0.0 cursor: pin S 1 .0 0 0 0.0 direct path write 7 .0 0 0 0.0 SQL*Net message from client 92,386 .0 571,655 6188 427.7 jobq slave wait 89 100.0 261 2930 0.4 Streams AQ: waiting for mess 32 100.0 156 4883 0.1 virtual circuit status 5 100.0 146 29294 0.0 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w 5 .0 137 27345 0.0 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator 10 50.0 137 13673 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Background Wait Events DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last) Avg %Time Total Wait wait Waits Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn ---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------- log file parallel write 225 .0 4 19 1.0 control file parallel write 53 .0 1 21 0.2 control file sequential read 48 .0 0 0 0.2 rdbms ipc message 755 67.9 1,655 2191 3.5 pmon timer 53 100.0 155 2930 0.2 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle w 5 .0 137 27345 0.0 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator 10 50.0 137 13673 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Operating System Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 Statistic Total -------------------------------- -------------------- BUSY_TIME 2,788 IDLE_TIME 29,285 IOWAIT_TIME 1,218 NICE_TIME 0 SYS_TIME 958 USER_TIME 1,796 LOAD 1 RSRC_MGR_CPU_WAIT_TIME 0 PHYSICAL_MEMORY_BYTES 42,632 NUM_CPUS 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- Service Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by DB Time Physical Logical Service Name DB Time (s) DB CPU (s) Reads Reads -------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- SYS$USERS 22.4 16.8 7,418 1,275,820 SYS$BACKGROUND 0.0 0.0 0 199 sakai.ucdavis.edu 0.0 0.0 0 0 sakaiXDB 0.0 0.0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Service Wait Class Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Wait Class info for services in the Service Statistics section. -> Total Waits and Time Waited displayed for the following wait classes: User I/O, Concurrency, Administrative, Network -> Time Waited (Wt Time) in centisecond (100th of a second) Service Name ---------------------------------------------------------------- User I/O User I/O Concurcy Concurcy Admin Admin Network Network Total Wts Wt Time Total Wts Wt Time Total Wts Wt Time Total Wts Wt Time --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- SYS$USERS 6611 112 5 1 0 0 139759 326 SYS$BACKGROUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Elapsed Time DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100 Elapsed CPU Elap per % Total Time (s) Time (s) Executions Exec (s) DB Time SQL Id ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- ------------- 3 3 3,659 0.0 15.2 aby75s01s29un Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4)) and FUNCTION_KEY in ( select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :5) and (ROL E_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID 2 2 15 0.1 9.7 03hnv0pt1nggn Module: JDBC Thin Client select SS.SESSION_ID from SAKAI_SESSION SS left join SAKAI_CLUSTER SC on SS.SESS ION_SERVER = SC.SERVER_ID where SS.SESSION_START = SS.SESSION_END and SC.SERVER_ ID is null 1 1 1 1.4 6.2 0cg8busnwuyh9 Module: sqlplus@caje (TNS V1-V3) BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_SNAPSHOT (); END; 1 1 1 0.6 2.7 bunssq950snhf insert into wrh$_sga_target_advice (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, SGA_SIZ E, SGA_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS) select :snap_id, :dbi d, :instance_number, SGA_SIZE, SGA_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_PHYSICAL_R EADS from v$sga_target_advice 1 1 65 0.0 2.4 d2cdtr9ump6yb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(courseoffe0_.EID) as col_0_0_ from COURSEMANAGEMENT_OFFERING course offe0_ where courseoffe0_.EID=:1 0 0 1 0.4 1.9 5r736ru1uvcw8 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ owner, type_name, typecode FROM SYS.ALL_TYPES where owner is not null 0 0 542 0.0 1.8 c6x6a16zphs25 Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION.FUNCTION_NAME FROM SAKAI _REALM_RL_FN INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN .REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_RE ALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN.ROLE_KEY INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION O 0 0 472 0.0 1.8 cmjt3rksyabf3 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)) and FUNCTION_KE Y in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :7) an d (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and US 0 0 29 0.0 1.7 f9f27aadm1pr0 Module: JDBC Thin Client select dbmembersh0_.ID as ID37_0_, openforumi1_.ID as ID34_1_, areaimpl2_.ID as ID30_2_, permission3_.ID as ID38_3_, dbmembersh0_.VERSION as VERSION37_0_, dbmem bersh0_.UUID as UUID37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CREATED as CREATED37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CR EATED_BY as CREATED5_37_0_, dbmembersh0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED37_0_, dbmembersh0_ 0 0 351 0.0 1.7 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : SQL ordered by Elapsed Time DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100 Elapsed CPU Elap per % Total Time (s) Time (s) Executions Exec (s) DB Time SQL Id ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------- ------- ------------- 0 0 19 0.0 1.7 22331rjyzgm79 Module: JDBC Thin Client select coursesete0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID as COURSEOF1_0_, coursesete0_.COURSESET_E ID as COURSESET2_0_ from BANNER_OFFERING_COURSESETS coursesete0_ where courseset e0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID=:1 0 0 1 0.4 1.7 dmz8wqrptkjn4 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ * FROM SYS.ALL_SYNONYMS WHERE TABLE_OWNER = :own and db_link is null and TABLE_NAME = 'CM_ACADEMIC_SESSION_T' 0 0 398 0.0 1.6 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 0 0 321 0.0 1.2 crg92pss5xq3a Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)) and FUNCTION _KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :8) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and 0 0 2 0.1 1.1 gsytpx8b8g7kg Module: JDBC Thin Client select topicimpl0_.ID as ID31_0_, messagesse1_.ID as ID32_1_, topicimpl0_.VERSIO N as VERSION31_0_, topicimpl0_.UUID as UUID31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED as CREATED 31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED_BY as CREATED6_31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIE D31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED_BY as MODIFIED8_31_0_, topicimpl0_.DEFAULTASSIGNNAM ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by CPU Time DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100 CPU Elapsed CPU per % Total Time (s) Time (s) Executions Exec (s) DB Time SQL Id ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------- ------------- 3 3 3,659 0.00 15.2 aby75s01s29un Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4)) and FUNCTION_KEY in ( select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :5) and (ROL E_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID 2 2 15 0.12 9.7 03hnv0pt1nggn Module: JDBC Thin Client select SS.SESSION_ID from SAKAI_SESSION SS left join SAKAI_CLUSTER SC on SS.SESS ION_SERVER = SC.SERVER_ID where SS.SESSION_START = SS.SESSION_END and SC.SERVER_ ID is null 1 1 1 1.15 6.2 0cg8busnwuyh9 Module: sqlplus@caje (TNS V1-V3) BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_SNAPSHOT (); END; 1 1 1 0.59 2.7 bunssq950snhf insert into wrh$_sga_target_advice (snap_id, dbid, instance_number, SGA_SIZ E, SGA_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS) select :snap_id, :dbi d, :instance_number, SGA_SIZE, SGA_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_PHYSICAL_R EADS from v$sga_target_advice 1 1 65 0.01 2.4 d2cdtr9ump6yb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(courseoffe0_.EID) as col_0_0_ from COURSEMANAGEMENT_OFFERING course offe0_ where courseoffe0_.EID=:1 0 0 542 0.00 1.8 c6x6a16zphs25 Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION.FUNCTION_NAME FROM SAKAI _REALM_RL_FN INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN .REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_RE ALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN.ROLE_KEY INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION O 0 0 472 0.00 1.8 cmjt3rksyabf3 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)) and FUNCTION_KE Y in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :7) an d (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and US 0 0 29 0.01 1.7 f9f27aadm1pr0 Module: JDBC Thin Client select dbmembersh0_.ID as ID37_0_, openforumi1_.ID as ID34_1_, areaimpl2_.ID as ID30_2_, permission3_.ID as ID38_3_, dbmembersh0_.VERSION as VERSION37_0_, dbmem bersh0_.UUID as UUID37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CREATED as CREATED37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CR EATED_BY as CREATED5_37_0_, dbmembersh0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED37_0_, dbmembersh0_ 0 0 351 0.00 1.7 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : 0 0 19 0.02 1.7 22331rjyzgm79 Module: JDBC Thin Client select coursesete0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID as COURSEOF1_0_, coursesete0_.COURSESET_E ID as COURSESET2_0_ from BANNER_OFFERING_COURSESETS coursesete0_ where courseset SQL ordered by CPU Time DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> % Total DB Time is the Elapsed Time of the SQL statement divided into the Total Database Time multiplied by 100 CPU Elapsed CPU per % Total Time (s) Time (s) Executions Exec (s) DB Time SQL Id ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ------- ------------- e0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID=:1 0 0 1 0.38 1.7 dmz8wqrptkjn4 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ * FROM SYS.ALL_SYNONYMS WHERE TABLE_OWNER = :own and db_link is null and TABLE_NAME = 'CM_ACADEMIC_SESSION_T' 0 0 398 0.00 1.6 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 0 0 321 0.00 1.2 crg92pss5xq3a Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)) and FUNCTION _KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :8) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and 0 0 2 0.12 1.1 gsytpx8b8g7kg Module: JDBC Thin Client select topicimpl0_.ID as ID31_0_, messagesse1_.ID as ID32_1_, topicimpl0_.VERSIO N as VERSION31_0_, topicimpl0_.UUID as UUID31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED as CREATED 31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED_BY as CREATED6_31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIE D31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED_BY as MODIFIED8_31_0_, topicimpl0_.DEFAULTASSIGNNAM 0 0 1 0.12 1.9 5r736ru1uvcw8 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ owner, type_name, typecode FROM SYS.ALL_TYPES where owner is not null ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Gets DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> Total Buffer Gets: 1,276,720 -> Captured SQL account for 87.9% of Total Gets CPU Elapsed Buffer Gets Executions per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) SQL Id -------------- ------------ ------------ ------ -------- --------- ------------- 197,610 15 13,174.0 15.5 1.83 2.18 03hnv0pt1nggn Module: JDBC Thin Client select SS.SESSION_ID from SAKAI_SESSION SS left join SAKAI_CLUSTER SC on SS.SESS ION_SERVER = SC.SERVER_ID where SS.SESSION_START = SS.SESSION_END and SC.SERVER_ ID is null 194,052 1 194,052.0 15.2 0.38 0.38 dmz8wqrptkjn4 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ * FROM SYS.ALL_SYNONYMS WHERE TABLE_OWNER = :own and db_link is null and TABLE_NAME = 'CM_ACADEMIC_SESSION_T' 178,489 29 6,154.8 14.0 0.39 0.39 f9f27aadm1pr0 Module: JDBC Thin Client select dbmembersh0_.ID as ID37_0_, openforumi1_.ID as ID34_1_, areaimpl2_.ID as ID30_2_, permission3_.ID as ID38_3_, dbmembersh0_.VERSION as VERSION37_0_, dbmem bersh0_.UUID as UUID37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CREATED as CREATED37_0_, dbmembersh0_.CR EATED_BY as CREATED5_37_0_, dbmembersh0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED37_0_, dbmembersh0_ 120,336 3,659 32.9 9.4 3.41 3.42 aby75s01s29un Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4)) and FUNCTION_KEY in ( select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :5) and (ROL E_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID 51,428 542 94.9 4.0 0.41 0.41 c6x6a16zphs25 Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION.FUNCTION_NAME FROM SAKAI _REALM_RL_FN INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN .REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_RE ALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN.ROLE_KEY INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION O 46,684 2 23,342.0 3.7 0.24 0.24 gsytpx8b8g7kg Module: JDBC Thin Client select topicimpl0_.ID as ID31_0_, messagesse1_.ID as ID32_1_, topicimpl0_.VERSIO N as VERSION31_0_, topicimpl0_.UUID as UUID31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED as CREATED 31_0_, topicimpl0_.CREATED_BY as CREATED6_31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIE D31_0_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED_BY as MODIFIED8_31_0_, topicimpl0_.DEFAULTASSIGNNAM 40,736 19 2,144.0 3.2 0.38 0.38 22331rjyzgm79 Module: JDBC Thin Client select coursesete0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID as COURSEOF1_0_, coursesete0_.COURSESET_E ID as COURSESET2_0_ from BANNER_OFFERING_COURSESETS coursesete0_ where courseset e0_.COURSEOFFERING_EID=:1 34,358 1 34,358.0 2.7 0.10 0.11 032qbp90smcqu Module: JDBC Thin Client select privatemes0_.ID as ID32_, privatemes0_.VERSION as VERSION32_, privatemes0 _.UUID as UUID32_, privatemes0_.CREATED as CREATED32_, privatemes0_.CREATED_BY a s CREATED6_32_, privatemes0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED32_, privatemes0_.MODIFIED_BY a s MODIFIED8_32_, privatemes0_.TITLE as TITLE32_, privatemes0_.BODY as BODY32_, p 29,543 542 54.5 2.3 0.12 0.12 6n5nww1af3q5h Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.USER_ID, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR. ACTIVE, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.PROVIDED FROM SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_ 26,715 65 411.0 2.1 0.53 0.53 d2cdtr9ump6yb SQL ordered by Gets DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Resources reported for PL/SQL code includes the resources used by all SQL statements called by the code. -> Total Buffer Gets: 1,276,720 -> Captured SQL account for 87.9% of Total Gets CPU Elapsed Buffer Gets Executions per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) SQL Id -------------- ------------ ------------ ------ -------- --------- ------------- Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(courseoffe0_.EID) as col_0_0_ from COURSEMANAGEMENT_OFFERING course offe0_ where courseoffe0_.EID=:1 22,725 2,525 9.0 1.8 0.11 0.11 5r6vhfx4563bb Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRR.ROLE_NAME from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR on SR RG.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY inner join SAKAI_REALM_ROLE SRR on SRRG.ROLE_KEY = S RR.ROLE_KEY where SR.REALM_ID = :1 and SRRG.USER_ID = :2 and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1' 19,355 472 41.0 1.5 0.41 0.41 cmjt3rksyabf3 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)) and FUNCTION_KE Y in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :7) an d (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and US 18,528 398 46.6 1.5 0.37 0.37 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 14,246 351 40.6 1.1 0.38 0.38 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : 14,121 321 44.0 1.1 0.27 0.27 crg92pss5xq3a Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)) and FUNCTION _KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :8) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and 13,414 400 33.5 1.1 0.09 0.09 c55kf9dj75jy4 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN MAINTABLE LEFT JOIN SAKAI_REALM_RL _GR GRANTED_ROLES ON (MAINTABLE.REALM_KEY = GRANTED_ROLES.REALM_KEY AND MAINTABLE.ROLE_KEY = GRANTED_ROLES.ROLE_KEY), SAKAI_REALM REALMS, SAKAI_REAL M_ROLE ROLES, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION FUNCTIONS where ( ROLES.ROLE_NAME in( 13,117 13 1,009.0 1.0 0.10 0.12 6p68587y4yccm Module: JDBC Thin Client select personinfo0_.EID as EID253_, personinfo0_.KERBEROS_NAME as KERBEROS2_253_ , personinfo0_.PERSON_NAME as PERSON3_253_, personinfo0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST4_25 3_, personinfo0_.LAST_NAME