Oct. 10, 2006
Oct. 10, 2006
- Was working on CAS. Make sure gradebook jira was assigned to Pat
- Working on CAS. School of Medicine final analysis (Elios)
- no impediments
- no new tasks
- N/A
- Checked out aliasing capability for URLs
- Working on gradebook logic bug.
- no impediments
- Write stuff up for iteration planning
- Support meeting, new JIRA type for reporting to not use BUGs. Work-flow for issues that need researching in sakai foundation JIRA
- XSL translator for webct content moved to local machine.
- Working on MyUCD export question pools and exporting collections
- javascript not working getting help from Brian
- no new tasks
- WUG migration conf. call: talked about common cartridge (James: Site Info import and how common cartrige works)
- Checking on SSL certificate expiration checking procedure. Change sakai2 to SmartSite links in production.
- Code Migration. Provider users don't get dorpped.
- Reported about monthly team's lead meeting
, multiple selections available,