Additional Tactics to Consider

Additional Tactics to Consider

Additional Tactics to Consider

The following ideas have been culled from suggestions made by pilot participants and guests at Sakai-related meetings.

  • Open up the system for experimentation by users prior to release.
  • Make it clear that the decision has been adequately planned for in advance.
  • Emphasize the familiar aspects as much as possible.
  • Show the advantages of Sakai.
  • Engage the campus community in as many ways as possible.
  • Get thef aculty to champion the system to spread it's use.
  • Inspire researchers to use the research and data collection tools in Sakai.
  • Consider on incentives and rewards for making the switch?
  • Find ways to demonstrate successes to a wide audience.
  • Identify departments for presenting Sakai demos.
    • Design a PowerPoint presentation that can be customized for each department.
  • Use faculty's excitement about breeze to promote its integration with Sakai
  • Find ways to involve deans and perhaps acquir letters of support.
  • Use facebook as an advertising tool
  • Promote the system in all available publications
  • Formulate invitations to tech support folks
  • Focus Group for tech support for departments represented by FMFP
  • Add, contribute, and study Sakai's presence on http://www.daviswiki.org\
    • Create a Sakai page. (Not currently in existence.)
  • Encourage students to "champion" the system among faculty.
  • Ask each of the students who worked on the DHC project to comment on their experience with the system.
  • Involve ASUCD where necessary
  • Promote Sakai by telling folks that campus servers will be able to house sites + info, so they will no longer need to worry about departmental servers going down.
  • Promote Sakai by telling folks that campus servers will be able to house sites, info, and 24x7 support. They no longer need to worry about your departmental server going down.
  • Perform load tests to confirm maximum load