as LAST5_253_, personinfo0_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAIL6_2 53_, personinfo0_.PERSON_TYPE as PERSON7_253_ from UCDSAKAI_PERSON_INFO personin ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Reads DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Disk Reads: 7,270 -> Captured SQL account for 45.2% of Total Reads CPU Elapsed Physical Reads Executions per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s) SQL Id -------------- ----------- ------------- ------ -------- --------- ------------- 1,394 1 1,394.0 19.2 0.12 0.42 5r736ru1uvcw8 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ owner, type_name, typecode FROM SYS.ALL_TYPES where owner is not null 786 1 786.0 10.8 0.02 0.14 6au580avdmudr Module: JDBC Thin Client select topicimpl0_.ID as ID31_, topicimpl0_.VERSION as VERSION31_, topicimpl0_.U UID as UUID31_, topicimpl0_.CREATED as CREATED31_, topicimpl0_.CREATED_BY as CRE ATED6_31_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED31_, topicimpl0_.MODIFIED_BY as MODIF IED8_31_, topicimpl0_.DEFAULTASSIGNNAME as DEFAULTA9_31_, topicimpl0_.TITLE as T 748 1 748.0 10.3 1.15 1.39 0cg8busnwuyh9 Module: sqlplus@caje (TNS V1-V3) BEGIN DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.CREATE_SNAPSHOT (); END; 495 1 495.0 6.8 0.38 0.38 dmz8wqrptkjn4 Module: TOAD Select /*+ RULE */ * FROM SYS.ALL_SYNONYMS WHERE TABLE_OWNER = :own and db_link is null and TABLE_NAME = 'CM_ACADEMIC_SESSION_T' 373 1 373.0 5.1 0.10 0.11 032qbp90smcqu Module: JDBC Thin Client select privatemes0_.ID as ID32_, privatemes0_.VERSION as VERSION32_, privatemes0 _.UUID as UUID32_, privatemes0_.CREATED as CREATED32_, privatemes0_.CREATED_BY a s CREATED6_32_, privatemes0_.MODIFIED as MODIFIED32_, privatemes0_.MODIFIED_BY a s MODIFIED8_32_, privatemes0_.TITLE as TITLE32_, privatemes0_.BODY as BODY32_, p 83 25 3.3 1.1 0.01 0.01 4qf4n9akpdaz0 Module: JDBC Thin Client select XML from CALENDAR_EVENT where (CALENDAR_ID = :1 ) order by EVENT_START as c 22 398 0.1 0.3 0.37 0.37 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 17 37 0.5 0.2 0.02 0.04 grwydz59pu6mc select text from view$ where rowid=:1 13 351 0.0 0.2 0.38 0.38 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : 13 182 0.1 0.2 0.14 0.14 dub7v8sr436fw Module: JDBC Thin Client select XML from ASSIGNMENT_SUBMISSION where CONTEXT = :1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Executions DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Executions: 27,972 -> Captured SQL account for 59.7% of Total CPU per Elap per Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) SQL Id ------------ --------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- 3,659 3,659 1.0 0.00 0.00 aby75s01s29un Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4)) and FUNCTION_KEY in ( select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :5) and (ROL E_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID 3,536 3,533 1.0 0.00 0.00 g15u20xaysjyr Module: JDBC Thin Client select personinfo0_.EID as EID253_, personinfo0_.KERBEROS_NAME as KERBEROS2_253_ , personinfo0_.PERSON_NAME as PERSON3_253_, personinfo0_.FIRST_NAME as FIRST4_25 3_, personinfo0_.LAST_NAME as LAST5_253_, personinfo0_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAIL6_2 53_, personinfo0_.PERSON_TYPE as PERSON7_253_ from UCDSAKAI_PERSON_INFO personin 2,525 2,525 1.0 0.00 0.00 5r6vhfx4563bb Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRR.ROLE_NAME from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR on SR RG.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY inner join SAKAI_REALM_ROLE SRR on SRRG.ROLE_KEY = S RR.ROLE_KEY where SR.REALM_ID = :1 and SRRG.USER_ID = :2 and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1' 1,000 1,000 1.0 0.00 0.00 6nrr3a3qqtnsk Module: JDBC Thin Client select 1 from DUAL 729 17 0.0 0.00 0.00 5kf9v913h66zf Module: JDBC Thin Client select unreadstat0_.ID as ID29_, unreadstat0_.VERSION as VERSION29_, unreadstat0 _.TOPIC_C as TOPIC3_29_, unreadstat0_.MESSAGE_C as MESSAGE4_29_, unreadstat0_.US ER_C as USER5_29_, unreadstat0_.READ_C as READ6_29_ from MFR_UNREAD_STATUS_T unr eadstat0_ where unreadstat0_.MESSAGE_C=:1 and unreadstat0_.TOPIC_C=:2 and unread 542 15,950 29.4 0.00 0.00 6n5nww1af3q5h Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.USER_ID, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR. ACTIVE, SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.PROVIDED FROM SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR.REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_ 542 81,857 151.0 0.00 0.00 c6x6a16zphs25 Module: JDBC Thin Client SELECT SAKAI_REALM_ROLE.ROLE_NAME, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION.FUNCTION_NAME FROM SAKAI _REALM_RL_FN INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM ON SAKAI_REALM.REALM_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN .REALM_KEY AND SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID = :1 INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_ROLE ON SAKAI_RE ALM_ROLE.ROLE_KEY = SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN.ROLE_KEY INNER JOIN SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION O 472 472 1.0 0.00 0.00 cmjt3rksyabf3 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6)) and FUNCTION_KE Y in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :7) an d (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and US 459 459 1.0 0.00 0.00 95dswfc148k28 Module: JDBC Thin Client select EID from SAKAI_USER_ID_MAP where USER_ID=:1 400 400 1.0 0.00 0.00 c55kf9dj75jy4 Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN MAINTABLE LEFT JOIN SAKAI_REALM_RL _GR GRANTED_ROLES ON (MAINTABLE.REALM_KEY = GRANTED_ROLES.REALM_KEY AND SQL ordered by Executions DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Executions: 27,972 -> Captured SQL account for 59.7% of Total CPU per Elap per Executions Rows Processed Rows per Exec Exec (s) Exec (s) SQL Id ------------ --------------- -------------- ---------- ----------- ------------- MAINTABLE.ROLE_KEY = GRANTED_ROLES.ROLE_KEY), SAKAI_REALM REALMS, SAKAI_REAL M_ROLE ROLES, SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION FUNCTIONS where ( ROLES.ROLE_NAME in( 398 398 1.0 0.00 0.00 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 372 372 1.0 0.00 0.00 gv2xbsjh4g2gg Module: JDBC Thin Client select XML from ASSIGNMENT_CONTENT where ( CONTENT_ID = :1 ) 351 351 1.0 0.00 0.00 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : 321 321 1.0 0.00 0.00 crg92pss5xq3a Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)) and FUNCTION _KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :8) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Parse Calls DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Parse Calls: 2,050 -> Captured SQL account for 61.9% of Total % Total Parse Calls Executions Parses SQL Id ------------ ------------ --------- ------------- 1,000 1,000 48.78 6nrr3a3qqtnsk Module: JDBC Thin Client select 1 from DUAL 37 37 1.80 grwydz59pu6mc select text from view$ where rowid=:1 10 10 0.49 4m7m0t6fjcs5x update seq$ set increment$=:2,minvalue=:3,maxvalue=:4,cycle#=:5,order$=:6,cache= :7,highwater=:8,audit$=:9,flags=:10 where obj#=:1 9 104 0.44 20q958xk8hv8m Module: JDBC Thin Client select ASSIGNMENT_ID from ASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNMENT where ( ASSIGNMENT_ID = :1 ) 9 13 0.44 ddw7h9jum7bnh Module: JDBC Thin Client select XML from ASSIGNMENT_SUBMISSION where ( SUBMISSION_ID = :1 ) 8 29 0.39 9vfd0br7guzvm Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(*) as col_0_0_ from MFR_MESSAGE_T messageimp0_, MFR_UNREAD_STATUS_T unreadstat1_ where messageimp0_.surrogateKey=:1 and unreadstat1_.USER_C=:2 and messageimp0_.ID=unreadstat1_.MESSAGE_C and unreadstat1_.READ_C=1 and messageimp0 _.DRAFT=0 and messageimp0_.DELETED=0 and (messageimp0_.APPROVED=1 or messageimp0 8 58 0.39 f3z1f95980u9k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(*) as col_0_0_ from MFR_MESSAGE_T messageimp0_ where messageimp0_.s urrogateKey=:1 and messageimp0_.DRAFT=0 and messageimp0_.DELETED=0 and (messagei mp0_.APPROVED=1 or messageimp0_.CREATED_BY=:2) 8 72 0.39 f8066cv54zqb7 Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRRG.USER_ID from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR ON SRR G.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY where SR.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3) and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1 ' and SRRG.ROLE_KEY in (select SRRF.ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN SRRF inner j oin SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION SRF ON SRRF.FUNCTION_KEY = SRF.FUNCTION_KEY inner join 7 13 0.34 1896qmk9dn7p0 Module: JDBC Thin Client select XML from SAKAI_PREFERENCES where ( PREFERENCES_ID = :1 ) 7 15 0.34 5ytsc9z5gxavh Module: JDBC Thin Client select SERVER_ID from SAKAI_CLUSTER where SERVER_ID = :1 ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Sharable Memory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Only Statements with Sharable Memory greater than 1048576 are displayed Sharable Mem (b) Executions % Total SQL Id ---------------- ------------ -------- ------------- 35,112,020 N/A 4.55 0nmzn7vrra627 select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8)) and FUNCT ION_KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :9) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' 4,898,181 58 0.63 g0cahhj5pw9uf Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9)) and FU NCTION_KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :10) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = 3,809,848 1 0.49 camts4vh6qv7r Module: JDBC Thin Client update SAKAI_SITE set TITLE = :1,TYPE = :2,SHORT_DESC = :3,DESCRIPTION = :4,ICON _URL = :5,INFO_URL = :6,SKIN = :7,PUBLISHED = :8,JOINABLE = :9,PUBVIEW = :10,JOI N_ROLE = :11,IS_SPECIAL = :12,IS_USER = :13,CREATEDBY = :14,MODIFIEDBY = :15,CRE ATEDON = :16,MODIFIEDON = :17,CUSTOM_PAGE_ORDERED = :18 where ( SITE_ID = :19 ) 1,622,253 398 0.21 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 1,282,056 72 0.17 f8066cv54zqb7 Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRRG.USER_ID from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR ON SRR G.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY where SR.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3) and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1 ' and SRRG.ROLE_KEY in (select SRRF.ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN SRRF inner j oin SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION SRF ON SRRF.FUNCTION_KEY = SRF.FUNCTION_KEY inner join ------------------------------------------------------------- SQL ordered by Version Count DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Only Statements with Version Count greater than 20 are displayed Version Count Executions SQL Id -------- ------------ ------------- 667 N/A 0nmzn7vrra627 select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8)) and FUNCT ION_KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :9) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' 490 398 9xmw3p1px195k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5)) and FUNCTION_KEY i n (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :6) and ( ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ 211 351 0jf0d1wyx5vkb Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3)) and FUNCTION_KEY in (sel ect FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :4) and (ROLE_K EY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID = : 208 1 camts4vh6qv7r Module: JDBC Thin Client update SAKAI_SITE set TITLE = :1,TYPE = :2,SHORT_DESC = :3,DESCRIPTION = :4,ICON _URL = :5,INFO_URL = :6,SKIN = :7,PUBLISHED = :8,JOINABLE = :9,PUBVIEW = :10,JOI N_ROLE = :11,IS_SPECIAL = :12,IS_USER = :13,CREATEDBY = :14,MODIFIEDBY = :15,CRE ATEDON = :16,MODIFIEDON = :17,CUSTOM_PAGE_ORDERED = :18 where ( SITE_ID = :19 ) 139 58 g0cahhj5pw9uf Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9)) and FU NCTION_KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :10) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = 60 72 f8066cv54zqb7 Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRRG.USER_ID from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR ON SRR G.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY where SR.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3) and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1 ' and SRRG.ROLE_KEY in (select SRRF.ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN SRRF inner j oin SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION SRF ON SRRF.FUNCTION_KEY = SRF.FUNCTION_KEY inner join 60 72 f8066cv54zqb7 Module: JDBC Thin Client select SRRG.USER_ID from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR SRRG inner join SAKAI_REALM SR ON SRR G.REALM_KEY = SR.REALM_KEY where SR.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3) and SRRG.ACTIVE = '1 ' and SRRG.ROLE_KEY in (select SRRF.ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN SRRF inner j oin SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION SRF ON SRRF.FUNCTION_KEY = SRF.FUNCTION_KEY inner join 46 1 9z4r824szyb5f Module: JDBC Thin Client insert into MFR_MESSAGE_T (VERSION, UUID, CREATED, CREATED_BY, MODIFIED, MODIFIE D_BY, TITLE, BODY, AUTHOR, HAS_ATTACHMENTS, GRADECOMMENT, GRADEASSIGNMENTNAME, L ABEL, IN_REPLY_TO, GRADEBOOK, GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENT, TYPE_UUID, APPROVED, DRAFT, DELETED, surrogateKey, MESSAGE_DTYPE, ID) values (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8 38 1 fdja9g0p9m49n Module: JDBC Thin Client INSERT INTO SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR (REALM_KEY, USER_ID, ROLE_KEY, ACTIVE, PROVIDED) V ALUES ( (SELECT REALM_KEY FROM SAKAI_REALM WHERE REALM_ID = :1), :2, (SELECT RO LE_KEY FROM SAKAI_REALM_ROLE WHERE ROLE_NAME = :3), :4, :5) SQL ordered by Version Count DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Only Statements with Version Count greater than 20 are displayed Version Count Executions SQL Id -------- ------------ ------------- 36 3,659 aby75s01s29un Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4)) and FUNCTION_KEY in ( select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :5) and (ROL E_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and USER_ID 36 321 crg92pss5xq3a Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(1) from SAKAI_REALM_RL_FN where REALM_KEY in (select REALM_KEY from SAKAI_REALM where SAKAI_REALM.REALM_ID IN (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)) and FUNCTION _KEY in (select FUNCTION_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION where FUNCTION_NAME = :8) and (ROLE_KEY in (select ROLE_KEY from SAKAI_REALM_RL_GR where ACTIVE = '1' and 25 58 f3z1f95980u9k Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(*) as col_0_0_ from MFR_MESSAGE_T messageimp0_ where messageimp0_.s urrogateKey=:1 and messageimp0_.DRAFT=0 and messageimp0_.DELETED=0 and (messagei mp0_.APPROVED=1 or messageimp0_.CREATED_BY=:2) 24 29 9vfd0br7guzvm Module: JDBC Thin Client select count(*) as col_0_0_ from MFR_MESSAGE_T messageimp0_, MFR_UNREAD_STATUS_T unreadstat1_ where messageimp0_.surrogateKey=:1 and unreadstat1_.USER_C=:2 and messageimp0_.ID=unreadstat1_.MESSAGE_C and unreadstat1_.READ_C=1 and messageimp0 _.DRAFT=0 and messageimp0_.DELETED=0 and (messageimp0_.APPROVED=1 or messageimp0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 Statistic Total per Second per Trans -------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- CPU used by this session 1,730 10.8 8.0 CPU used when call started 1,714 10.7 7.9 CR blocks created 2 0.0 0.0 Cached Commit SCN referenced 0 0.0 0.0 Commit SCN cached 0 0.0 0.0 DB time 103,340 644.0 478.4 DBWR checkpoint buffers written 112 0.7 0.5 DBWR checkpoints 0 0.0 0.0 DBWR object drop buffers written 0 0.0 0.0 DBWR revisited being-written buf 0 0.0 0.0 DBWR tablespace checkpoint buffe 0 0.0 0.0 DBWR thread checkpoint buffers w 112 0.7 0.5 DBWR transaction table writes 0 0.0 0.0 DBWR undo block writes 6 0.0 0.0 IMU CR rollbacks 0 0.0 0.0 IMU Flushes 69 0.4 0.3 IMU Redo allocation size 144,976 903.4 671.2 IMU commits 177 1.1 0.8 IMU contention 0 0.0 0.0 IMU ktichg flush 0 0.0 0.0 IMU pool not allocated 0 0.0 0.0 IMU recursive-transaction flush 1 0.0 0.0 IMU undo allocation size 422,252 2,631.3 1,954.9 IMU- failed to get a private str 0 0.0 0.0 SMON posted for dropping temp se 0 0.0 0.0 SMON posted for undo segment rec 0 0.0 0.0 SMON posted for undo segment shr 0 0.0 0.0 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from clien 92,445 576.1 428.0 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from dblin 0 0.0 0.0 active txn count during cleanout 25 0.2 0.1 application wait time 0 0.0 0.0 background checkpoints completed 0 0.0 0.0 background checkpoints started 0 0.0 0.0 background timeouts 514 3.2 2.4 branch node splits 0 0.0 0.0 buffer is not pinned count 755,906 4,710.5 3,499.6 buffer is pinned count 932,109 5,808.5 4,315.3 bytes received via SQL*Net from 50,188,378 312,750.8 232,353.6 bytes received via SQL*Net from 0 0.0 0.0 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client 105,842,224 659,560.0 490,010.3 bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink 0 0.0 0.0 calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgs 70,842 441.5 328.0 calls to kcmgas 274 1.7 1.3 calls to kcmgcs 39 0.2 0.2 change write time 4 0.0 0.0 cleanout - number of ktugct call 33 0.2 0.2 cleanouts and rollbacks - consis 0 0.0 0.0 cleanouts only - consistent read 1 0.0 0.0 cluster key scan block gets 3,570 22.3 16.5 cluster key scans 1,827 11.4 8.5 commit batch performed 0 0.0 0.0 commit batch requested 0 0.0 0.0 commit batch/immediate performed 0 0.0 0.0 commit batch/immediate requested 0 0.0 0.0 commit cleanout failures: block 0 0.0 0.0 commit cleanout failures: buffer 0 0.0 0.0 commit cleanout failures: callba 3 0.0 0.0 commit cleanout failures: cannot 0 0.0 0.0 commit cleanouts 935 5.8 4.3 commit cleanouts successfully co 932 5.8 4.3 Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 Statistic Total per Second per Trans -------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- commit immediate performed 0 0.0 0.0 commit immediate requested 0 0.0 0.0 commit txn count during cleanout 22 0.1 0.1 concurrency wait time 1 0.0 0.0 consistent changes 2 0.0 0.0 consistent gets 1,270,952 7,920.0 5,884.0 consistent gets - examination 507,028 3,159.6 2,347.4 consistent gets direct 1,905 11.9 8.8 consistent gets from cache 1,269,047 7,908.1 5,875.2 current blocks converted for CR 0 0.0 0.0 cursor authentications 6 0.0 0.0 data blocks consistent reads - u 2 0.0 0.0 db block changes 4,882 30.4 22.6 db block gets 5,770 36.0 26.7 db block gets direct 7 0.0 0.0 db block gets from cache 5,763 35.9 26.7 deferred (CURRENT) block cleanou 444 2.8 2.1 dirty buffers inspected 18 0.1 0.1 enqueue conversions 40 0.3 0.2 enqueue releases 2,282 14.2 10.6 enqueue requests 2,282 14.2 10.6 enqueue timeouts 0 0.0 0.0 enqueue waits 0 0.0 0.0 exchange deadlocks 0 0.0 0.0 execute count 27,972 174.3 129.5 failed probes on index block rec 0 0.0 0.0 frame signature mismatch 0 0.0 0.0 free buffer inspected 5,585 34.8 25.9 free buffer requested 5,457 34.0 25.3 heap block compress 11 0.1 0.1 hot buffers moved to head of LRU 1,823 11.4 8.4 immediate (CR) block cleanout ap 1 0.0 0.0 immediate (CURRENT) block cleano 104 0.7 0.5 index crx upgrade (found) 0 0.0 0.0 index crx upgrade (positioned) 22,979 143.2 106.4 index fast full scans (full) 65 0.4 0.3 index fetch by key 258,696 1,612.1 1,197.7 index scans kdiixs1 221,637 1,381.1 1,026.1 leaf node 90-10 splits 7 0.0 0.0 leaf node splits 13 0.1 0.1 lob reads 1,132 7.1 5.2 lob writes 33 0.2 0.2 lob writes unaligned 30 0.2 0.1 logons cumulative 6 0.0 0.0 messages received 273 1.7 1.3 messages sent 273 1.7 1.3 no buffer to keep pinned count 0 0.0 0.0 no work - consistent read gets 734,611 4,577.8 3,401.0 opened cursors cumulative 2,077 12.9 9.6 parse count (failures) 0 0.0 0.0 parse count (hard) 31 0.2 0.1 parse count (total) 2,050 12.8 9.5 parse time cpu 15 0.1 0.1 parse time elapsed 19 0.1 0.1 physical read IO requests 6,486 40.4 30.0 physical read bytes 59,555,840 371,124.5 275,721.5 physical read total IO requests 7,299 45.5 33.8 physical read total bytes 72,704,000 453,057.8 336,592.6 physical read total multi block 110 0.7 0.5 physical reads 7,270 45.3 33.7 Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 Statistic Total per Second per Trans -------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- physical reads cache 5,367 33.4 24.9 physical reads cache prefetch 822 5.1 3.8 physical reads direct 1,903 11.9 8.8 physical reads direct (lob) 1,900 11.8 8.8 physical reads direct temporary 0 0.0 0.0 physical reads prefetch warmup 0 0.0 0.0 physical write IO requests 120 0.8 0.6 physical write bytes 1,220,608 7,606.3 5,651.0 physical write total IO requests 729 4.5 3.4 physical write total bytes 6,644,736 41,406.9 30,762.7 physical write total multi block 463 2.9 2.1 physical writes 149 0.9 0.7 physical writes direct 7 0.0 0.0 physical writes direct (lob) 7 0.0 0.0 physical writes direct temporary 0 0.0 0.0 physical writes from cache 142 0.9 0.7 physical writes non checkpoint 67 0.4 0.3 pinned buffers inspected 0 0.0 0.0 prefetch clients - default 0 0.0 0.0 prefetch warmup blocks aged out 0 0.0 0.0 prefetched blocks aged out befor 0 0.0 0.0 process last non-idle time 0 0.0 0.0 recovery blocks read 0 0.0 0.0 recursive calls 15,928 99.3 73.7 recursive cpu usage 161 1.0 0.8 redo blocks read for recovery 0 0.0 0.0 redo blocks written 2,753 17.2 12.8 redo buffer allocation retries 0 0.0 0.0 redo entries 1,707 10.6 7.9 redo log space requests 0 0.0 0.0 redo log space wait time 0 0.0 0.0 redo ordering marks 0 0.0 0.0 redo size 1,245,972 7,764.3 5,768.4 redo synch time 426 2.7 2.0 redo synch writes 12,892 80.3 59.7 redo wastage 60,932 379.7 282.1 redo write time 443 2.8 2.1 redo writer latching time 0 0.0 0.0 redo writes 225 1.4 1.0 rollback changes - undo records 0 0.0 0.0 rollbacks only - consistent read 2 0.0 0.0 rows fetched via callback 205,304 1,279.4 950.5 session connect time 0 0.0 0.0 session cursor cache hits 1,232 7.7 5.7 session logical reads 1,276,720 7,955.9 5,910.7 session uga memory max 3,390,496 21,128.0 15,696.7 shared hash latch upgrades - no 24,710 154.0 114.4 shared hash latch upgrades - wai 0 0.0 0.0 sorts (disk) 0 0.0 0.0 sorts (memory) 1,148 7.2 5.3 sorts (rows) 41,960 261.5 194.3 sql area evicted 0 0.0 0.0 sql area purged 0 0.0 0.0 summed dirty queue length 22 0.1 0.1 switch current to new buffer 14 0.1 0.1 table fetch by rowid 543,256 3,385.3 2,515.1 table fetch continued row 6,730 41.9 31.2 table scan blocks gotten 323,162 2,013.8 1,496.1 table scan rows gotten 18,905,725 117,811.8 87,526.5 table scans (long tables) 0 0.0 0.0 Instance Activity Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 Statistic Total per Second per Trans -------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- table scans (short tables) 1,110 6.9 5.1 total number of times SMON poste 0 0.0 0.0 transaction rollbacks 0 0.0 0.0 transaction tables consistent re 0 0.0 0.0 transaction tables consistent re 0 0.0 0.0 undo change vector size 393,840 2,454.2 1,823.3 user I/O wait time 111 0.7 0.5 user calls 94,183 586.9 436.0 user commits 214 1.3 1.0 user rollbacks 2 0.0 0.0 workarea executions - onepass 0 0.0 0.0 workarea executions - optimal 1,063 6.6 4.9 write clones created in backgrou 0 0.0 0.0 write clones created in foregrou 0 0.0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Instance Activity Stats - Absolute ValuesDB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-32 -> Statistics with absolute values (should not be diffed) Statistic Begin Value End Value -------------------------------- --------------- --------------- session cursor cache count 395,634 395,703 opened cursors current 36,937 36,952 workarea memory allocated 5,750 5,750 logons current 1,046 1,038 ------------------------------------------------------------- Instance Activity Stats - Thread ActivityDB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-327 -> Statistics identified by '(derived)' come from sources other than SYSSTAT Statistic Total per Hour -------------------------------- ------------------ --------- log switches (derived) 0 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------- Tablespace IO Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by IOs (Reads + Writes) desc Tablespace ------------------------------ Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms) -------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------ DATA_TS 3,954 25 0.1 1.2 125 1 0 0.0 SYSTEM 2,023 13 0.2 1.0 1 0 0 0.0 SYSAUX 673 4 0.2 1.1 0 0 0 0.0 UNDOTBS1 0 0 0.0 .0 1 0 0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- File IO Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by Tablespace, File Tablespace Filename ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- Av Av Av Av Buffer Av Buf Reads Reads/s Rd(ms) Blks/Rd Writes Writes/s Waits Wt(ms) -------------- ------- ------ ------- ------------ -------- ---------- ------ DATA_TS /local/d02/oracle/sakai/data01.dbf 2,762 17 0.1 1.2 71 0 0 0.0 DATA_TS /local/d02/oracle/sakai/data02.dbf 1,192 7 0.1 1.1 54 0 0 0.0 SYSAUX /local/d02/oracle/sakai/sysaux01.dbf 673 4 0.2 1.1 0 0 0 0.0 SYSTEM /local/d02/oracle/sakai/system01.dbf 2,023 13 0.2 1.0 1 0 0 0.0 UNDOTBS1 /local/d02/oracle/sakai/undotbs01.dbf 0 0 N/A N/A 1 0 0 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer Pool Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Standard block size Pools D: default, K: keep, R: recycle -> Default Pools for other block sizes: 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k Free Writ Buffer Number of Pool Buffer Physical Physical Buff Comp Busy P Buffers Hit% Gets Reads Writes Wait Wait Waits --- ---------- ---- -------------- ------------ ----------- ---- ---- ---------- D 88,589 100 1,274,149 5,424 142 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Instance Recovery Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> B: Begin snapshot, E: End snapshot Targt Estd Log File Log Ckpt Log Ckpt MTTR MTTR Recovery Actual Target Size Timeout Interval (s) (s) Estd IOs Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks Redo Blks - ----- ----- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- ------------ B 0 0 1705 26769 26821 737280 26821 N/A E 0 0 2051 26588 26374 737280 26374 N/A ------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer Pool Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 -> Only rows with estimated physical reads >0 are displayed -> ordered by Block Size, Buffers For Estimate Est Phys Size for Size Buffers for Read Estimated P Est (M) Factor Estimate Factor Physical Reads --- -------- ------ ---------------- ------ ------------------ D 64 .1 7,996 1.6 596,153,418 D 128 .2 15,992 1.4 516,261,279 D 192 .3 23,988 1.2 459,231,406 D 256 .4 31,984 1.1 425,402,092 D 320 .4 39,980 1.1 402,586,381 D 384 .5 47,976 1.0 389,080,614 D 448 .6 55,972 1.0 381,078,679 D 512 .7 63,968 1.0 377,076,361 D 576 .8 71,964 1.0 375,537,308 D 640 .9 79,960 1.0 374,887,569 D 704 1.0 87,956 1.0 374,654,441 D 720 1.0 89,955 1.0 374,614,634 D 768 1.1 95,952 1.0 374,495,082 D 832 1.2 103,948 1.0 374,375,399 D 896 1.2 111,944 1.0 374,286,345 D 960 1.3 119,940 1.0 374,217,208 D 1,024 1.4 127,936 1.0 374,159,533 D 1,088 1.5 135,932 1.0 374,108,184 D 1,152 1.6 143,928 1.0 374,066,383 D 1,216 1.7 151,924 1.0 374,007,242 D 1,280 1.8 159,920 1.0 373,967,081 ------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Aggr Summary DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> PGA cache hit % - percentage of W/A (WorkArea) data processed only in-memory PGA Cache Hit % W/A MB Processed Extra W/A MB Read/Written --------------- ------------------ -------------------------- 100.0 36 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Aggr Target Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> B: Begin snap E: End snap (rows dentified with B or E contain data which is absolute i.e. not diffed over the interval) -> Auto PGA Target - actual workarea memory target -> W/A PGA Used - amount of memory used for all Workareas (manual + auto) -> %PGA W/A Mem - percentage of PGA memory allocated to workareas -> %Auto W/A Mem - percentage of workarea memory controlled by Auto Mem Mgmt -> %Man W/A Mem - percentage of workarea memory under manual control %PGA %Auto %Man PGA Aggr Auto PGA PGA Mem W/A PGA W/A W/A W/A Global Mem Target(M) Target(M) Alloc(M) Used(M) Mem Mem Mem Bound(K) - ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------ ------ ---------- B 800 152 968.9 5.6 .6 100.0 .0 102,400 E 800 154 961.3 5.6 .6 100.0 .0 102,400 ------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Aggr Target Histogram DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Optimal Executions are purely in-memory operations Low High Optimal Optimal Total Execs Optimal Execs 1-Pass Execs M-Pass Execs ------- ------- -------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ 2K 4K 986 986 0 0 64K 128K 21 21 0 0 128K 256K 21 21 0 0 256K 512K 2 2 0 0 512K 1024K 31 31 0 0 1M 2M 4 4 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- PGA Memory Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 -> When using Auto Memory Mgmt, minimally choose a pga_aggregate_target value where Estd PGA Overalloc Count is 0 Estd Extra Estd PGA Estd PGA PGA Target Size W/A MB W/A MB Read/ Cache Overalloc Est (MB) Factr Processed Written to Disk Hit % Count ---------- ------- ---------------- ---------------- -------- ---------- 100 0.1 407,595.9 55,022.6 88.0 2,454 200 0.3 407,595.9 54,984.6 88.0 2,454 400 0.5 407,595.9 51,847.9 89.0 2,345 600 0.8 407,595.9 36,777.6 92.0 1,279 800 1.0 407,595.9 3,476.5 99.0 0 960 1.2 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 1,120 1.4 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 1,280 1.6 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 1,440 1.8 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 1,600 2.0 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 2,400 3.0 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 3,200 4.0 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 4,800 6.0 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 6,400 8.0 407,595.9 3,337.4 99.0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Shared Pool Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 -> SP: Shared Pool Est LC: Estimated Library Cache Factr: Factor -> Note there is often a 1:Many correlation between a single logical object in the Library Cache, and the physical number of memory objects associated with it. Therefore comparing the number of Lib Cache objects (e.g. in v$librarycache), with the number of Lib Cache Memory Objects is invalid. Est LC Est LC Est LC Est LC Shared SP Est LC Time Time Load Load Est LC Pool Size Size Est LC Saved Saved Time Time Mem Size(M) Factr (M) Mem Obj (s) Factr (s) Factr Obj Hits ---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- 256 .3 91 8,706 ####### 1.0 ####### 52.7 27,956,609 336 .5 166 11,523 ####### 1.0 ####### 35.7 27,981,232 416 .6 245 14,891 ####### 1.0 92,671 22.2 28,001,450 496 .7 324 17,603 ####### 1.0 58,922 14.1 28,013,829 576 .8 403 22,080 ####### 1.0 35,922 8.6 28,022,173 656 .9 482 25,995 ####### 1.0 18,335 4.4 28,026,827 736 1.0 561 29,461 ####### 1.0 4,168 1.0 28,029,647 816 1.1 640 35,449 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,031,814 896 1.2 719 39,510 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,033,675 976 1.3 798 43,101 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,035,332 1,056 1.4 871 48,567 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,036,835 1,136 1.5 871 48,567 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,038,348 1,216 1.7 871 48,567 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,039,785 1,296 1.8 950 52,180 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,041,218 1,376 1.9 1,023 55,521 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,042,644 1,456 2.0 1,023 55,521 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,044,067 1,536 2.1 1,023 55,521 ####### 1.0 1 .0 28,045,491 ------------------------------------------------------------- SGA Target Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 SGA Target SGA Size Est DB Est Physical Size (M) Factor Time (s) Reads ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- 752 0.5 341,343 515,878,775 1,128 0.8 269,758 402,296,286 1,504 1.0 255,937 374,612,428 1,880 1.3 255,681 373,900,664 2,256 1.5 255,630 373,675,897 2,632 1.8 255,630 373,675,897 3,008 2.0 255,630 373,675,897 ------------------------------------------------------------- Streams Pool Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Java Pool Advisory DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 Est LC Est LC Est LC Est LC Java JP Est LC Time Time Load Load Est LC Pool Size Size Est LC Saved Saved Time Time Mem Size(M) Factr (M) Mem Obj (s) Factr (s) Factr Obj Hits ---------- ----- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ------- ------ ----------- 16 1.0 2 76 1 1.0 4,168 1.0 76 32 2.0 2 76 1 1.0 4,168 1.0 76 ------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer Wait Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Enqueue Activity DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Undo Segment Summary DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Min/Max TR (mins) - Min and Max Tuned Retention (minutes) -> STO - Snapshot Too Old count, OOS - Out of Space count -> Undo segment block stats: -> uS - unexpired Stolen, uR - unexpired Released, uU - unexpired reUsed -> eS - expired Stolen, eR - expired Released, eU - expired reUsed Undo Num Undo Number of Max Qry Max Tx Min/Max STO/ uS/uR/uU/ TS# Blocks (K) Transactions Len (s) Concurcy TR (mins) OOS eS/eR/eU ---- ---------- --------------- -------- -------- --------- ----- -------------- 1 .2 1,079 1,662 8 5760/5760 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Undo Segment Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Most recent 35 Undostat rows, ordered by Time desc Num Undo Number of Max Qry Max Tx Tun Ret STO/ uS/uR/uU/ End Time Blocks Transactions Len (s) Concy (mins) OOS eS/eR/eU ------------ ----------- ------------ ------- ------- ------- ----- ------------ 08-Oct 23:20 171 1,079 1,662 8 5,760 0/0 0/0/0/0/0/0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Latch Activity DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> "Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for willing-to-wait latch get requests -> "NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests -> "Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0 Pct Avg Wait Pct Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait Latch Name Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss ------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------ ASM db client latch 106 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A AWR Alerted Metric Eleme 2,715 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A Consistent RBA 225 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A FAL request queue 3 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A FAL subheap alocation 3 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A FOB s.o list latch 36 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A In memory undo latch 1,837 0.0 N/A 0 320 0.0 JS queue state obj latch 1,152 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A JS slv state obj latch 16 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A KMG MMAN ready and start 53 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A KTF sga latch 0 N/A N/A 0 45 0.0 MQL Tracking Latch 0 N/A N/A 0 2 0.0 Memory Management Latch 0 N/A N/A 0 53 0.0 OS process 42 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A OS process allocation 73 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A OS process: request allo 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A PL/SQL warning settings 46 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A SQL memory manager latch 1 0.0 N/A 0 53 0.0 SQL memory manager worka 47,018 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A Shared B-Tree 5 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A active checkpoint queue 80 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A active service list 612 0.0 N/A 0 53 0.0 archive control 7 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A archive process latch 56 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A begin backup scn array 7 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A cache buffer handles 24,388 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A cache buffers chains 2,061,746 0.0 0.2 0 7,714 0.0 cache buffers lru chain 5,986 0.0 N/A 0 1,303 0.0 cache table scan latch 0 N/A N/A 0 106 0.0 channel handle pool latc 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A channel operations paren 768 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A checkpoint queue latch 1,171 0.0 N/A 0 445 0.0 client/application info 5 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A compile environment latc 12,930 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A dml lock allocation 1,324 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A dummy allocation 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A enqueue hash chains 4,622 0.0 N/A 0 7 0.0 enqueues 15,672 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A event group latch 6 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A file cache latch 14 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A global KZLD latch for me 5 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A hash table column usage 0 N/A N/A 0 6,320 0.0 job_queue_processes para 3 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A kks stats 87 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A ksuosstats global area 13 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A kwqbsn:qsga 5 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A lgwr LWN SCN 253 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A library cache 21,399 0.1 0.4 0 0 N/A library cache load lock 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A library cache lock 5,441 0.1 0.0 0 0 N/A library cache lock alloc 114 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A library cache pin 2,134 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A library cache pin alloca 76 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A list of block allocation 30 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A loader state object free 2,274 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A messages 1,863 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A mostly latch-free SCN 253 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A multiblock read objects 348 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A ncodef allocation latch 2 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A object queue header heap 190 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A Latch Activity DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> "Get Requests", "Pct Get Miss" and "Avg Slps/Miss" are statistics for willing-to-wait latch get requests -> "NoWait Requests", "Pct NoWait Miss" are for no-wait latch get requests -> "Pct Misses" for both should be very close to 0.0 Pct Avg Wait Pct Get Get Slps Time NoWait NoWait Latch Name Requests Miss /Miss (s) Requests Miss ------------------------ -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ------ object queue header oper 12,152 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A object stats modificatio 1 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A parallel query alloc buf 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A parameter table allocati 14 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A post/wait queue 535 0.0 N/A 0 211 0.0 process allocation 20 0.0 N/A 0 6 0.0 process group creation 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A qmn task queue latch 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A redo allocation 2,865 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A redo copy 0 N/A N/A 0 1,747 0.0 redo writing 861 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A row cache objects 142,038 0.0 0.0 0 0 N/A sequence cache 633 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A session allocation 27,413 0.0 0.0 0 0 N/A session idle bit 201,208 0.0 0.0 0 0 N/A session state list latch 6 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A session switching 2 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A session timer 53 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A shared pool 2,591 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A shared pool sim alloc 1 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A shared pool simulator 374 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A simulator hash latch 68,149 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A simulator lru latch 67,515 0.1 0.0 0 358 0.0 sort extent pool 2 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A state object free list 2 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A statistics aggregation 140 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A threshold alerts latch 4 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A transaction allocation 7 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A transaction branch alloc 2 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A undo global data 1,240 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A user lock 20 0.0 N/A 0 0 N/A ------------------------------------------------------------- Latch Sleep Breakdown DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by misses desc Latch Name ---------------------------------------- Get Requests Misses Sleeps Spin Gets Sleep1 Sleep2 Sleep3 -------------- ----------- ----------- ---------- -------- -------- -------- simulator lru latch 67,515 63 2 61 0 0 0 library cache 21,399 11 4 7 0 0 0 cache buffers chains 2,061,746 6 1 5 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Latch Miss Sources DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> only latches with sleeps are shown -> ordered by name, sleeps desc NoWait Waiter Latch Name Where Misses Sleeps Sleeps ------------------------ -------------------------- ------- ---------- -------- cache buffers chains kcbgtcr: kslbegin excl 0 1 1 library cache kglic 0 4 0 simulator lru latch kcbs_simulate: simulate se 0 2 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Latch Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Child Latch Statistics DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Segments by Logical Reads DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Logical Reads: 1,276,720 -> Captured Segments account for 92.3% of Total Tablespace Subobject Obj. Logical Owner Name Object Name Name Type Reads %Total ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ ------- SAKAI DATA_TS SAKAI_SESSION TABLE 198,016 15.51 SAKAI DATA_TS SYS_C003762 INDEX 89,264 6.99 SAKAI DATA_TS MFR_OPEN_FORUM_T TABLE 88,032 6.90 SAKAI DATA_TS MFR_MESSAGE_T TABLE 73,840 5.78 SAKAI DATA_TS SYS_C004181 INDEX 71,744 5.62 ------------------------------------------------------------- Segments by Physical Reads DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> Total Physical Reads: 7,270 -> Captured Segments account for 34.2% of Total Tablespace Subobject Obj. Physical Owner Name Object Name Name Type Reads %Total ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ ------- SAKAI DATA_TS SYS_LOB0000046053C00 LOB 1,244 17.11 SYS SYSTEM I_OBJ2 INDEX 374 5.14 SYS SYSTEM SYN$ TABLE 106 1.46 SAKAI DATA_TS SYS_LOB0000046050C00 LOB 86 1.18 SAKAI DATA_TS CALENDAR_EVENT TABLE 82 1.13 ------------------------------------------------------------- Segments by Row Lock Waits DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> % of Capture shows % of row lock waits for each top segment compared -> with total row lock waits for all segments captured by the Snapshot Row Tablespace Subobject Obj. Lock % of Owner Name Object Name Name Type Waits Capture ---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- ----- ------------ ------- SAKAI DATA_TS IE_SAKAI_SITE_FLAGS INDEX 1 50.00 SAKAI DATA_TS SYS_C004168 INDEX 1 50.00 ------------------------------------------------------------- Segments by ITL Waits DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Segments by Buffer Busy Waits DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Dictionary Cache Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> "Pct Misses" should be very low (< 2% in most cases) -> "Final Usage" is the number of cache entries being used Get Pct Scan Pct Mod Final Cache Requests Miss Reqs Miss Reqs Usage ------------------------- ------------ ------ ------- ----- -------- ---------- dc_awr_control 7 0.0 0 N/A 2 1 dc_global_oids 34 0.0 0 N/A 0 151 dc_histogram_data 218 0.0 0 N/A 0 12,340 dc_histogram_defs 175 6.9 0 N/A 0 5,749 dc_object_ids 1,435 0.1 0 N/A 0 2,541 dc_objects 503 1.2 0 N/A 0 3,249 dc_profiles 5 0.0 0 N/A 0 1 dc_segments 32 0.0 0 N/A 2 2,465 dc_sequences 9 0.0 0 N/A 9 55 dc_tablespaces 22,406 0.0 0 N/A 0 9 dc_usernames 15 0.0 0 N/A 0 37 dc_users 22,719 0.0 0 N/A 0 88 ------------------------------------------------------------- Library Cache Activity DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> "Pct Misses" should be very low Get Pct Pin Pct Invali- Namespace Requests Miss Requests Miss Reloads dations --------------- ------------ ------ -------------- ------ ---------- -------- BODY 23 0.0 30 0.0 0 0 CLUSTER 25 0.0 59 0.0 0 0 INDEX 1 100.0 1 100.0 0 0 SQL AREA 31 96.8 28,405 0.3 1 0 TABLE/PROCEDURE 178 1.7 1,008 0.9 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Process Memory Summary DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> B: Begin snap E: End snap -> All rows below contain absolute values (i.e. not diffed over the interval) -> Max Alloc is Maximum PGA Allocation size at snapshot time -> Hist Max Alloc is the Historical Max Allocation for still-connected processes -> ordered by Begin/End snapshot, Alloc (MB) desc Hist Avg Std Dev Max Max Alloc Used Alloc Alloc Alloc Alloc Num Num Category (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) (MB) Proc Alloc - -------- --------- --------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------ ------ B Other 766.8 N/A .7 2.3 64 64 1,048 1,048 Freeable 124.1 .0 .5 .3 1 N/A 248 248 SQL 76.1 27.3 .1 .2 4 106 1,035 1,023 PL/SQL 2.8 .5 .0 .0 0 0 1,046 1,046 E Other 763.0 N/A .7 2.3 64 64 1,040 1,040 Freeable 119.4 .0 .5 .3 1 N/A 245 245 SQL 76.1 27.2 .1 .2 4 106 1,029 1,023 PL/SQL 2.5 .4 .0 .0 0 0 1,038 1,038 ------------------------------------------------------------- SGA Memory Summary DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 End Size (Bytes) SGA regions Begin Size (Bytes) (if different) ------------------------------ ------------------- ------------------- Database Buffers 754,974,720 Fixed Size 1,262,764 Redo Buffers 15,511,552 Variable Size 1,325,402,964 ------------------- sum 2,097,152,000 ------------------------------------------------------------- SGA breakdown difference DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 -> ordered by Pool, Name -> N/A value for Begin MB or End MB indicates the size of that Pool/Name was insignificant, or zero in that snapshot Pool Name Begin MB End MB % Diff ------ ------------------------------ -------------- -------------- ------- java free memory 11.8 11.8 0.00 java joxlod exec hp 4.1 4.1 0.00 large free memory 15.9 15.9 0.00 shared CCursor 58.9 59.0 0.17 shared Heap0: KGL 11.0 11.0 0.04 shared KGH: NO ACCESS 69.3 69.3 0.00 shared KGLS heap 9.3 9.3 0.18 shared KTI-UNDO 14.7 14.7 0.00 shared PCursor 21.0 21.0 0.28 shared event statistics per sess 15.7 15.7 0.00 shared free memory 76.4 74.5 -2.42 shared library cache 34.0 34.0 0.10 shared private strands 14.2 14.2 0.00 shared sessions 9.4 9.4 0.00 shared sql area 342.8 344.5 0.48 shared trace buffer 16.5 16.5 0.00 buffer_cache 720.0 720.0 0.00 fixed_sga 1.2 1.2 0.00 log_buffer 14.8 14.8 0.00 ------------------------------------------------------------- Streams CPU/IO Usage DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Streams Capture DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Streams Apply DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Buffered Queues DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Buffered Subscribers DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Rule Set DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- Resource Limit Stats DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snap: 3272 No data exists for this section of the report. ------------------------------------------------------------- init.ora Parameters DB/Inst: SAKAI/sakai Snaps: 3271-3272 End value Parameter Name Begin value (if different) ----------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------- audit_file_dest /opt/pkg/oracle/product/10.2.0/ad background_dump_dest /opt/pkg/oracle/product/10.2.0/ad compatible control_files /opt/pkg/oracle/data/sakai/contro core_dump_dest /opt/pkg/oracle/product/10.2.0/ad db_block_size 8192 db_domain ucdavis.edu db_file_multiblock_read_count 16 db_name sakai dispatchers (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=sakaiXDB) job_queue_processes 10 log_archive_dest /opt/pkg/oracle/data/sakai/archiv open_cursors 300 optimizer_mode FIRST_ROWS pga_aggregate_target 838860800 processes 1850 remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE sga_max_size 2097152000 sga_target 1577058304 undo_management AUTO undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1 user_dump_dest /opt/pkg/oracle/product/10.2.0/ad ------------------------------------------------------------- End of Report
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